Module pymake.util.compute_stirling
Source code
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import pickle
from scipy.special import logsumexp
from sympy.functions.combinatorial.numbers import stirling
import sympy as sym
from pymake import get_pymake_settings
def load_stirling(style='npy'):
stirling_path = get_pymake_settings('project_stirling')
fn = os.path.join(stirling_path,'stirling.npy')
npy_exists = os.path.isfile(fn)
if style == 'npy' and npy_exists:
return np.load(fn)
stirlg = lookup_stirling()
return stirlg.load()
class lookup_stirling(object):
def __init__(self, k=1000, fn='' ):
self.fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),fn)
self.k_max = k
self.kind = 1
def _reset(self, k):
self.k_max = k
self.array_stir = np.ones((k, k)) * np.inf
self.array_stir[0,0] = 0
def _stirling_table_dishe(self, n, m):
if m > n:
return np.inf
return sym.log(stirling(n, m, kind=self.kind)).evalf()
def run(self, k=None, save=True):
_f = open(self.fn, 'wb')
k_max = k or self.k_max
# Run stirling computation for (n,m) matrix equal to stirling(n,m) if n <= m else 0
for n in range(k_max):
print( n)
self.array_stir[n, 1:] = np.array([ self._stirling_table_dishe(n, m) for m in range(1, k_max) ])
if save:
pickle.dump(self.array_stir[n], _f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
return self.array_stir
def load(self, fn=None):
fn = fn or self.fn
array_stir = np.array([])
with open(fn, "rb") as f:
array_stir = np.hstack((array_stir, pickle.load(f)))
while True:
# Don't get why call to load is needed twice, but get 0.0 otherwise
array_stir = np.vstack((array_stir, pickle.load(f)))
except EOFError: break
except ValueError: break
self.k_max = len(array_stir)
self.array_stir = array_stir
return self.array_stir
def recursive_line(self, new_line=5246):
stir = self.load()
J = stir.shape[0]
K = stir.shape[1]
for x in range(new_line):
n = J + x
new_l = np.ones((1, K)) * np.inf
for m in range(1,K):
if m > n:
elif m == n:
new_l[0, m] = 0
elif m == 1:
new_l[0, 1] = logsumexp( [ np.log(n-1) + stir[n-1, m] ] )
new_l[0, m] = logsumexp( [ stir[n-1, m-1] , np.log(n-1) + stir[n-1, m] ] )
stir = np.vstack((stir, new_l))'stirling.npy', stir)
return stir
def recursive_row(self, new_row=''):
stir = np.load('stirling.npy')
J = stir.shape[0]
K = stir.shape[1]
x = 0
while stir.shape[0] != stir.shape[1]:
m = K + x
new_c = np.ones((J, 1)) * np.inf
stir = np.hstack((stir, new_c))
for n in range(K,J):
if m > n:
elif m == n:
stir[n, m] = 0
stir[n,m] = logsumexp( [ stir[n-1, m-1] , np.log(n-1) + stir[n-1, m] ] )
x += 1'stirling.npy', stir)
return stir
if __name__ == '__main__':
stirlg = lookup_stirling(fn = '')
# Test
##a = = 1000)
#b = stirlg.load()
b = stirlg.recursive_row()
# test1 = np.array_equal(a,b)
# print 'Test1 succesfully passed: %s' % (test1)
# pass
#for n in range(stirlg.k_max):
# test2 = True
# for m in range(stirlg.k_max):
# t = sym.log(stirling(n, m, kind=1)).evalf()
# if t == sym.zoo:
# t = np.inf
# if t != b[n,m] :
# print n,m, t, b[n, m]
# test2 = False
# print 'Test2 succesfully passed: %s' % (test2)
# pass
def load_stirling(style='npy')
Source code
def load_stirling(style='npy'): stirling_path = get_pymake_settings('project_stirling') fn = os.path.join(stirling_path,'stirling.npy') npy_exists = os.path.isfile(fn) if style == 'npy' and npy_exists: return np.load(fn) else: stirlg = lookup_stirling() return stirlg.load()
class lookup_stirling (k=1000, fn='')
Source code
class lookup_stirling(object): def __init__(self, k=1000, fn='' ): sys.setrecursionlimit(100000) self.fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),fn) self.k_max = k self.kind = 1 def _reset(self, k): self.k_max = k self.array_stir = np.ones((k, k)) * np.inf self.array_stir[0,0] = 0 def _stirling_table_dishe(self, n, m): if m > n: return np.inf else: return sym.log(stirling(n, m, kind=self.kind)).evalf() def run(self, k=None, save=True): _f = open(self.fn, 'wb') k_max = k or self.k_max self._reset(k_max) # Run stirling computation for (n,m) matrix equal to stirling(n,m) if n <= m else 0 for n in range(k_max): print( n) self.array_stir[n, 1:] = np.array([ self._stirling_table_dishe(n, m) for m in range(1, k_max) ]) if save: pickle.dump(self.array_stir[n], _f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) _f.flush() _f.close() return self.array_stir def load(self, fn=None): fn = fn or self.fn array_stir = np.array([]) with open(fn, "rb") as f: array_stir = np.hstack((array_stir, pickle.load(f))) while True: try: # Don't get why call to load is needed twice, but get 0.0 otherwise array_stir = np.vstack((array_stir, pickle.load(f))) except EOFError: break except ValueError: break self.k_max = len(array_stir) self.array_stir = array_stir return self.array_stir def recursive_line(self, new_line=5246): stir = self.load() J = stir.shape[0] K = stir.shape[1] for x in range(new_line): n = J + x new_l = np.ones((1, K)) * np.inf print(n) for m in range(1,K): if m > n: continue elif m == n: new_l[0, m] = 0 elif m == 1: new_l[0, 1] = logsumexp( [ np.log(n-1) + stir[n-1, m] ] ) else: new_l[0, m] = logsumexp( [ stir[n-1, m-1] , np.log(n-1) + stir[n-1, m] ] ) stir = np.vstack((stir, new_l))'stirling.npy', stir) #np.load('stirling.npy') return stir def recursive_row(self, new_row=''): stir = np.load('stirling.npy') J = stir.shape[0] K = stir.shape[1] x = 0 while stir.shape[0] != stir.shape[1]: m = K + x new_c = np.ones((J, 1)) * np.inf stir = np.hstack((stir, new_c)) print(m) for n in range(K,J): if m > n: continue elif m == n: stir[n, m] = 0 else: stir[n,m] = logsumexp( [ stir[n-1, m-1] , np.log(n-1) + stir[n-1, m] ] ) x += 1'stirling.npy', stir) #np.load('stirling.npy',) return stir
def load(self, fn=None)
Source code
def load(self, fn=None): fn = fn or self.fn array_stir = np.array([]) with open(fn, "rb") as f: array_stir = np.hstack((array_stir, pickle.load(f))) while True: try: # Don't get why call to load is needed twice, but get 0.0 otherwise array_stir = np.vstack((array_stir, pickle.load(f))) except EOFError: break except ValueError: break self.k_max = len(array_stir) self.array_stir = array_stir return self.array_stir
def recursive_line(self, new_line=5246)
Source code
def recursive_line(self, new_line=5246): stir = self.load() J = stir.shape[0] K = stir.shape[1] for x in range(new_line): n = J + x new_l = np.ones((1, K)) * np.inf print(n) for m in range(1,K): if m > n: continue elif m == n: new_l[0, m] = 0 elif m == 1: new_l[0, 1] = logsumexp( [ np.log(n-1) + stir[n-1, m] ] ) else: new_l[0, m] = logsumexp( [ stir[n-1, m-1] , np.log(n-1) + stir[n-1, m] ] ) stir = np.vstack((stir, new_l))'stirling.npy', stir) #np.load('stirling.npy') return stir
def recursive_row(self, new_row='')
Source code
def recursive_row(self, new_row=''): stir = np.load('stirling.npy') J = stir.shape[0] K = stir.shape[1] x = 0 while stir.shape[0] != stir.shape[1]: m = K + x new_c = np.ones((J, 1)) * np.inf stir = np.hstack((stir, new_c)) print(m) for n in range(K,J): if m > n: continue elif m == n: stir[n, m] = 0 else: stir[n,m] = logsumexp( [ stir[n-1, m-1] , np.log(n-1) + stir[n-1, m] ] ) x += 1'stirling.npy', stir) #np.load('stirling.npy',) return stir
def run(self, k=None, save=True)
Source code
def run(self, k=None, save=True): _f = open(self.fn, 'wb') k_max = k or self.k_max self._reset(k_max) # Run stirling computation for (n,m) matrix equal to stirling(n,m) if n <= m else 0 for n in range(k_max): print( n) self.array_stir[n, 1:] = np.array([ self._stirling_table_dishe(n, m) for m in range(1, k_max) ]) if save: pickle.dump(self.array_stir[n], _f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) _f.flush() _f.close() return self.array_stir