Source code
import sys, os, re
import pickle, json
import pkgutil, pyclbr, inspect, ast
import traceback
from importlib import import_module
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import groupby
import zlib
import numpy as np
from pymake import ExpDesign, ExpeFormat, get_pymake_settings
import logging
lgg = logging.getLogger('root')
''' Python I/O Parsing Tools. '''
class PyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, np.integer):
return int(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, np.floating):
return float(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray):
return obj.tolist()
return super(PyEncoder, self).default(obj)
def resolve_filename(fn, ext='pk'):
splt = fn.split('.')
if splt[-1] not in ['pk', 'json', 'gt']:
fn += '.' + ext
return fn
def load(fn, ext='pk', silent=False, driver=None):
fn = resolve_filename(fn, ext)
ext = fn.split('.')[-1]
# Seek for compressed data
if os.path.exists(fn+'.gz'):
compressed = True
fn += '.gz'
compressed = False
lgg.debug('Data is not compressed: %s' % fn)
if not silent:'Loading data : %s' % fn)
if driver:
return driver(fn)
elif ext == 'pk':
if compressed:
with open(fn, 'rb') as _f:
return pickle.loads(zlib.decompress(
with open(fn, 'rb') as _f:
return pickle.load(_f)
# # python 2to3 bug
# try:
# model = pickle.load(_f, encoding='latin1')
# except OSError as e:
# cls.log.critical("Unknonw error while opening while `_load_model' at file: %s" % (fn))
# cls.log.error(e)
# return
elif ext == 'json':
if compressed:
with open(fn, 'rb') as _f:
return json.loads(zlib.decompress(
with open(fn) as _f:
return json.load(_f)
raise ValueError('File format unknown: %s' % ext)
def save(fn, data, ext='pk', silent=False, compress=None, driver=None,
compressed_pk=True, compressed_json=False):
if compress is not None:
compressed_pk = compressed_json = compressed
fn = resolve_filename(fn, ext)
ext = fn.split('.')[-1]
if not silent:'Saving data : %s' % fn)
if driver:
if data is None:
return driver(fn)
return driver(fn, data)
elif ext == 'pk':
if compressed_pk:
fn += '.gz'
obj = zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(data))
with open(fn, 'wb') as _f:
return _f.write(obj)
with open(fn, 'wb') as _f:
return pickle.dump(data, _f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
elif ext == 'json':
# @Todo: Option to update if file exists:
#res = json.load(open(fn,'r'))
#res.update(data)'Updating json data: %s' % fn)
if compressed_json:
fn += '.gz'
obj = zlib.compress(json.dumps(data))
with open(fn, 'wb') as _f:
return _f.write(obj)
with open(fn, 'wb') as _f:
return json.dump(data, _f, cls=PyEncoder)
raise ValueError('File format unknown: %s' % ext)
def is_abstract(cls):
ABCFLAG = '__abstractmethods__'
isabc = hasattr(cls, ABCFLAG) or inspect.isabstract(cls)
return isabc
def is_empty_file(filen):
if os.path.exists(filen+'.gz'):
filen = filen+'.gz'
if not os.path.isfile(filen) or os.stat(filen).st_size == 0:
return True
with open(filen, 'r') as f: first_line = f.readline()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
first_line = '...'
if first_line[0] in ('#', '%') and sum(1 for line in open(filen)) <= 1:
# empy file
return True
return False
# untested!
def get_decorators(cls):
target = cls
decorators = {}
def visit_FunctionDef(node):
decorators[] = []
for n in node.decorator_list:
name = ''
if isinstance(n, ast.Call):
name = n.func.attr if isinstance(n.func, ast.Attribute) else
name = n.attr if isinstance(n, ast.Attribute) else
node_iter = ast.NodeVisitor()
node_iter.visit_FunctionDef = visit_FunctionDef
return decorators
class PackageWalker(object):
''' Import all submodules of a module, recursively.
Module walker implements this class by overloading the methods 'submodule_hook',
that should call one of the following methods :
* submodul_hook_by_attr : to reach/get module if an attribut is {defined}
* submodul_hook_by_class : to reach/get a module if a class is of a {defined} type.
The {defined} value should be defined in the {_default_attr} with a class inherit PackageWalker is defining the class.
(see the *Loader for .e.g).
packages : OrederedDict
contains the module by name
_cls_browse : pyclbr
contains module informations
_default_attr = dict(
attr_filter = None,
class_filter = None,
max_depth = 1,
prefix = False,
shrink_module_name = True,
def __init__(self, module_name, **kwargs):
[setattr(self, k, kwargs.get(k, v)) for k,v in self._default_attr.items()]
self._cls_browse = {}
self._unavailable_modules = []
### Core function
self.packages = self._get_packages(module_name)
if len(self._unavailable_modules) > 0:
lgg.warning('There is some unavailable modules : %s' % self._unavailable_modules)
def __repr__(self):
return self.packages
def _get_packages(self, module_name, _depth=0):
''' recursive call with regards to depth parameter '''
argv = sys.argv
if self.prefix is True:
prefix = module_name
elif self.prefix is False:
prefix = ''
elif isinstance(self.prefix, str):
prefix = self.prefix
packages = OrderedDict()
module = import_module(module_name)
except ImportError as e:
lgg.warning('package unavailable (%s) : %s' % (e, module_name))
if '-v' in argv:
return packages
for loader, name, is_pkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(module.__path__):
submodule_name = module_name + '.' + name
if is_pkg and _depth < self.max_depth:
next_depth = _depth + 1
packages.update(self._get_packages(submodule_name, next_depth))
submodule = import_module(submodule_name)
except ImportError as e:
lgg.debug('submodule unavailable (%s) : %s'%(e, submodule_name))
if '-v' in argv:
if 'algo' in str(e):
lgg.warning('Please report this error: algo condition ?')
submodule = import_module(submodule_name)
except Exception as e:
lgg.critical('Module Error: %s' % e)
if '-v' in argv:
spck = self.submodule_hook(submodule, prefix, name=name)
if spck:
return packages
def submodule_hook(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
def submodule_hook_by_attr(self, submodule, prefix, name=None):
_packages = pyclbr.readmodule(submodule.__name__)
# @DEBUG : use shelve to get it
#_packages = pyclbr.readmodule(submodule.__name__)
_packages = pyclbr.readmodule('.'.join(submodule.__name__.split('.')[1:]))
packages = {}
for cls_name, cls in _packages.items():
obj = getattr(submodule, cls_name)
if not hasattr(obj, self.attr_filter) or is_abstract(obj):
#if not any([hasattr(obj, attr) for attr in self.attr_filter]) or is_abstract(obj):
if self.shrink_module_name:
prefix = prefix.split('.')[0]
if prefix:
name = prefix +'.'+ cls_name.lower()
name = cls_name.lower()
packages[name] = obj
return packages
def submodule_hook_by_class(self, submodule, prefix, name=None):
_packages = pyclbr.readmodule(submodule.__name__)
# @DEBUG : use shelve to get it
#_packages = pyclbr.readmodule(submodule.__name__)
_packages = pyclbr.readmodule('.'.join(submodule.__name__.split('.')[1:]))
packages = {}
for cls_name, cls in _packages.items():
obj = getattr(submodule, cls_name)
if not issubclass(obj, self.class_filter) or is_abstract(obj):
# ExpDesign don't load without type() ?
#if not issubclass(type(obj), self.class_filter) or is_abstract(obj):
if prefix:
name = prefix +'.'+ cls_name.lower()
name = cls_name.lower()
packages[name] = obj
return packages
class ModelsLoader(PackageWalker):
''' Load models in a modules :
* lookup for models inside a module by fuzzing the name of the module.
* Need either a :
* `fit' method to be identified as model,
* a `module' attribute name => that should have a fit method.
def submodule_hook(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super(ModelsLoader, self).submodule_hook_by_attr(*args, **kwargs)
def get_packages(cls, module_name, **kwargs):
if not 'attr_filter' in kwargs:
kwargs['attr_filter'] = 'fit'
# need of not needs ?
#if isinstance(module_name, list):
# packs = {}
# for m in module_name:
# packs.update(cls(m, **kwargs).packages)
# return packs
# return cls(module_name, **kwargs).packages
return cls(module_name, **kwargs).packages
def _fuzz_funcname(name):
''' Fuzzing search '''
# use regexp ?
# @Obsolete: use attr_method only...
nsplit = name.split('_')
nsplit1 = ''.join([nsplit[0].upper()] + nsplit[1:])
nsplit2 = ''.join(list(map(str.title, nsplit)))
return (name, name.lower(), name.upper(), name.title(),
name.lower().title(), nsplit1, nsplit2)
def _submodule_hook_by_fuzz(self, submodule, prefix, name):
obj_list = dir(submodule)
idx = None
packages = OrderedDict()
for n in self._fuzz_funcname(name):
# Search for the object inside the submodule
idx = obj_list.index(n)
if idx is None: return
obj = getattr(submodule, obj_list[idx])
if hasattr(obj, self.attr_filter):
if prefix:
name = prefix +'.'+ name
# remove duplicate name
name = '.'.join([x[0] for x in groupby(name.split('.'))])
packages[name] = obj
return packages
def get_atoms(cls, _type='short'):
if _type == 'short':
shrink_module_name = True
elif _type == 'topos':
shrink_module_name = False
packages = get_pymake_settings('_model')
atoms = OrderedDict()
for pkg in packages:
if len(pkg) > 8:
prefix = pkg[:3]
if '.' in pkg:
prefix += ''.join(map(lambda x:x[0], pkg.split('.')[1:]))
prefix = True
atoms.update(ModelsLoader.get_packages(pkg, prefix=prefix, max_depth=3, shrink_module_name=shrink_module_name))
return atoms
class CorpusLoader(PackageWalker):
def submodule_hook(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplemented('todo :scikit-learn loohup')
#def get_atoms(cls_type=None):
# # get some information about what package to use in _spec ...
# atoms = cls.get_packages('')
# return atoms
class ScriptsLoader(PackageWalker):
module = ExpeFormat
def submodule_hook(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super(ScriptsLoader, self).submodule_hook_by_class(*args, **kwargs)
def get_packages(cls, **kwargs):
module_name = get_pymake_settings('_script')
if not 'class_filter' in kwargs:
kwargs['class_filter'] = cls.module
if isinstance(module_name, list):
packs = {}
for m in module_name:
packs.update(cls(m, **kwargs).packages)
return packs
return cls(module_name, **kwargs).packages
def get_atoms(cls):
atoms = dict()
modules = get_pymake_settings('_script')
modules = [modules] if type(modules) is str else modules
for module in modules:
s = cls(module, class_filter=cls.module)
## get decorator for each class
#class2met2dec = {}
#for method, _class in classs.packages.items():
# append decoratpr information to filter @atpymake
for surname, _module in s.packages.items():
name = _module.__name__
module = s._cls_browse[name]
methods = list(module.methods.keys())
for m in methods.copy():
_m = getattr(s.packages[name.lower()], m)
if not inspect.isfunction(_m) and m != '__call__':
elif '__call__' == m:
elif m.startswith('_'):
elif m in dir(cls.module):
content = {}
content['scriptname'] = name
content['scriptsurname'] = surname
content['module_file'] = module.file
content['module'] = _module.__module__
content['_module'] = _module
#content['module_name'] = '.'.join((, module.module))
content['module_super'] = module.super
content['methods'] = set(methods)
atoms[name] = content
return atoms
class SpecLoader(PackageWalker):
''' Load specification of design experimentation :
* Lookup for ExpDesign subclass in the target module.
module = ExpDesign
def submodule_hook(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super(SpecLoader, self).submodule_hook_by_class(*args, **kwargs)
def default_spec():
import pymake
return getattr(pymake, '__spec')
#def _default_spec():
# #module_name = get_pymake_settings('_spec')
# module_name = 'pymake.spec.netw'
# spec = import_module(module_name)
# for m in dir(spec):
# o = getattr(spec,m)
# if issubclass(o, cls.module) and not o is cls.module:
# return o()
def get_packages(cls, **kwargs):
module_name = get_pymake_settings('_spec')
if not 'class_filter' in kwargs:
kwargs['class_filter'] = cls.module
if isinstance(module_name, list):
packs = {}
for m in module_name:
packs.update(cls(m, **kwargs).packages)
return packs
return cls(module_name, **kwargs).packages
def get_atoms(cls):
expe_designs = []
atoms = dict()
modules = get_pymake_settings('_spec')
modules = [modules] if type(modules) is str else modules
for module in modules:
s = cls(module, class_filter=cls.module)
for surname, _module in s.packages.items():
name = _module.__name__
module = s._cls_browse[name]
expd = getattr(import_module(module.module), name)()
content = {}
content['script_name'] = surname
content['module_name'] = '.'.join((_module.__module__, _module.__name__))
content['_module'] = module
content['exp'] = expd._specs()
atoms[name] = content
return atoms
# @Obsolete Code:
# Altough, there is some idea to re-build spec/paramas
# by path traversing. It coul also be used to discover expe
# from path traversing. But re-implementing it is advised.
### directory/file tree reference
# Default and New values
# @filename to rebuild file
_MASTERKEYS = OrderedDict((
('corpus' , None),
('repeat' , None),
('model' , None),
('K' , None),
('hyper' , None),
('homo' , None),
('N' , 'all'),
# Debug put K_end inside the json
#_Key_measures = [ 'g_precision', 'Precision', 'Recall', 'K',
# 'homo_dot_o', 'homo_dot_e', 'homo_model_o', 'homo_model_e',
# ]
_Key_measures = [ 'g_precision', 'Precision', 'Recall', 'K',
'homo_dot_o', 'homo_dot_e', 'homo_model_o', 'homo_model_e',
_New_Dims = [{'measure':len(_Key_measures)}]
def tree_hook(key, value):
hook = False
if key == 'corpus':
if value in ('generator', ):
hook = True
return hook
# Warning to split('_')
def get_conf_from_file(target, mp):
""" Return dictionary of property for an expe file.
@mp: map parameters
format model_K_hyper_N
@template_file order important to align the dictionnary.
masterkeys = _MASTERKEYS.copy()
template_file = masterkeys.keys()
##template_file = 'networks/generator/Graph13/debug11/immsb_10_auto_0_all.*'
data_path = get_pymake_settings('project_data')
# Relative path ignore
if target.startswith(data_path):
target.replace(data_path, '')
path = target.lstrip('/').split('/')
_prop = os.path.splitext(path.pop())[0]
_prop = path + _prop.split('_')
prop = {}
cpt_hook_master = 0
cpt_hook_user = 0
# @Debug/Improve the nasty Hook here
def update_pt(cur, master, user):
return cur - master + user
#prop = {k: _prop[i] for i, k in enumerate(template_file) if k in mp}
for i, k in enumerate(template_file):
if not k in mp:
cpt_hook_master += 1
pt = update_pt(i, cpt_hook_master, cpt_hook_user)
hook = tree_hook(k, _prop[pt])
if hook:
cpt_hook_user += 1
pt = update_pt(i, cpt_hook_master, cpt_hook_user)
prop[k] = _prop[pt]
return prop
def get_conf_dim_from_files(targets, mp):
""" Return the sizes of proporties in a list for expe files
@mp: map parameters """
c = []
for t in targets:
c.append(get_conf_from_file(t, mp))
sets = {}
keys_name = mp.keys()
for p in keys_name:
sets[p] = len(set([ _p[p] for _p in c ]))
return sets
def forest_tensor(target_files, map_parameters):
""" It has to be ordered the same way than the file properties.
Fuze directory to find available files then construct the tensor
according the set space fomed by object found.
@in target_files has to be orderedDict to align the the tensor access.
# Expe analyser / Tabulyze It
# res shape ([expe], [model], [measure]
# =================================================================================
# Expe: [debug, corpus] -- from the dirname
# Model: [name, K, hyper, homo] -- from the expe filename
# measure:
# * 0: global precision,
# * 1: local precision,
# * 2: recall
### Output: rez.shape rez_map_l rez_map
if not target_files:'Target Files empty')
return None
#dim = get_conf_dim_from_files(target_files, map_parameters) # Rely on Expe...
dim = dict( (k, len(v)) if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) else (k, len([v])) for k, v in map_parameters.items() )
rez_map = map_parameters.keys() # order !
# Expert knowledge value
new_dims = _New_Dims
# Update Mapping
[dim.update(d) for d in new_dims]
[rez_map.append(n.keys()[0]) for n in new_dims]
# Create the shape of the Ananisys/Resulst Tensor
#rez_map = dict(zip(rez_map_l, range(len(rez_map_l))))
shape = []
for n in rez_map:
# Create the numpy array to store all experience values, whith various setings
rez = np.zeros(shape) * np.nan
not_finished = []
info_file = []
for _f in target_files:
prop = get_conf_from_file(_f, map_parameters)
pt = np.empty(rez.ndim)
assert(len(pt) - len(new_dims) == len(prop))
for k, v in prop.items():
v = int(v)
idx = map_parameters[k].index(v)
except Exception as e:
lgg.error('key:value error -- %s, %s'% (k, v))
raise ValueError
pt[rez_map.index(k)] = idx
f = os.path.join(get_pymake_settings('project_data'), _f)
d = load(f)
if not d:
not_finished.append( '%s not finish...\n' % _f)
pt = list(pt.astype(int))
for i, v in enumerate(_Key_measures):
pt[-1] = i
### HOOK
# v: is the measure name
# json_v: the value of the measure
if v == 'homo_model_e':
json_v = d.get('homo_model_o') - d.get(v)
except: pass
elif v == 'f1':
precision = d.get('Precision')
recall = d.get('Recall')
# future remove
recall = d.get('Rappel')
json_v = 2*precision*recall / (precision+recall)
if v == 'Recall':
v * 2
v = 'Rappel'
json_v = d.get(v)
rez[zip(pt)] = json_v
except IndexError as e:
lgg.error('Index Error: Files are probably missing here to complete the results...\n')
#info_file.append( '%s %s; \t K=%s\n' % (corpus_type, f, K) )
rez =, np.isnan(rez))
return rez
def clean_extra_expe(expe, map_parameters):
for k in expe:
if k not in map_parameters and k not in [ k for d in _New_Dims for k in d.keys() ] :
del expe[k]
return expe
def make_tensor_expe_index(expe, map_parameters):
ptx = []
expe = clean_extra_expe(expe, map_parameters)
for i, o in enumerate(expe.items()):
k, v = o[0], o[1]
if v in ( '*',): #wildcar / indexing ...
elif k in map_parameters:
elif type(v) is int:
elif type(v) is str and ':' in v: #wildcar / indexing ...
sls = v.split(':')
sls = [None if not u else int(u) for u in sls]
raise ValueError('Unknow data type for tensor forest')
ptx = tuple(ptx)
return ptx
Global variables
var lgg
Python I/O Parsing Tools.
def clean_extra_expe(expe, map_parameters)
Source code
def clean_extra_expe(expe, map_parameters): for k in expe: if k not in map_parameters and k not in [ k for d in _New_Dims for k in d.keys() ] : del expe[k] return expe
def forest_tensor(target_files, map_parameters)
It has to be ordered the same way than the file properties. Fuze directory to find available files then construct the tensor according the set space fomed by object found. @in target_files has to be orderedDict to align the the tensor access.
Source code
def forest_tensor(target_files, map_parameters): """ It has to be ordered the same way than the file properties. Fuze directory to find available files then construct the tensor according the set space fomed by object found. @in target_files has to be orderedDict to align the the tensor access. """ # Expe analyser / Tabulyze It # res shape ([expe], [model], [measure] # ================================================================================= # Expe: [debug, corpus] -- from the dirname # Model: [name, K, hyper, homo] -- from the expe filename # measure: # * 0: global precision, # * 1: local precision, # * 2: recall ### Output: rez.shape rez_map_l rez_map if not target_files:'Target Files empty') return None #dim = get_conf_dim_from_files(target_files, map_parameters) # Rely on Expe... dim = dict( (k, len(v)) if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) else (k, len([v])) for k, v in map_parameters.items() ) rez_map = map_parameters.keys() # order ! # Expert knowledge value new_dims = _New_Dims # Update Mapping [dim.update(d) for d in new_dims] [rez_map.append(n.keys()[0]) for n in new_dims] # Create the shape of the Ananisys/Resulst Tensor #rez_map = dict(zip(rez_map_l, range(len(rez_map_l)))) shape = [] for n in rez_map: shape.append(dim[n]) # Create the numpy array to store all experience values, whith various setings rez = np.zeros(shape) * np.nan not_finished = [] info_file = [] for _f in target_files: prop = get_conf_from_file(_f, map_parameters) pt = np.empty(rez.ndim) assert(len(pt) - len(new_dims) == len(prop)) for k, v in prop.items(): try: v = int(v) except: pass try: idx = map_parameters[k].index(v) except Exception as e: lgg.error(prop) lgg.error('key:value error -- %s, %s'% (k, v)) raise ValueError pt[rez_map.index(k)] = idx f = os.path.join(get_pymake_settings('project_data'), _f) d = load(f) if not d: not_finished.append( '%s not finish...\n' % _f) continue try: pt = list(pt.astype(int)) for i, v in enumerate(_Key_measures): pt[-1] = i ### HOOK # v: is the measure name # json_v: the value of the measure if v == 'homo_model_e': try: json_v = d.get('homo_model_o') - d.get(v) except: pass elif v == 'f1': precision = d.get('Precision') try: recall = d.get('Recall') recall*2 except: # future remove recall = d.get('Rappel') json_v = 2*precision*recall / (precision+recall) else: if v == 'Recall': try: v * 2 except: v = 'Rappel' json_v = d.get(v) rez[zip(pt)] = json_v except IndexError as e: lgg.error(e) lgg.error('Index Error: Files are probably missing here to complete the results...\n') #info_file.append( '%s %s; \t K=%s\n' % (corpus_type, f, K) ) lgg.debug(''.join(not_finished)) #lgg.debug(''.join(info_file)) rez =, np.isnan(rez)) return rez
def get_conf_dim_from_files(targets, mp)
Return the sizes of proporties in a list for expe files @mp: map parameters
Source code
def get_conf_dim_from_files(targets, mp): """ Return the sizes of proporties in a list for expe files @mp: map parameters """ c = [] for t in targets: c.append(get_conf_from_file(t, mp)) sets = {} keys_name = mp.keys() for p in keys_name: sets[p] = len(set([ _p[p] for _p in c ])) return sets
def get_conf_from_file(target, mp)
Return dictionary of property for an expe file. @mp: map parameters format model_K_hyper_N @template_file order important to align the dictionnary.
Source code
def get_conf_from_file(target, mp): """ Return dictionary of property for an expe file. @mp: map parameters format model_K_hyper_N @template_file order important to align the dictionnary. """ masterkeys = _MASTERKEYS.copy() template_file = masterkeys.keys() ##template_file = 'networks/generator/Graph13/debug11/immsb_10_auto_0_all.*' data_path = get_pymake_settings('project_data') # Relative path ignore if target.startswith(data_path): target.replace(data_path, '') path = target.lstrip('/').split('/') _prop = os.path.splitext(path.pop())[0] _prop = path + _prop.split('_') prop = {} cpt_hook_master = 0 cpt_hook_user = 0 # @Debug/Improve the nasty Hook here def update_pt(cur, master, user): return cur - master + user #prop = {k: _prop[i] for i, k in enumerate(template_file) if k in mp} for i, k in enumerate(template_file): if not k in mp: cpt_hook_master += 1 continue pt = update_pt(i, cpt_hook_master, cpt_hook_user) hook = tree_hook(k, _prop[pt]) if hook: cpt_hook_user += 1 pt = update_pt(i, cpt_hook_master, cpt_hook_user) prop[k] = _prop[pt] return prop
def get_decorators(cls)
Source code
def get_decorators(cls): target = cls decorators = {} def visit_FunctionDef(node): decorators[] = [] for n in node.decorator_list: name = '' if isinstance(n, ast.Call): name = n.func.attr if isinstance(n.func, ast.Attribute) else else: name = n.attr if isinstance(n, ast.Attribute) else decorators[].append(name) node_iter = ast.NodeVisitor() node_iter.visit_FunctionDef = visit_FunctionDef node_iter.visit(ast.parse(inspect.getsource(target))) return decorators
def is_abstract(cls)
Source code
def is_abstract(cls): ABCFLAG = '__abstractmethods__' isabc = hasattr(cls, ABCFLAG) or inspect.isabstract(cls) return isabc
def is_empty_file(filen)
Source code
def is_empty_file(filen): if os.path.exists(filen+'.gz'): filen = filen+'.gz' if not os.path.isfile(filen) or os.stat(filen).st_size == 0: return True try: with open(filen, 'r') as f: first_line = f.readline() except UnicodeDecodeError: first_line = '...' if first_line[0] in ('#', '%') and sum(1 for line in open(filen)) <= 1: # empy file return True else: return False
def load(fn, ext='pk', silent=False, driver=None)
Source code
def load(fn, ext='pk', silent=False, driver=None): fn = resolve_filename(fn, ext) ext = fn.split('.')[-1] # Seek for compressed data if os.path.exists(fn+'.gz'): compressed = True fn += '.gz' else: compressed = False lgg.debug('Data is not compressed: %s' % fn) if not silent:'Loading data : %s' % fn) if driver: return driver(fn) elif ext == 'pk': if compressed: with open(fn, 'rb') as _f: return pickle.loads(zlib.decompress( else: with open(fn, 'rb') as _f: return pickle.load(_f) #except: # # python 2to3 bug # # try: # model = pickle.load(_f, encoding='latin1') # except OSError as e: # cls.log.critical("Unknonw error while opening while `_load_model' at file: %s" % (fn)) # cls.log.error(e) # return elif ext == 'json': if compressed: with open(fn, 'rb') as _f: return json.loads(zlib.decompress( else: with open(fn) as _f: return json.load(_f) else: raise ValueError('File format unknown: %s' % ext)
def make_tensor_expe_index(expe, map_parameters)
Source code
def make_tensor_expe_index(expe, map_parameters): ptx = [] expe = clean_extra_expe(expe, map_parameters) for i, o in enumerate(expe.items()): k, v = o[0], o[1] if v in ( '*',): #wildcar / indexing ... ptx.append(slice(None)) elif k in map_parameters: ptx.append(map_parameters[k].index(v)) elif type(v) is int: ptx.append(v) elif type(v) is str and ':' in v: #wildcar / indexing ... sls = v.split(':') sls = [None if not u else int(u) for u in sls] ptx.append(slice(*sls)) else: raise ValueError('Unknow data type for tensor forest') ptx = tuple(ptx) return ptx
def resolve_filename(fn, ext='pk')
Source code
def resolve_filename(fn, ext='pk'): splt = fn.split('.') if splt[-1] not in ['pk', 'json', 'gt']: fn += '.' + ext return fn
def save(fn, data, ext='pk', silent=False, compress=None, driver=None, compressed_pk=True, compressed_json=False)
Source code
def save(fn, data, ext='pk', silent=False, compress=None, driver=None, compressed_pk=True, compressed_json=False): if compress is not None: compressed_pk = compressed_json = compressed fn = resolve_filename(fn, ext) ext = fn.split('.')[-1] if not silent:'Saving data : %s' % fn) if driver: if data is None: return driver(fn) else: return driver(fn, data) elif ext == 'pk': if compressed_pk: fn += '.gz' obj = zlib.compress(pickle.dumps(data)) with open(fn, 'wb') as _f: return _f.write(obj) else: with open(fn, 'wb') as _f: return pickle.dump(data, _f, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) elif ext == 'json': # @Todo: Option to update if file exists: #res = json.load(open(fn,'r')) #res.update(data)'Updating json data: %s' % fn) if compressed_json: fn += '.gz' obj = zlib.compress(json.dumps(data)) with open(fn, 'wb') as _f: return _f.write(obj) else: with open(fn, 'wb') as _f: return json.dump(data, _f, cls=PyEncoder) else: raise ValueError('File format unknown: %s' % ext)
def tree_hook(key, value)
Source code
def tree_hook(key, value): hook = False if key == 'corpus': if value in ('generator', ): hook = True return hook
class CorpusLoader (module_name, **kwargs)
Import all submodules of a module, recursively.
Module walker implements this class by overloading the methods 'submodule_hook', that should call one of the following methods : * submodul_hook_by_attr : to reach/get module if an attribut is {defined} * submodul_hook_by_class : to reach/get a module if a class is of a {defined} type.
The {defined} value should be defined in the {_default_attr} with a class inherit PackageWalker is defining the class. (see the *Loader for .e.g).
- contains the module by name
- contains module informations
Source code
class CorpusLoader(PackageWalker): def submodule_hook(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplemented('todo :scikit-learn loohup')
def submodule_hook(self, *args, **kwargs)
Source code
def submodule_hook(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplemented('todo :scikit-learn loohup')
class ModelsLoader (module_name, **kwargs)
Load models in a modules : * lookup for models inside a module by fuzzing the name of the module. * Need either a : *
fit' method to be identified as model, * a
module' attribute name => that should have a fit method.Source code
class ModelsLoader(PackageWalker): ''' Load models in a modules : * lookup for models inside a module by fuzzing the name of the module. * Need either a : * `fit' method to be identified as model, * a `module' attribute name => that should have a fit method. ''' def submodule_hook(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(ModelsLoader, self).submodule_hook_by_attr(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def get_packages(cls, module_name, **kwargs): if not 'attr_filter' in kwargs: kwargs['attr_filter'] = 'fit' # need of not needs ? #if isinstance(module_name, list): # packs = {} # for m in module_name: # packs.update(cls(m, **kwargs).packages) # return packs #else: # return cls(module_name, **kwargs).packages return cls(module_name, **kwargs).packages @staticmethod def _fuzz_funcname(name): ''' Fuzzing search ''' # use regexp ? # @Obsolete: use attr_method only... nsplit = name.split('_') nsplit1 = ''.join([nsplit[0].upper()] + nsplit[1:]) nsplit2 = ''.join(list(map(str.title, nsplit))) return (name, name.lower(), name.upper(), name.title(), name.lower().title(), nsplit1, nsplit2) def _submodule_hook_by_fuzz(self, submodule, prefix, name): obj_list = dir(submodule) idx = None packages = OrderedDict() for n in self._fuzz_funcname(name): # Search for the object inside the submodule try: idx = obj_list.index(n) break except: continue if idx is None: return obj = getattr(submodule, obj_list[idx]) if hasattr(obj, self.attr_filter): if prefix: name = prefix +'.'+ name # remove duplicate name name = '.'.join([x[0] for x in groupby(name.split('.'))]) packages[name] = obj return packages @classmethod def get_atoms(cls, _type='short'): if _type == 'short': shrink_module_name = True elif _type == 'topos': shrink_module_name = False packages = get_pymake_settings('_model') atoms = OrderedDict() for pkg in packages: if len(pkg) > 8: prefix = pkg[:3] if '.' in pkg: prefix += ''.join(map(lambda x:x[0], pkg.split('.')[1:])) else: prefix = True atoms.update(ModelsLoader.get_packages(pkg, prefix=prefix, max_depth=3, shrink_module_name=shrink_module_name)) return atoms
Static methods
def get_atoms()
Source code
@classmethod def get_atoms(cls, _type='short'): if _type == 'short': shrink_module_name = True elif _type == 'topos': shrink_module_name = False packages = get_pymake_settings('_model') atoms = OrderedDict() for pkg in packages: if len(pkg) > 8: prefix = pkg[:3] if '.' in pkg: prefix += ''.join(map(lambda x:x[0], pkg.split('.')[1:])) else: prefix = True atoms.update(ModelsLoader.get_packages(pkg, prefix=prefix, max_depth=3, shrink_module_name=shrink_module_name)) return atoms
def get_packages(module_name, **kwargs)
Source code
@classmethod def get_packages(cls, module_name, **kwargs): if not 'attr_filter' in kwargs: kwargs['attr_filter'] = 'fit' # need of not needs ? #if isinstance(module_name, list): # packs = {} # for m in module_name: # packs.update(cls(m, **kwargs).packages) # return packs #else: # return cls(module_name, **kwargs).packages return cls(module_name, **kwargs).packages
def submodule_hook(self, *args, **kwargs)
Source code
def submodule_hook(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(ModelsLoader, self).submodule_hook_by_attr(*args, **kwargs)
class PackageWalker (module_name, **kwargs)
Import all submodules of a module, recursively.
Module walker implements this class by overloading the methods 'submodule_hook', that should call one of the following methods : * submodul_hook_by_attr : to reach/get module if an attribut is {defined} * submodul_hook_by_class : to reach/get a module if a class is of a {defined} type.
The {defined} value should be defined in the {_default_attr} with a class inherit PackageWalker is defining the class. (see the *Loader for .e.g).
- contains the module by name
- contains module informations
Source code
class PackageWalker(object): ''' Import all submodules of a module, recursively. Module walker implements this class by overloading the methods 'submodule_hook', that should call one of the following methods : * submodul_hook_by_attr : to reach/get module if an attribut is {defined} * submodul_hook_by_class : to reach/get a module if a class is of a {defined} type. The {defined} value should be defined in the {_default_attr} with a class inherit PackageWalker is defining the class. (see the *Loader for .e.g). Attributes ---------- packages : OrederedDict contains the module by name _cls_browse : pyclbr contains module informations ''' _default_attr = dict( attr_filter = None, class_filter = None, max_depth = 1, prefix = False, shrink_module_name = True, ) def __init__(self, module_name, **kwargs): [setattr(self, k, kwargs.get(k, v)) for k,v in self._default_attr.items()] self._cls_browse = {} self._unavailable_modules = [] ### Core function self.packages = self._get_packages(module_name) if len(self._unavailable_modules) > 0: lgg.warning('There is some unavailable modules : %s' % self._unavailable_modules) def __repr__(self): return self.packages def _get_packages(self, module_name, _depth=0): ''' recursive call with regards to depth parameter ''' argv = sys.argv if self.prefix is True: prefix = module_name elif self.prefix is False: prefix = '' elif isinstance(self.prefix, str): prefix = self.prefix packages = OrderedDict() try: module = import_module(module_name) except ImportError as e: lgg.warning('package unavailable (%s) : %s' % (e, module_name)) if '-v' in argv: print(traceback.format_exc()) return packages for loader, name, is_pkg in pkgutil.walk_packages(module.__path__): submodule_name = module_name + '.' + name if is_pkg and _depth < self.max_depth: next_depth = _depth + 1 packages.update(self._get_packages(submodule_name, next_depth)) continue try: submodule = import_module(submodule_name) except ImportError as e: lgg.debug('submodule unavailable (%s) : %s'%(e, submodule_name)) if '-v' in argv: print(traceback.format_exc()) self._unavailable_modules.append(submodule_name) if 'algo' in str(e): lgg.warning('Please report this error: algo condition ?') submodule = import_module(submodule_name) continue except Exception as e: lgg.critical('Module Error: %s' % e) if '-v' in argv: print(traceback.format_exc()) continue spck = self.submodule_hook(submodule, prefix, name=name) if spck: packages.update(spck) return packages def submodule_hook(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError def submodule_hook_by_attr(self, submodule, prefix, name=None): try: _packages = pyclbr.readmodule(submodule.__name__) except: # @DEBUG : use shelve to get it sys.path.append(os.getenv('PWD')) #_packages = pyclbr.readmodule(submodule.__name__) _packages = pyclbr.readmodule('.'.join(submodule.__name__.split('.')[1:])) self._cls_browse.update(_packages) packages = {} for cls_name, cls in _packages.items(): obj = getattr(submodule, cls_name) if not hasattr(obj, self.attr_filter) or is_abstract(obj): #if not any([hasattr(obj, attr) for attr in self.attr_filter]) or is_abstract(obj): continue if self.shrink_module_name: prefix = prefix.split('.')[0] if prefix: name = prefix +'.'+ cls_name.lower() else: name = cls_name.lower() packages[name] = obj return packages def submodule_hook_by_class(self, submodule, prefix, name=None): try: _packages = pyclbr.readmodule(submodule.__name__) except: # @DEBUG : use shelve to get it sys.path.append(os.getenv('PWD')) #_packages = pyclbr.readmodule(submodule.__name__) _packages = pyclbr.readmodule('.'.join(submodule.__name__.split('.')[1:])) self._cls_browse.update(_packages) packages = {} for cls_name, cls in _packages.items(): obj = getattr(submodule, cls_name) if not issubclass(obj, self.class_filter) or is_abstract(obj): # ExpDesign don't load without type() ? #if not issubclass(type(obj), self.class_filter) or is_abstract(obj): continue if prefix: name = prefix +'.'+ cls_name.lower() else: name = cls_name.lower() packages[name] = obj return packages
def submodule_hook(self, *args, **kwargs)
Source code
def submodule_hook(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError
def submodule_hook_by_attr(self, submodule, prefix, name=None)
Source code
def submodule_hook_by_attr(self, submodule, prefix, name=None): try: _packages = pyclbr.readmodule(submodule.__name__) except: # @DEBUG : use shelve to get it sys.path.append(os.getenv('PWD')) #_packages = pyclbr.readmodule(submodule.__name__) _packages = pyclbr.readmodule('.'.join(submodule.__name__.split('.')[1:])) self._cls_browse.update(_packages) packages = {} for cls_name, cls in _packages.items(): obj = getattr(submodule, cls_name) if not hasattr(obj, self.attr_filter) or is_abstract(obj): #if not any([hasattr(obj, attr) for attr in self.attr_filter]) or is_abstract(obj): continue if self.shrink_module_name: prefix = prefix.split('.')[0] if prefix: name = prefix +'.'+ cls_name.lower() else: name = cls_name.lower() packages[name] = obj return packages
def submodule_hook_by_class(self, submodule, prefix, name=None)
Source code
def submodule_hook_by_class(self, submodule, prefix, name=None): try: _packages = pyclbr.readmodule(submodule.__name__) except: # @DEBUG : use shelve to get it sys.path.append(os.getenv('PWD')) #_packages = pyclbr.readmodule(submodule.__name__) _packages = pyclbr.readmodule('.'.join(submodule.__name__.split('.')[1:])) self._cls_browse.update(_packages) packages = {} for cls_name, cls in _packages.items(): obj = getattr(submodule, cls_name) if not issubclass(obj, self.class_filter) or is_abstract(obj): # ExpDesign don't load without type() ? #if not issubclass(type(obj), self.class_filter) or is_abstract(obj): continue if prefix: name = prefix +'.'+ cls_name.lower() else: name = cls_name.lower() packages[name] = obj return packages
class PyEncoder (*, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None)
Extensible JSON encoder for Python data structures.
Supports the following objects and types by default:
+-------------------+---------------+ | Python | JSON | +===================+===============+ | dict | object | +-------------------+---------------+ | list, tuple | array | +-------------------+---------------+ | str | string | +-------------------+---------------+ | int, float | number | +-------------------+---------------+ | True | true | +-------------------+---------------+ | False | false | +-------------------+---------------+ | None | null | +-------------------+---------------+
To extend this to recognize other objects, subclass and implement a
method with another method that returns a serializable object foro
if possible, otherwise it should call the superclass implementation (to raiseTypeError
).Constructor for JSONEncoder, with sensible defaults.
If skipkeys is false, then it is a TypeError to attempt encoding of keys that are not str, int, float or None. If skipkeys is True, such items are simply skipped.
If ensure_ascii is true, the output is guaranteed to be str objects with all incoming non-ASCII characters escaped. If ensure_ascii is false, the output can contain non-ASCII characters.
If check_circular is true, then lists, dicts, and custom encoded objects will be checked for circular references during encoding to prevent an infinite recursion (which would cause an OverflowError). Otherwise, no such check takes place.
If allow_nan is true, then NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity will be encoded as such. This behavior is not JSON specification compliant, but is consistent with most JavaScript based encoders and decoders. Otherwise, it will be a ValueError to encode such floats.
If sort_keys is true, then the output of dictionaries will be sorted by key; this is useful for regression tests to ensure that JSON serializations can be compared on a day-to-day basis.
If indent is a non-negative integer, then JSON array elements and object members will be pretty-printed with that indent level. An indent level of 0 will only insert newlines. None is the most compact representation.
If specified, separators should be an (item_separator, key_separator) tuple. The default is (', ', ': ') if indent is
and (',', ': ') otherwise. To get the most compact JSON representation, you should specify (',', ':') to eliminate whitespace.If specified, default is a function that gets called for objects that can't otherwise be serialized. It should return a JSON encodable version of the object or raise a
.Source code
class PyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.integer): return int(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.floating): return float(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() else: return super(PyEncoder, self).default(obj)
- json.encoder.JSONEncoder
def default(self, obj)
Implement this method in a subclass such that it returns a serializable object for
, or calls the base implementation (to raise aTypeError
).For example, to support arbitrary iterators, you could implement default like this::
def default(self, o): try: iterable = iter(o) except TypeError: pass else: return list(iterable) # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError return JSONEncoder.default(self, o)
Source code
def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, np.integer): return int(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.floating): return float(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() else: return super(PyEncoder, self).default(obj)
class ScriptsLoader (module_name, **kwargs)
Import all submodules of a module, recursively.
Module walker implements this class by overloading the methods 'submodule_hook', that should call one of the following methods : * submodul_hook_by_attr : to reach/get module if an attribut is {defined} * submodul_hook_by_class : to reach/get a module if a class is of a {defined} type.
The {defined} value should be defined in the {_default_attr} with a class inherit PackageWalker is defining the class. (see the *Loader for .e.g).
- contains the module by name
- contains module informations
Source code
class ScriptsLoader(PackageWalker): module = ExpeFormat def submodule_hook(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(ScriptsLoader, self).submodule_hook_by_class(*args, **kwargs) @classmethod def get_packages(cls, **kwargs): module_name = get_pymake_settings('_script') if not 'class_filter' in kwargs: kwargs['class_filter'] = cls.module if isinstance(module_name, list): packs = {} for m in module_name: packs.update(cls(m, **kwargs).packages) return packs else: return cls(module_name, **kwargs).packages @classmethod def get_atoms(cls): atoms = dict() modules = get_pymake_settings('_script') modules = [modules] if type(modules) is str else modules for module in modules: s = cls(module, class_filter=cls.module) ## get decorator for each class #class2met2dec = {} #for method, _class in classs.packages.items(): # append decoratpr information to filter @atpymake for surname, _module in s.packages.items(): name = _module.__name__ module = s._cls_browse[name] methods = list(module.methods.keys()) for m in methods.copy(): _m = getattr(s.packages[name.lower()], m) if not inspect.isfunction(_m) and m != '__call__': methods.remove(m) elif '__call__' == m: methods.remove('__call__') methods.append(name.lower()) elif m.startswith('_'): methods.remove(m) elif m in dir(cls.module): methods.remove(m) content = {} content['scriptname'] = name content['scriptsurname'] = surname content['module_file'] = module.file content['module'] = _module.__module__ content['_module'] = _module #content['module_name'] = '.'.join((, module.module)) content['module_super'] = module.super content['methods'] = set(methods) atoms[name] = content return atoms
Class variables
var module
A Base class for processing individuals experiments (expe).
The following attribute have a special meaning when subclassing: * _default_expe : is updated by each single expe.
Static methods
def get_atoms()
Source code
@classmethod def get_atoms(cls): atoms = dict() modules = get_pymake_settings('_script') modules = [modules] if type(modules) is str else modules for module in modules: s = cls(module, class_filter=cls.module) ## get decorator for each class #class2met2dec = {} #for method, _class in classs.packages.items(): # append decoratpr information to filter @atpymake for surname, _module in s.packages.items(): name = _module.__name__ module = s._cls_browse[name] methods = list(module.methods.keys()) for m in methods.copy(): _m = getattr(s.packages[name.lower()], m) if not inspect.isfunction(_m) and m != '__call__': methods.remove(m) elif '__call__' == m: methods.remove('__call__') methods.append(name.lower()) elif m.startswith('_'): methods.remove(m) elif m in dir(cls.module): methods.remove(m) content = {} content['scriptname'] = name content['scriptsurname'] = surname content['module_file'] = module.file content['module'] = _module.__module__ content['_module'] = _module #content['module_name'] = '.'.join((, module.module)) content['module_super'] = module.super content['methods'] = set(methods) atoms[name] = content return atoms
def get_packages(**kwargs)
Source code
@classmethod def get_packages(cls, **kwargs): module_name = get_pymake_settings('_script') if not 'class_filter' in kwargs: kwargs['class_filter'] = cls.module if isinstance(module_name, list): packs = {} for m in module_name: packs.update(cls(m, **kwargs).packages) return packs else: return cls(module_name, **kwargs).packages
def submodule_hook(self, *args, **kwargs)
Source code
def submodule_hook(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(ScriptsLoader, self).submodule_hook_by_class(*args, **kwargs)
class SpecLoader (module_name, **kwargs)
Load specification of design experimentation : * Lookup for ExpDesign subclass in the target module.
Source code
class SpecLoader(PackageWalker): ''' Load specification of design experimentation : * Lookup for ExpDesign subclass in the target module. ''' module = ExpDesign def submodule_hook(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(SpecLoader, self).submodule_hook_by_class(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def default_spec(): import pymake return getattr(pymake, '__spec') #@staticmethod #def _default_spec(): # #module_name = get_pymake_settings('_spec') # module_name = 'pymake.spec.netw' # spec = import_module(module_name) # for m in dir(spec): # o = getattr(spec,m) # if issubclass(o, cls.module) and not o is cls.module: # return o() @classmethod def get_packages(cls, **kwargs): module_name = get_pymake_settings('_spec') if not 'class_filter' in kwargs: kwargs['class_filter'] = cls.module if isinstance(module_name, list): packs = {} for m in module_name: packs.update(cls(m, **kwargs).packages) return packs else: return cls(module_name, **kwargs).packages @classmethod def get_atoms(cls): expe_designs = [] atoms = dict() modules = get_pymake_settings('_spec') modules = [modules] if type(modules) is str else modules for module in modules: s = cls(module, class_filter=cls.module) for surname, _module in s.packages.items(): name = _module.__name__ module = s._cls_browse[name] expd = getattr(import_module(module.module), name)() content = {} content['script_name'] = surname content['module_name'] = '.'.join((_module.__module__, _module.__name__)) content['_module'] = module content['exp'] = expd._specs() atoms[name] = content return atoms
Class variables
var module
An Ensemble composed of ExpTensors and ExpVectors. It is the base class to write group of specification.
Special attribute meaning: _alias : dict use when self._name is called to translate keywords
Static methods
def default_spec()
Source code
@staticmethod def default_spec(): import pymake return getattr(pymake, '__spec')
def get_atoms()
Source code
@classmethod def get_atoms(cls): expe_designs = [] atoms = dict() modules = get_pymake_settings('_spec') modules = [modules] if type(modules) is str else modules for module in modules: s = cls(module, class_filter=cls.module) for surname, _module in s.packages.items(): name = _module.__name__ module = s._cls_browse[name] expd = getattr(import_module(module.module), name)() content = {} content['script_name'] = surname content['module_name'] = '.'.join((_module.__module__, _module.__name__)) content['_module'] = module content['exp'] = expd._specs() atoms[name] = content return atoms
def get_packages(**kwargs)
Source code
@classmethod def get_packages(cls, **kwargs): module_name = get_pymake_settings('_spec') if not 'class_filter' in kwargs: kwargs['class_filter'] = cls.module if isinstance(module_name, list): packs = {} for m in module_name: packs.update(cls(m, **kwargs).packages) return packs else: return cls(module_name, **kwargs).packages
def submodule_hook(self, *args, **kwargs)
Source code
def submodule_hook(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(SpecLoader, self).submodule_hook_by_class(*args, **kwargs)