Module pymake.frontend.frontendtext
Source code
import sys, os
from collections import defaultdict
from string import Template
from .frontend import DataBase
from pymake.util.vocabulary import Vocabulary
class frontendText(DataBase):
""" Frontend for text Corpus """
def __init__(self, expe=None):
super(frontendText, self).__init__(expe)
self._data_type = 'text'
def load_data(self, randomize=False):
""" Load data according to different scheme:
* Corpus from file dataset
* Corpus from random generator
corpus_name = self.corpus_name
if str(self.N).isdigit() and int(self.N) >[0]:
raise ValueError('Sampling of corpus %s too big (-n options)' % self.N)
if randomize:
def make_testset(self, ratio):
self.log.warning('check WHY and WHEN overflow in stirling matrix !?')
self.log.warning('debug why error and i get walue superior to 6000 in the striling matrix ????')
D =[0]
d = int(D * ratio)
data =[:d]
data_t =[d:]
return data, data_t
# @Debug: remove docu for wich count > 6000 because of stirling matrix !
def sample(self, N=None, **args):
N = N or self.N
n =[0]
if not N or N == 'all':
self.N = 'all'
# To remove !
if self.corpus_name == '20ngroups':
data =[:10000]
empty_words = np.where(data.sum(0).A[0] == 0)[0]
new_cols = np.delete(np.arange(data.shape[1]), empty_words) = data[:, new_cols]
N = int(N)
data =[:N]
# Here we come to streaming problem !
# @DEBUG manage id2word
if type(data) is np.array:
empty_words = np.where(data.sum(0) == 0)[0] = np.delete(data, empty_words, axis=1)
elif data.format == 'csr':
empty_words = np.where(data.sum(0).A[0] == 0)[0]
new_cols = np.delete(np.arange(data.shape[1]), empty_words) = data[:, new_cols]
# @debug to remove
_l = ( >= 6000).sum(1).A.T[0]
tt =[_l > 0]
for t in tt:
print(t[t>=6000]) =[ _l == 0 ]
### Get and prepropress text
# See Vocabulary class...
# * Tokenisation from scratch
# * Stop Word from scratch
# * Lemmatization from Wornet
# * Load or Save in a Gensim context
# - Load has priority over Save
# @Debug: There is a convertion to gensim corpus to use the serialization library and then back to scipy corpus.
# Can be avoided by using our own library of serialization, using Gensim if needed ?!
def textloader(self, target, bdir=None, corpus_name="", n=None):
if type(target) is str and os.path.isfile(target):
bdir = os.path.dirname(target)
elif bdir is None:
bdir = self.basedir
fn = 'corpus'
if n:
fn += str(n)
elif type(target) is not str:
n = len(target)
fn += str(n)
if corpus_name:
fname = bdir + '/'+fn+'_' + corpus_name + '.mm'
fname = bdir + '/'+fn+'.mm'
if self._load_data and os.path.isfile(fname):
data = gensim.corpora.MmCorpus(fname)
data = gensim.matutils.corpus2csc(data, dtype=int).T
id2word = dict(gensim.corpora.dictionary.Dictionary.load_from_text(fname + '.dico'))
prin('re-Building Corpus...')
raw_data, id2word = Vocabulary.parse_corpus(target)
# Corpus will be in bag of words format !
if type(raw_data) is list:
voca = Vocabulary(exclude_stopwords=True)
data = [voca.doc2bow(doc) for doc in raw_data]
data = gensim.matutils.corpus2csc(data, dtype=int).T # Would be faster with #doc #term #nnz
data = raw_data
if self._save_data:
_data = gensim.matutils.Sparse2Corpus(data, documents_columns=False)
voca_gensim = gensim.corpora.dictionary.Dictionary.from_corpus(_data, id2word)
gensim.corpora.MmCorpus.serialize(fname=fname, corpus=_data)
#@Debug how to get the corpus from list of list ?
#_data = gensim.corpora.MmCorpus(fname)
return data, id2word
def get_corpus(self, corpus_name):
bdir = self.basedir
data_t = None
data_t = None
if corpus_name == 'random':
# mmmh speak !
data = self.random()
if corpus_name == 'lucene':
raise NotImplementedError
#searcher = warm_se(config)
#q = config.get('q'); q['limit'] = config['limit_train']
#id2word = searcher.get_id2word()
#corpus = searcher.self.parse_corpus(q, vsm=config['vsm'], chunk=1000, batch=True)
elif corpus_name == '20ngroups_sklearn':
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
ngroup_train = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='train', remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'), categories=None)
ngroup_test = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='test', remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'), categories=None)
train_data =
test_data =
#corpus, id2word = self.textloader(train_data, bdir=bdir, corpus_name='train', n=config.get('N'))
corpus, id2word = self.textloader(train_data, bdir=bdir, corpus_name='train')
corpus_t, id2word_t = self.textloader(test_data, bdir=bdir, corpus_name='test')
K = self.K
### Group Control
test_classes =
train_classes =
if K == 6 and len(ngroup_test.target_names) != 6:
# Wrap to subgroups
target_names = ['comp', 'misc', 'rec', 'sci', 'talk', 'soc']
map_ = dict([(0,5), (1,0), (2,0), (3,0), (4,0), (5,0), (6,1), (7,2), (8,2), (9,2), (10,2), (11,3), (12,3), (13,3), (14,3), (15,5), (16,4), (17,4), (18,4), (19,5)])
test_classes = set_v_to(test_classes, map_)
train_classes = set_v_to(train_classes, map_)
target_names = ngroup_test.target_names
C = len(target_names)
elif corpus_name == 'wikipedia':
# ? file type
# Create
command = './gensim/gensim/scripts/ '
command += '/work/data/wikipedia/enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2 ../pymake/data/wikipedia/wiki_en'
# Load
error = 'Load Wikipedia corpus'
raise NotImplementedError(error)
elif corpus_name == 'odp':
# SVMlight file type
from sklearn.datasets import load_svmlight_files, load_svmlight_file
fn_train = os.path.join(bdir, 'train.txt')
fn_test = os.path.join(bdir, 'test.txt')
# More feature in test than train !!!
data, train_classes = load_svmlight_file(fn_train)
data_t, test_classes = load_svmlight_file(fn_test)
id2word = None
elif corpus_name in ('reuter50', 'nips12', 'nips', 'enron', 'kos', 'nytimes', 'pubmed') or corpus_name == '20ngroups' :
# DOC_ID FEAT_ID COUNT file type
data, id2word = self.textloader(bdir, corpus_name=corpus_name)
raise ValueError('Which corpus to Load ?') = data
self.id2word = id2word
if data_t is None:
#raise NotImplementedError('Corpus test ?')
self.data_t = data_t
return True
def get_data_prop(self):
prop = defaultdict()
prop.update( {'corpus': self.corpus_name,
'instances' :[1] })
nnz =
_nnz =
dct = {'features':[1],
'nnz': nnz,
'nnz_mean': _nnz.mean(),
'nnz_var': _nnz.var(),
'train_size': None,
'test_size': None,
return prop
def template(self, dct):
text_templ = '''###### $corpus_name
Building: $time minutes
Documents: $instances
Nnz: $nnz
Nnz mean: $nnz_mean
Nnz var: $nnz_var
Vocabulary: $features
train: $train_size
test: $test_size
return Template(templ).substitute(dct)
def print_vocab(self, data, id2word):
if id2word:
return gensim.corpora.dictionary.Dictionary.from_corpus(data, id2word) #; print voca
def shuffle_docs(self):
# Return a vector with document generated from a count matrix.
# Assume sparse matrix
def sparse2stream(data):
#new_data = []
#for d in data:
# new_data.append(d[d.nonzero()].A1)
bow = []
for doc in data:
# Also, see collections.Counter.elements() ...
bow.append( np.array(list(chain(* [ doc[0,i]*[i] for i in doc.nonzero()[1] ]))))
bow = np.array(bow)
#map(np.random.shuffle, bow)
return bow
# Debug
def run_lda(self):
# # Cross Validation settings...
# #@DEBUG: do we need to remake the vocabulary ??? id2word would impact the topic word distribution ?
# if corpus_t is None:
# pass
# #take 80-20 %
# # remake vocab and shape !!!
# # manage downside
# try:
# total_corpus = len(corpus)
# total_corpus_t = len(corpus_t)
# except:
# total_corpus = corpus.shape[0]
# total_corpus_t = corpus.shape[0]
# if config.get('N'):
# N = config['N']
# else:
# N = total_corpus
# corpus = corpus[:N]
# n_percent = float(N) / total_corpus
# n_percent = int(n_percent * total_corpus_t) or 10
# heldout_corpus = corpus_t[:n_percent]
# ############
# ### Load LDA
# load = config['load_model']
# # Path for LDA model!
# bdir = '../PyNPB/data/'
# bdir = os.path.join(bdir,config.get('corpus'), config.get('bdir', ''))
# lda = lda_gensim(corpus, id2word=id2word, K=K, bdir=bdir, load=load, model=config['model'], alpha=config['hyper'], n=config['N'], heldout_corpus=heldout_corpus)
# lda.inference_time = - last_d
# last_d = ellapsed_time('LDA Inference -- '+config['model'], last_d)
# ##############
# ### Log Output
# lda.print_topics(K)
# ##############
# ### Prediction
# corpus_t = corpus
# if config['predict'] and true_classes is not None and C == K:
# true_classes = train_classes
# predict_class = []
# confusion_mat = np.zeros((K,C))
# startt =
# for i, d in enumerate(corpus_t):
# d_t = lda.get_document_topics(d, minimum_probability=0.01)
# t = max(d_t, key=lambda item:item[1])[0]
# predict_class.append(t)
# c = true_classes[i]
# confusion_mat[t, c] += 1
# last_d = ellapsed_time('LDA Prediction', startt)
# predict_class = np.array(predict_class)
# lda.confusion_matrix = confusion_mat
# map_kc = map_class2cluster_from_confusion(confusion_mat)
# #new_predict_class = set_v_to(predict_class, dict(map_kc))
# print "Confusion Matrix, KxC:"
# print confusion_mat
# print map_kc
# print [(k, target_names[c]) for k,c in map_kc]
# purity = confusion_mat.max(axis=1).sum() / len(corpus_t)
# print 'Purity (K=%s, C=%s, D=%s): %s' % (K, C, len(corpus_t), purity)
# #precision = np.sum(new_predict_class == true_classes) / float(len(predict_class)) # equal !!!
# precision = np.sum(confusion_mat[zip(*map_kc)]) / float(len(corpus_t))
# print 'Ratio Groups Control: %s' % (precision)
# if save:
# ## Too big
# lda.expElogbeta = None
# lda.sstats = None
# if config.get('_verbose'):
# #print lda.top_topics(corpus)
# for d in corpus:
# print lda.get_document_topics(d, minimum_probability=0.01)
# print lda
# if type(corpus) is not list:
# print corpus
# print corpus_t
# self.print_vocab(corpus, id2word)
class frontendText (expe=None)
Frontend for text Corpus
Source code
class frontendText(DataBase): """ Frontend for text Corpus """ def __init__(self, expe=None): super(frontendText, self).__init__(expe) self._data_type = 'text' def load_data(self, randomize=False): """ Load data according to different scheme: * Corpus from file dataset * Corpus from random generator """ corpus_name = self.corpus_name self.get_corpus(corpus_name) # @DEBUG if str(self.N).isdigit() and int(self.N) >[0]: raise ValueError('Sampling of corpus %s too big (-n options)' % self.N) if randomize: self.shuffle_docs() return def make_testset(self, ratio): self.log.warning('check WHY and WHEN overflow in stirling matrix !?') self.log.warning('debug why error and i get walue superior to 6000 in the striling matrix ????') D =[0] d = int(D * ratio) data =[:d] data_t =[d:] return data, data_t # @Debug: remove docu for wich count > 6000 because of stirling matrix ! def sample(self, N=None, **args): N = N or self.N n =[0] if not N or N == 'all': self.N = 'all' # To remove ! if self.corpus_name == '20ngroups': data =[:10000] empty_words = np.where(data.sum(0).A[0] == 0)[0] new_cols = np.delete(np.arange(data.shape[1]), empty_words) = data[:, new_cols] else: N = int(N) data =[:N] # Here we come to streaming problem ! # @DEBUG manage id2word if type(data) is np.array: empty_words = np.where(data.sum(0) == 0)[0] = np.delete(data, empty_words, axis=1) elif data.format == 'csr': empty_words = np.where(data.sum(0).A[0] == 0)[0] new_cols = np.delete(np.arange(data.shape[1]), empty_words) = data[:, new_cols] # @debug to remove _l = ( >= 6000).sum(1).A.T[0] print(_l) tt =[_l > 0] for t in tt: print(t[t>=6000]) =[ _l == 0 ] return ### Get and prepropress text # See Vocabulary class... # * Tokenisation from scratch # * Stop Word from scratch # * Lemmatization from Wornet # * Load or Save in a Gensim context # - Load has priority over Save # @Debug: There is a convertion to gensim corpus to use the serialization library and then back to scipy corpus. # Can be avoided by using our own library of serialization, using Gensim if needed ?! def textloader(self, target, bdir=None, corpus_name="", n=None): if type(target) is str and os.path.isfile(target): bdir = os.path.dirname(target) elif bdir is None: bdir = self.basedir fn = 'corpus' if n: fn += str(n) elif type(target) is not str: n = len(target) fn += str(n) if corpus_name: fname = bdir + '/'+fn+'_' + corpus_name + '.mm' else: fname = bdir + '/'+fn+'.mm' if self._load_data and os.path.isfile(fname): data = gensim.corpora.MmCorpus(fname) data = gensim.matutils.corpus2csc(data, dtype=int).T id2word = dict(gensim.corpora.dictionary.Dictionary.load_from_text(fname + '.dico')) else: prin('re-Building Corpus...') raw_data, id2word = Vocabulary.parse_corpus(target) # Corpus will be in bag of words format ! if type(raw_data) is list: voca = Vocabulary(exclude_stopwords=True) data = [voca.doc2bow(doc) for doc in raw_data] data = gensim.matutils.corpus2csc(data, dtype=int).T # Would be faster with #doc #term #nnz else: data = raw_data if self._save_data: make_path(bdir) _data = gensim.matutils.Sparse2Corpus(data, documents_columns=False) voca_gensim = gensim.corpora.dictionary.Dictionary.from_corpus(_data, id2word) voca_gensim.save_as_text(fname+'.dico') gensim.corpora.MmCorpus.serialize(fname=fname, corpus=_data) #@Debug how to get the corpus from list of list ? #_data = gensim.corpora.MmCorpus(fname) return data, id2word def get_corpus(self, corpus_name): self.make_io_path() bdir = self.basedir data_t = None data_t = None if corpus_name == 'random': # mmmh speak ! data = self.random() if corpus_name == 'lucene': raise NotImplementedError #searcher = warm_se(config) #q = config.get('q'); q['limit'] = config['limit_train'] #id2word = searcher.get_id2word() #corpus = searcher.self.parse_corpus(q, vsm=config['vsm'], chunk=1000, batch=True) elif corpus_name == '20ngroups_sklearn': from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups ngroup_train = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='train', remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'), categories=None) ngroup_test = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='test', remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'), categories=None) train_data = test_data = #corpus, id2word = self.textloader(train_data, bdir=bdir, corpus_name='train', n=config.get('N')) corpus, id2word = self.textloader(train_data, bdir=bdir, corpus_name='train') corpus_t, id2word_t = self.textloader(test_data, bdir=bdir, corpus_name='test') K = self.K ################# ### Group Control test_classes = train_classes = if K == 6 and len(ngroup_test.target_names) != 6: # Wrap to subgroups target_names = ['comp', 'misc', 'rec', 'sci', 'talk', 'soc'] map_ = dict([(0,5), (1,0), (2,0), (3,0), (4,0), (5,0), (6,1), (7,2), (8,2), (9,2), (10,2), (11,3), (12,3), (13,3), (14,3), (15,5), (16,4), (17,4), (18,4), (19,5)]) test_classes = set_v_to(test_classes, map_) train_classes = set_v_to(train_classes, map_) else: target_names = ngroup_test.target_names C = len(target_names) elif corpus_name == 'wikipedia': # ? file type # Create command = './gensim/gensim/scripts/ ' command += '/work/data/wikipedia/enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2 ../pymake/data/wikipedia/wiki_en' os.system(command) # Load error = 'Load Wikipedia corpus' raise NotImplementedError(error) elif corpus_name == 'odp': # SVMlight file type from sklearn.datasets import load_svmlight_files, load_svmlight_file fn_train = os.path.join(bdir, 'train.txt') fn_test = os.path.join(bdir, 'test.txt') # More feature in test than train !!! data, train_classes = load_svmlight_file(fn_train) data_t, test_classes = load_svmlight_file(fn_test) id2word = None elif corpus_name in ('reuter50', 'nips12', 'nips', 'enron', 'kos', 'nytimes', 'pubmed') or corpus_name == '20ngroups' : # DOC_ID FEAT_ID COUNT file type data, id2word = self.textloader(bdir, corpus_name=corpus_name) else: raise ValueError('Which corpus to Load ?') = data self.id2word = id2word if data_t is None: pass #raise NotImplementedError('Corpus test ?') else: self.data_t = data_t return True def get_data_prop(self): prop = defaultdict() prop.update( {'corpus': self.corpus_name, 'instances' :[1] }) nnz = _nnz = dct = {'features':[1], 'nnz': nnz, 'nnz_mean': _nnz.mean(), 'nnz_var': _nnz.var(), 'train_size': None, 'test_size': None, } prop.update(dct) return prop def template(self, dct): text_templ = '''###### $corpus_name Building: $time minutes Documents: $instances Nnz: $nnz Nnz mean: $nnz_mean Nnz var: $nnz_var Vocabulary: $features train: $train_size test: $test_size \n''' return Template(templ).substitute(dct) def print_vocab(self, data, id2word): if id2word: return gensim.corpora.dictionary.Dictionary.from_corpus(data, id2word) #; print voca def shuffle_docs(self): self.shuffle_instances() # Return a vector with document generated from a count matrix. # Assume sparse matrix @staticmethod def sparse2stream(data): #new_data = [] #for d in data: # new_data.append(d[d.nonzero()].A1) bow = [] for doc in data: # Also, see collections.Counter.elements() ... bow.append( np.array(list(chain(* [ doc[0,i]*[i] for i in doc.nonzero()[1] ])))) bow = np.array(bow) #map(np.random.shuffle, bow) return bow # Debug def run_lda(self): pass
Static methods
def sparse2stream(data)
Source code
@staticmethod def sparse2stream(data): #new_data = [] #for d in data: # new_data.append(d[d.nonzero()].A1) bow = [] for doc in data: # Also, see collections.Counter.elements() ... bow.append( np.array(list(chain(* [ doc[0,i]*[i] for i in doc.nonzero()[1] ])))) bow = np.array(bow) #map(np.random.shuffle, bow) return bow
def get_corpus(self, corpus_name)
Source code
def get_corpus(self, corpus_name): self.make_io_path() bdir = self.basedir data_t = None data_t = None if corpus_name == 'random': # mmmh speak ! data = self.random() if corpus_name == 'lucene': raise NotImplementedError #searcher = warm_se(config) #q = config.get('q'); q['limit'] = config['limit_train'] #id2word = searcher.get_id2word() #corpus = searcher.self.parse_corpus(q, vsm=config['vsm'], chunk=1000, batch=True) elif corpus_name == '20ngroups_sklearn': from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups ngroup_train = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='train', remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'), categories=None) ngroup_test = fetch_20newsgroups(subset='test', remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'), categories=None) train_data = test_data = #corpus, id2word = self.textloader(train_data, bdir=bdir, corpus_name='train', n=config.get('N')) corpus, id2word = self.textloader(train_data, bdir=bdir, corpus_name='train') corpus_t, id2word_t = self.textloader(test_data, bdir=bdir, corpus_name='test') K = self.K ################# ### Group Control test_classes = train_classes = if K == 6 and len(ngroup_test.target_names) != 6: # Wrap to subgroups target_names = ['comp', 'misc', 'rec', 'sci', 'talk', 'soc'] map_ = dict([(0,5), (1,0), (2,0), (3,0), (4,0), (5,0), (6,1), (7,2), (8,2), (9,2), (10,2), (11,3), (12,3), (13,3), (14,3), (15,5), (16,4), (17,4), (18,4), (19,5)]) test_classes = set_v_to(test_classes, map_) train_classes = set_v_to(train_classes, map_) else: target_names = ngroup_test.target_names C = len(target_names) elif corpus_name == 'wikipedia': # ? file type # Create command = './gensim/gensim/scripts/ ' command += '/work/data/wikipedia/enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2 ../pymake/data/wikipedia/wiki_en' os.system(command) # Load error = 'Load Wikipedia corpus' raise NotImplementedError(error) elif corpus_name == 'odp': # SVMlight file type from sklearn.datasets import load_svmlight_files, load_svmlight_file fn_train = os.path.join(bdir, 'train.txt') fn_test = os.path.join(bdir, 'test.txt') # More feature in test than train !!! data, train_classes = load_svmlight_file(fn_train) data_t, test_classes = load_svmlight_file(fn_test) id2word = None elif corpus_name in ('reuter50', 'nips12', 'nips', 'enron', 'kos', 'nytimes', 'pubmed') or corpus_name == '20ngroups' : # DOC_ID FEAT_ID COUNT file type data, id2word = self.textloader(bdir, corpus_name=corpus_name) else: raise ValueError('Which corpus to Load ?') = data self.id2word = id2word if data_t is None: pass #raise NotImplementedError('Corpus test ?') else: self.data_t = data_t return True
def get_data_prop(self)
Source code
def get_data_prop(self): prop = defaultdict() prop.update( {'corpus': self.corpus_name, 'instances' :[1] }) nnz = _nnz = dct = {'features':[1], 'nnz': nnz, 'nnz_mean': _nnz.mean(), 'nnz_var': _nnz.var(), 'train_size': None, 'test_size': None, } prop.update(dct) return prop
def load_data(self, randomize=False)
Load data according to different scheme: * Corpus from file dataset * Corpus from random generator
Source code
def load_data(self, randomize=False): """ Load data according to different scheme: * Corpus from file dataset * Corpus from random generator """ corpus_name = self.corpus_name self.get_corpus(corpus_name) # @DEBUG if str(self.N).isdigit() and int(self.N) >[0]: raise ValueError('Sampling of corpus %s too big (-n options)' % self.N) if randomize: self.shuffle_docs() return
def make_testset(self, ratio)
Source code
def make_testset(self, ratio): self.log.warning('check WHY and WHEN overflow in stirling matrix !?') self.log.warning('debug why error and i get walue superior to 6000 in the striling matrix ????') D =[0] d = int(D * ratio) data =[:d] data_t =[d:] return data, data_t
def print_vocab(self, data, id2word)
Source code
def print_vocab(self, data, id2word): if id2word: return gensim.corpora.dictionary.Dictionary.from_corpus(data, id2word) #; print voca
def run_lda(self)
Source code
def run_lda(self): pass
def sample(self, N=None, **args)
Source code
def sample(self, N=None, **args): N = N or self.N n =[0] if not N or N == 'all': self.N = 'all' # To remove ! if self.corpus_name == '20ngroups': data =[:10000] empty_words = np.where(data.sum(0).A[0] == 0)[0] new_cols = np.delete(np.arange(data.shape[1]), empty_words) = data[:, new_cols] else: N = int(N) data =[:N] # Here we come to streaming problem ! # @DEBUG manage id2word if type(data) is np.array: empty_words = np.where(data.sum(0) == 0)[0] = np.delete(data, empty_words, axis=1) elif data.format == 'csr': empty_words = np.where(data.sum(0).A[0] == 0)[0] new_cols = np.delete(np.arange(data.shape[1]), empty_words) = data[:, new_cols] # @debug to remove _l = ( >= 6000).sum(1).A.T[0] print(_l) tt =[_l > 0] for t in tt: print(t[t>=6000]) =[ _l == 0 ] return
def shuffle_docs(self)
Source code
def shuffle_docs(self): self.shuffle_instances()
def template(self, dct)
Source code
def template(self, dct): text_templ = '''###### $corpus_name Building: $time minutes Documents: $instances Nnz: $nnz Nnz mean: $nnz_mean Nnz var: $nnz_var Vocabulary: $features train: $train_size test: $test_size \n''' return Template(templ).substitute(dct)
def textloader(self, target, bdir=None, corpus_name='', n=None)
Source code
def textloader(self, target, bdir=None, corpus_name="", n=None): if type(target) is str and os.path.isfile(target): bdir = os.path.dirname(target) elif bdir is None: bdir = self.basedir fn = 'corpus' if n: fn += str(n) elif type(target) is not str: n = len(target) fn += str(n) if corpus_name: fname = bdir + '/'+fn+'_' + corpus_name + '.mm' else: fname = bdir + '/'+fn+'.mm' if self._load_data and os.path.isfile(fname): data = gensim.corpora.MmCorpus(fname) data = gensim.matutils.corpus2csc(data, dtype=int).T id2word = dict(gensim.corpora.dictionary.Dictionary.load_from_text(fname + '.dico')) else: prin('re-Building Corpus...') raw_data, id2word = Vocabulary.parse_corpus(target) # Corpus will be in bag of words format ! if type(raw_data) is list: voca = Vocabulary(exclude_stopwords=True) data = [voca.doc2bow(doc) for doc in raw_data] data = gensim.matutils.corpus2csc(data, dtype=int).T # Would be faster with #doc #term #nnz else: data = raw_data if self._save_data: make_path(bdir) _data = gensim.matutils.Sparse2Corpus(data, documents_columns=False) voca_gensim = gensim.corpora.dictionary.Dictionary.from_corpus(_data, id2word) voca_gensim.save_as_text(fname+'.dico') gensim.corpora.MmCorpus.serialize(fname=fname, corpus=_data) #@Debug how to get the corpus from list of list ? #_data = gensim.corpora.MmCorpus(fname) return data, id2word
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