Module pymake.frontend.frontendnetwork
Source code
import sys, os
import itertools
from collections import defaultdict
from string import Template
from numpy import ma
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import community as pylouvain
from .frontend import DataBase
from .drivers import DatasetDriver
from .frontendnetwork_gt import frontendNetwork_gt
from pymake.util.math import *
def getClique(N=100, K=4):
from scipy.linalg import block_diag
b = []
for k in range(K):
n = N // K
b.append(np.ones((n,n), int))
C = block_diag(*b)
return C
### @Issue42: fronteNetwork should be imported fron frontend
### =====> : resolve this with @class_method (from_hardrive etc...)
class frontendNetwork(DataBase, DatasetDriver):
""" Frontend for network data.
Symmetric network support.
RANDOM_CORPUS = ('clique', 'alternate', 'BA')
_selfloop = False
def __init__(self, expe=None):
super(frontendNetwork, self).__init__(expe)
self._data_type = 'network'
data_format = expe.get('_data_format', 'b')
if data_format == 'w':
self._net_type = data_format
self._dtype = int
elif data_format == 'b':
self._net_type = data_format
self._dtype = bool
raise NotImplemented('Network format unknwown: %s' % data_format)
# @Obsolete
# How to handle undefined variable ?
# What category for object ??
self.homo = int(expe.get('homo', 0))
self.clusters = None
self.features = None
self.true_classes = None
self.data_t = None
def from_array(cls, array):
fr = cls()
if isinstance(array, sp.sparse.csr_matrix):
raise NotImplementedError
elif isinstance(array,
data =
fr.data_ma = array
elif isinstance(array, np.ndarray):
data = array
raise NotImplementedError
return fr
def _set_rawdata_for_likelihood_computation(self):
''' Format train and test data to compute some score. '''
# for loglikelihood bernoulli computation
# For measure on the training set
self.data_A = self.data_ma.copy()[ == 0] = -1
self.data_B = np.ones(self.data_ma.shape) - self.data_ma
# For measure on the training set
data_ma_t = ma.array(, mask=~self.data_ma.mask)
self.data_A_t = data_ma_t.copy()[ == 0] = -1
self.data_B_t = np.ones(data_ma_t.shape) - data_ma_t
def load_data(self, randomize=False):
""" Load data according to different scheme,
by order of priority (if several specification in settings)
* Corpus from random generator
* Corpus from file dataset
corpus_name = self.corpus_name
if self.corpus_name.startswith(self.RANDOM_CORPUS):
data = self.random_corpus(corpus_name)
data = self.fs_corpus(corpus_name)
if data is None:
self.log.warning('Unable to load corpus: %s' % (corpus_name))
# For Gof smothness
# error in degree_ check ?
if self.has_selfloop():
np.fill_diagonal(, 1)
if randomize:
def fs_corpus(self, corpus_name):
""" @debug Be smarter, has some database strategy.
Redirect to correct path depending on the corpus_name
# DB integration ?
if corpus_name.startswith(('generator', 'graph')):
format = 'graph'
elif corpus_name in ('bench1'):
raise NotImplementedError()
elif corpus_name.startswith('facebook'):
format = 'edges'
elif corpus_name in ('manufacturing',):
format = 'csv'
elif corpus_name in ('fb_uc', 'emaileu'):
format = 'txt'
elif corpus_name in ('blogs','propro', 'euroroad'):
format = 'dat'
raise ValueError('Which corpus to Load; %s ?' % corpus_name)
data = self.networkloader(corpus_name, format)
for a in ('features', 'clusters'):
if not hasattr(self, a):
setattr(self, a, None)
return data
def shuffle_instances(self):
index = np.arange(np.shape([0])
np.random.shuffle(index) =[index, :]
#if hasattr(, 'A'):
# data =
# np.random.shuffle(data)
# = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(data)
# np.random.shuffle(
def shuffle_node(self):
""" Shuffle rows and columns of data """
N, M =
nodes_list = [np.random.permutation(N), np.random.permutation(M)]
def symmetrize(self, data=None):
''' inp-place symmetrization. '''
if data is None:
return None
data = np.triu(data) + np.triu(data, 1).T
def shuffle_features(self):
raise NotImplemented
def reorder_node(self, nodes_l):
""" Subsample the data with reordoring of rows and columns """
# Track the original nodes
self.nodes_list = [self.nodes_list[0][nodes_l[0]], self.nodes_list[1][nodes_l[1]]] =[nodes_l[0], :][:, nodes_l[1]]
if hasattr(self, 'features') and self.features is not None:
self.features = self.features[nodes_l[0]]
if hasattr(self, 'clusters') and self.clusters is not None:
self.clusters = self.clusters[nodes_l[0]]
def sample(self, N, symmetric=False, randomize=False):
""" Write self ! """
if N == 'all':
N =[0]
N = int(N)
# Can't get why modification inside self.nodes_list is not propagated ?
if randomize is True:
nodes_list = [np.random.permutation(N), np.random.permutation(N)]
if N <[0]: =[:N, :N]
def update_data(self, data):
''' Node list order will be lost '''
if data.dtype != self._dtype:
data = data.astype(self._dtype) * 1 # Bool operation are painfull = data
N, M =
self.N = N
self.nodes_list = [np.arange(N), np.arange(M)]
if hasattr(self, 'features') and self.features is not None:
self.features = self.features[:N]
if hasattr(self, 'clusters') and self.clusters is not None:
self.clusters = self.clusters[:N]
def make_testset(self, diag_off=1):
''' Make the test set with masked array. '''
testset_ratio = float(self.expe.get('testset_ratio'))
if testset_ratio >= 1:
testset_ratio = testset_ratio / 100
elif 0 <= testset_ratio < 1:
raise ValueError('cross validation ratio not understood : %s' % testset_ratio)
mask_type = self.expe.get('mask', 'unbalanced')
if mask_type == 'unbalanced':
self.data_ma = self.get_masked(testset_ratio, diag_off)
elif mask_type == 'balanced':
self.data_ma = self.get_masked_balanced(testset_ratio, diag_off)
elif mask_type == 'zeros':
self.data_ma = self.get_masked_zeros(diag_off)
raise ValueError('mask type unknow :%s' % mask_type)
def get_masked(self, testset_ratio, diag_off=1):
""" Construct a random mask.
Random training set on 20% on Data / debug5 - debug11 -- Unbalanced
data =
if type(data) is np.ndarray:
#self.data_mat = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(data)
raise NotImplementedError('type %s unknow as corpus' % type(data))
n = int(data.size * testset_ratio)
mask_index = np.unravel_index(np.random.permutation(data.size)[:n], data.shape)
mask = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=data.dtype)
mask[mask_index] = 1
if self.is_symmetric():
mask = np.tril(mask) + np.tril(mask, -1).T
data_ma = ma.array(data, mask=mask)
if diag_off == 1:
np.fill_diagonal(data_ma, ma.masked)
return data_ma
def get_masked_balanced(self, testset_ratio, diag_off=1):
''' Construct Mask based on the proportion of 1/links.
Random training set on 20% on Data vertex (0.2 * data == 1) / debug6 - debug 10 -- Balanced
data =
if type(data) is np.ndarray:
#self.data_mat = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(data)
raise NotImplementedError('type %s unknow as corpus' % type(data))
# Correponding Index
_0 = np.array(list(zip(*np.where(data == 0))))
_1 = np.array(list(zip(*np.where(data == 1))))
n = int(len(_1) * testset_ratio)
# Choice of Index
n_0 = _0[np.random.choice(len(_0), n, replace=False)]
n_1 = _1[np.random.choice(len(_1), n, replace=False)]
# Corresponding Mask
mask_index = list(zip(*(np.concatenate((n_0, n_1)))))
mask = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=data.dtype)
mask[mask_index] = 1
if self.is_symmetric():
mask = np.tril(mask) + np.tril(mask, -1).T
data_ma = ma.array(data, mask=mask)
if diag_off == 1:
np.fill_diagonal(data_ma, ma.masked)
return data_ma
def get_masked_zeros(self, diag_off=1):
''' Take out all zeros '''
data =
if type(data) is np.ndarray:
#self.data_mat = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(data)
raise NotImplementedError('type %s unknow as corpus' % type(data))
mask = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=data.dtype)
mask[data == 0] = 1
if self.is_symmetric():
mask = np.tril(mask) + np.tril(mask, -1).T
data_ma = ma.array(data, mask=mask)
if diag_off == 1:
np.fill_diagonal(data_ma, ma.masked)
return data_ma
def is_symmetric(self, update=False):
if update or not hasattr(self, 'symmetric'):
self.symmetric = ( ==
return self.symmetric
def is_directed(self):
return not self.is_symmetric()
def random_corpus(self, rnd):
N = self.getN()
if isinstance(N, str):
self.log.warning('Random graph size missing (-n): Using 100 nodes.')
N = 100
if rnd == 'uniform':
data = np.random.randint(0, 2, (N, N))
#np.fill_diagonal(data, 1)
elif rnd.startswith('clique'):
try :
K = int(rnd[len('clique'):])
except ValueError:
K = 42
data = getClique(N, K=K)
#Data = nx.adjacency_matrix(G, np.random.permutation(range(N))).A
elif rnd in ('BA', 'barabasi-albert'):
data = nx.adjacency_matrix(nx.barabasi_albert_graph(N, m=int(0.92*N)) ).A
elif rnd == 'alternate':
#data = np.empty((N,N),int)
data = np.zeros((N,N), int)
type_rd = 2
if type_rd == 1:
# degree alternating with frequency fr
fr = 3
data[:, ::fr] = 1
elif type_rd == 2:
# degree equal
data[:, ::2] = 1
data[::2] = np.roll(data[::2], 1)
return data
raise NotImplementedError()
return data
def networkloader(self, corpus_name, format):
""" Load pickle or parse data.
Format is understanding for parsing.
Corpus are in special path : {pmk/data/training/corpus_name}
data = None
bdir = self.expe._input_path
fn = self._resolve_filename(self.expe)
# pmk file format...
if self._force_load_data and os.path.isfile(fn+'.gz'):
data = self._load_data(fn)
except Exception as e:
self.log.error('Error : %s on %s' % (e, fn))
data = None
if data is None:
ext = format
_fn = os.path.join(bdir, corpus_name +'.'+ ext)
if os.path.isfile(fn) and os.stat(fn).st_size == 0:
self.log.warning('Doh, Corpus file is empty at: %s' % fn) = None
if ext == 'graph': # Dancer
_fn = os.path.join(bdir, 't0.graph')
_data = self.parse_dancer(_fn)
elif ext == 'edges': # NotImplemented
_fn = os.path.join(bdir, '0.edges')
_data = self.parse_edges(_fn)
raise NotImplementedError
elif ext in ('txt'):
_data = self.parse_tnet(_fn)
elif ext == 'csv':
_data = self.parse_csv(_fn)
elif ext == 'dat':
_data = self.parse_dat(_fn)
raise ValueError('extension of network data unknown')
data = _data['data']
self.features = _data.get('features')
self.clusters = _data.get('clusters')
if self._force_save_data:
self._save_data(fn, data)
if np.tril(data, k=-1).sum() == 0:
# Symmetrize if lower triu is empty.
return data
def _old_communities_analysis(self):
clusters = self.clusters
if clusters is None:
return None
data =
symmetric = self.is_symmetric()
community_distribution = list(np.bincount(clusters))
local_attach = {}
for n, c in enumerate(clusters):
comm = str(c)
local = local_attach.get(comm, [])
degree_n = data[n,:][clusters == c].sum()
if not symmetric:
degree_n += data[:, n][clusters == c].sum()
local_attach[comm] = local
return community_distribution, local_attach, clusters
# used by (obsolete)
def communities_analysis(self, *args, **kwargs):
from pymake.util.algo import adj_to_degree # Circular import bug inthetop
clusters = self.clusters
if clusters is None:
return None
data =
symmetric = self.is_symmetric()
community_distribution = list(np.bincount(clusters))
block_hist = np.bincount(clusters)
local_degree = {}
if symmetric:
k_perm = np.unique(list( map(list, map(set, itertools.product(np.unique(clusters) , repeat=2)))))
k_perm = itertools.product(np.unique(clusters) , repeat=2)
for c in k_perm:
if type(c) in (np.float64, np.int64):
# one clusters (as it appears for real with max assignment
l = k = c
elif len(c) == 2:
# Stochastic Equivalence (extra class bind
k, l = c
# Comunnities (intra class bind)
k = l = c.pop()
comm = (str(k), str(l))
local = local_degree.get(comm, [])
C = np.tile(clusters, (data.shape[0],1))
y_c = data * ((C==k) & (C.T==l))
if y_c.size > 0:
local_degree[comm] = adj_to_degree(y_c).values()
# Summing False !
#for n in np.arange(data.shape[0]))[clusters == k]:
# degree_n = data[n,:][(clusters == k) == (clusters == l)].sum()
# if not symmetric:
# degree_n = data[n,:][(clusters == k) == (clusters == l)].sum()
# local.append(degree_n)
#local_degree[comm] = local
return {'local_degree':local_degree,
'clusters': np.asarray(clusters),
'block_hist': block_hist,
'size': len(block_hist)}
def getG(self):
if not hasattr(self, 'G'):
if self.is_symmetric():
# Undirected Graph
typeG = nx.Graph()
# Directed Graph
typeG = nx.DiGraph()
self.G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(, create_using=typeG)
#self.G = nx.from_scipy_sparse_matrix(, typeG)
return self.G
def to_directed(self):
''' Return self verion of graph wehre all links are flatened '''
if self.is_symmetric():
return self.getG()
# nx to_undirected nedd a linkks in both side.
return nx.from_numpy_matrix(, create_using=nx.Graph())
# Get Statistics
def num_nodes(self):
g = self.getG()
return g.number_of_nodes()
def num_edges(self):
g = self.getG()
return g.number_of_edges()
def diameter(self):
g = self.getG()
diameter = nx.diameter(g)
diameter = None
return diameter
def density(self):
g = self.getG()
return nx.density(g)
def modularity(self):
part = self.get_partition()
if not part:
return None
g = self.getG()
modul = pylouvain.modularity(part, g)
except NameError:
self.log.error('python-louvain) library is not installed \n \
Modularity can\'t be computed ')
modul = None
return modul
def clustering_coefficient(self):
g = self.getG()
cc = nx.average_clustering(g)
cc = None
return cc
def net_type(self):
return '%s / max value: %s' % (self._net_type, np.max(
def feat_len(self):
return len(np.unique(
def _type(self):
g = self.getG()
return type(g)
def _shape(self):
g = self.getG()
return g.shape
def getN(self):
if hasattr(self, 'N'):
return self.N
N = str(self.expe['N'])
if N.isdigit():
N = int(N)
elif N.lower() in ('all', 'false', 'none'):
N = 'all'
raise TypeError('Size of data no set (-n)')
self.N = N
return self.N
#def louvain_feature(self):
# get the louvain modularity
# and the feature for local analysis
def degree(self):
g = self.getG()
degree = list(dict(
return degree
def degree_histogram(self):
g = self.getG()
return nx.degree_histogram(g)
def get_nfeat(self):
nfeat = + 1
if nfeat == 1:
self.log.warn('Warning, only zeros in adjacency matrix...')
nfeat = 2
return nfeat
def get_nnz(self):
''' len of tokens '''
size = sp.special.binom(self.getN(), 2)
if not self.is_symmetric():
size *= 2
if self.has_selfloop():
size += sekf.getN()
return size
def ma_nnz(self):
return len(self.data_ma.compressed())
def ma_nnz_t(self):
return self.data_ma.mask.sum()
# Contains the index of nodes with who it interact.
# @debug no more true for bipartite networks
def ma_dims(self):
''' Number of non masked values by row/nodes. '''
#data_dims = np.vectorize(len)(
#data_dims = [r.count() for r in self.data_ma]
data_dims = []
for i in range(self.data_ma.shape[0]):
data_dims.append(self.data_ma[i,:].count() + self.data_ma[:,i].count())
return np.array(data_dims, dtype=int)
def has_selfloop(self):
return self._selfloop
def get_params(self):
clusters = self.get_clusters()
K = max(clusters)+1
N = len(clusters)
theta = np.zeros((N,K))
theta[np.arange(N),clusters] = 1
return theta, None
def get_clusters(self):
return self.clusters
def get_partition(self, clusters=None):
if getattr(self, 'clusters', None) is None:
return {}
clusters = self.clusters
N = len(clusters)
return dict(zip(*[np.arange(N), clusters]))
def clusters_len(self):
clusters = self.get_clusters()
if not clusters:
return None
return max(clusters)+1
# Template for corpus information: Instance, Nnz, features etx
def template(self, dct, templ):
return Template(templ).substitute(dct)
def get_data_prop(self):
prop = defaultdict()
prop.update( {'corpus': self.corpus_name,
'instances' :[1] })
if self.is_symmetric():
nnz = np.triu(
nnz =
_nnz =
d = {'instances':[1],
'nnz': nnz,
'nnz_mean': _nnz.mean(),
'nnz_var': _nnz.var(),
'density': self.density(),
'diameter': self.diameter(),
'clustering_coef': self.clustering_coefficient(),
'modularity': self.modularity(),
'communities': self.clusters_len(),
'features': self.get_nfeat(),
'directed': not self.is_symmetric()
return prop
def likelihood(self, theta, phi):
likelihood =
return likelihood
def template(self, d):
d['time'] = d.get('time', None)
netw_templ = '''###### $corpus
Building: $time minutes
Nodes: $instances
Links: $nnz
Degree mean: $nnz_mean
Degree var: $nnz_var
Diameter: $diameter
Modularity: $modularity
Clustering Coefficient: $clustering_coef
Density: $density
Communities: $communities
Relations: $features
Directed: $directed
return super(frontendNetwork, self).template(d, netw_templ)
def similarity_matrix(self, sim='cos'):
features = self.features
if features is None:
return None
if sim == 'dot':
sim =, features.T)
elif sim == 'cos':
norm = np.linalg.norm(features, axis=1)[np.newaxis]
sim =, features.T)/, norm)
elif sim == 'kmeans':
cluster = kmeans(features, K=2)[np.newaxis]
cluster[cluster == 0] = -1
sim =,cluster)
elif sim == 'comm':
N = len(self.clusters)
#sim = np.repeat(np.array(self.clusters)[np.newaxis], N, 0)
theta , _ = self.get_params()
sim =
sim = (sim == sim.T)*1
sim[sim < 1] = -1
elif sim == 'euclide_old':
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances as ed
#from plot import kmeans_plus
#kmeans_plus(features, K=4)
print (features)
dist = ed(features)
K = self.parameters_['k']
devs = self.parameters_['devs'][0]
sim = np.zeros(dist.shape)
sim[dist <= 2.0 * devs / K] = 1
sim[dist > 2.0 * devs / K] = -1
elif sim == 'euclide_abs':
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances as ed
#from plot import kmeans_plus
#kmeans_plus(features, K=4)
N = len(features)
K = self.parameters_['k']
devs = self.parameters_['devs'][0]
a = np.repeat(features[:,0][None], N, 0).T
b = np.repeat(features[:,0][None], N, 0)
sim1 = np.abs( a-b )
a = np.repeat(features[:,1][None], N, 0).T
b = np.repeat(features[:,1][None], N, 0)
sim2 = np.abs( a-b )
sim3 = np.zeros((N,N))
sim3[sim1 <= 2.0* devs / K] = 1
sim3[sim1 > 2.0 * devs / K] = -1
sim4 = np.zeros((N,N))
sim4[sim2 <= 2.0* devs / K] = 1
sim4[sim2 > 2.0 * devs / K] = -1
sim = sim4 + sim3
sim[sim >= 0] = 1
sim[sim < 0] = -1
elif sim == 'euclide_dist':
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances as ed
#from plot import kmeans_plus
#kmeans_plus(features, K=4)
N = len(features)
K = self.parameters_['k']
devs = self.parameters_['devs'][0]
sim1 = ed(np.repeat(features[:,0][None], 2, 0).T)
sim2 = ed(np.repeat(features[:,0][None], 2, 0).T)
sim3 = np.zeros((N,N))
sim3[sim1 <= 2.0* devs / K] = 1
sim3[sim1 > 2.0 * devs / K] = -1
sim4 = np.zeros((N,N))
sim4[sim2 <= 2.0* devs / K] = 1
sim4[sim2 > 2.0 * devs / K] = -1
sim = sim4 + sim3
sim[sim >= 0] = 1
sim[sim < 0] = -1
return sim
def homophily(self, model=None, sim='cos', type='kleinberg'):
N =[0]
card = N*(N-1)
if model:
data = model.generate(N)
#y = np.triu(y) + np.triu(y, 1).T
gram_matrix = model.similarity_matrix(sim=sim)
delta_treshold = .1
gram_matrix[gram_matrix >= delta_treshold] = 1
gram_matrix[gram_matrix < delta_treshold] = -1
data =
gram_matrix = self.similarity_matrix(sim=sim)
if gram_matrix is None:
return np.nan, np.nan
connected = data.sum()
unconnected = card - connected
similar = (gram_matrix > 0).sum()
unsimilar = (gram_matrix <= 0).sum()
indic_source = ma.array(np.ones(gram_matrix.shape)*-1, mask=ma.masked)
indic_source[(data == 1) & (gram_matrix > 0)] = 0
indic_source[(data == 1) & (gram_matrix <= 0)] = 1
indic_source[(data == 0) & (gram_matrix > 0)] = 2
indic_source[(data == 0) & (gram_matrix <= 0)] = 3
np.fill_diagonal(indic_source, ma.masked)
indic_source[indic_source == -1] = ma.masked
a = (indic_source==0).sum()
b = (indic_source==1).sum()
c = (indic_source==2).sum()
d = (indic_source==3).sum()
if type == 'kleinberg':
#print 'a: %s, connected: %s, similar %s, card: %s' % (a, connected,similar, card)
homo_obs = 1.0 * a / connected # precision; homophily respected
homo_exp = 1.0 * similar / card # rappel; strenght of homophily
raise NotImplementedError
#if sim == 'euclide' and type is None:
# homo_obs = 1.0 * (a + d - c - b) / card
# pr = 1.0 * (data == 1).sum() / card
# ps = 1.0 * (indic_source==0).sum() / card
# pnr = 1.0 - pr
# pns = 1.0 - ps
# a_ = pr*ps*card
# b_ = pnr*ps*card
# c_ = pr*pns*card
# d_ = pnr*pns*card
# homo_expect = (a_+b_-c_-d_) /card
# return homo_obs, homo_expect
return homo_obs, homo_exp
def assort(self, model):
#if not source:
# data =
# sim_source = self.similarity_matrix('cos')
data =
N =[0]
sim_source = self.similarity_matrix(sim='cos')
y = model.generate(N)
#y = np.triu(y) + np.triu(y, 1).T
sim_learn = model.similarity_matrix(sim='cos')
np.fill_diagonal(indic_source, ma.masked)
assert(N == y.shape[0])
indic_source = ma.array(np.ones(sim_source.shape)*-1, mask=ma.masked)
indic_source[(data == 1) & (sim_source > 0)] = 0
indic_source[(data == 1) & (sim_source <= 0)] = 1
indic_source[(data == 0) & (sim_source > 0)] = 2
indic_source[(data == 0) & (sim_source <= 0)] = 3
indic_learn = ma.array(np.ones(sim_learn.shape)*-1, mask=ma.masked)
indic_learn[(y == 1) & (sim_learn > 0)] = 0
indic_learn[(y == 1) & (sim_learn <= 0)] = 1
indic_learn[(y == 0) & (sim_learn > 0)] = 2
indic_learn[(y == 0) & (sim_learn <= 0)] = 3
np.fill_diagonal(indic_learn, ma.masked)
np.fill_diagonal(indic_source, ma.masked)
indic_source[indic_source == -1] = ma.masked
indic_learn[indic_learn == -1] = ma.masked
### Indicateur Homophily Christine
homo_ind1_source = 1.0 * ( (indic_source==0).sum()+(indic_source==3).sum()-(indic_source==1).sum() - (indic_source==2).sum() ) / (N*(N-1))
homo_ind1_learn = 1.0 * ( (indic_learn== 0).sum()+(indic_learn==3).sum()-(indic_learn==1).sum() - (indic_learn==2).sum() ) / (N*(N-1))
from sklearn import metrics
AMI = metrics.adjusted_mutual_info_score(indic_source.compressed(), indic_learn.compressed())
NMI = metrics.normalized_mutual_info_score(indic_source.compressed(), indic_learn.compressed())
print('homo_ind1 source: %f' % (homo_ind1_source))
print('homo_ind1 learn: %f' % (homo_ind1_learn))
print('AMI: %f, NMI: %f' % (AMI, NMI))
d = {'NMI' : NMI, 'homo_ind1_source' : homo_ind1_source, 'homo_ind1_learn' : homo_ind1_learn}
return d
def getClique(N=100, K=4)
Source code
def getClique(N=100, K=4): from scipy.linalg import block_diag b = [] for k in range(K): n = N // K b.append(np.ones((n,n), int)) C = block_diag(*b) return C
class frontendNetwork (expe=None)
Frontend for network data. Symmetric network support.
Source code
class frontendNetwork(DataBase, DatasetDriver): """ Frontend for network data. Symmetric network support. """ RANDOM_CORPUS = ('clique', 'alternate', 'BA') _selfloop = False def __init__(self, expe=None): super(frontendNetwork, self).__init__(expe) self._data_type = 'network' data_format = expe.get('_data_format', 'b') if data_format == 'w': self._net_type = data_format self._dtype = int elif data_format == 'b': self._net_type = data_format self._dtype = bool else: raise NotImplemented('Network format unknwown: %s' % data_format) # @Obsolete # How to handle undefined variable ? # What category for object ?? self.homo = int(expe.get('homo', 0)) self.clusters = None self.features = None self.true_classes = None self.data_t = None @classmethod def from_array(cls, array): fr = cls() if isinstance(array, sp.sparse.csr_matrix): raise NotImplementedError elif isinstance(array, data = fr.data_ma = array elif isinstance(array, np.ndarray): data = array else: raise NotImplementedError fr.update_data(data) return fr #@mmm def _set_rawdata_for_likelihood_computation(self): ''' Format train and test data to compute some score. ''' # JUNK # for loglikelihood bernoulli computation # For measure on the training set self.data_A = self.data_ma.copy()[ == 0] = -1 self.data_B = np.ones(self.data_ma.shape) - self.data_ma # For measure on the training set data_ma_t = ma.array(, mask=~self.data_ma.mask) self.data_A_t = data_ma_t.copy()[ == 0] = -1 self.data_B_t = np.ones(data_ma_t.shape) - data_ma_t def load_data(self, randomize=False): """ Load data according to different scheme, by order of priority (if several specification in settings) * Corpus from random generator * Corpus from file dataset """ corpus_name = self.corpus_name if self.corpus_name.startswith(self.RANDOM_CORPUS): data = self.random_corpus(corpus_name) else: data = self.fs_corpus(corpus_name) if data is None: self.log.warning('Unable to load corpus: %s' % (corpus_name)) return self.update_data(data) # For Gof smothness # error in degree_ check ? if self.has_selfloop(): np.fill_diagonal(, 1) if randomize: self.shuffle_node() return def fs_corpus(self, corpus_name): """ @debug Be smarter, has some database strategy. Redirect to correct path depending on the corpus_name """ # DB integration ? if corpus_name.startswith(('generator', 'graph')): format = 'graph' elif corpus_name in ('bench1'): raise NotImplementedError() elif corpus_name.startswith('facebook'): format = 'edges' elif corpus_name in ('manufacturing',): format = 'csv' elif corpus_name in ('fb_uc', 'emaileu'): format = 'txt' elif corpus_name in ('blogs','propro', 'euroroad'): format = 'dat' else: raise ValueError('Which corpus to Load; %s ?' % corpus_name) data = self.networkloader(corpus_name, format) for a in ('features', 'clusters'): if not hasattr(self, a): setattr(self, a, None) return data def shuffle_instances(self): index = np.arange(np.shape([0]) np.random.shuffle(index) =[index, :] #if hasattr(, 'A'): # data = # np.random.shuffle(data) # = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(data) #else: # np.random.shuffle( def shuffle_node(self): """ Shuffle rows and columns of data """ N, M = nodes_list = [np.random.permutation(N), np.random.permutation(M)] self.reorder_node(nodes_list) @staticmethod def symmetrize(self, data=None): ''' inp-place symmetrization. ''' if data is None: return None data = np.triu(data) + np.triu(data, 1).T def shuffle_features(self): raise NotImplemented def reorder_node(self, nodes_l): """ Subsample the data with reordoring of rows and columns """ # Track the original nodes self.nodes_list = [self.nodes_list[0][nodes_l[0]], self.nodes_list[1][nodes_l[1]]] =[nodes_l[0], :][:, nodes_l[1]] if hasattr(self, 'features') and self.features is not None: self.features = self.features[nodes_l[0]] if hasattr(self, 'clusters') and self.clusters is not None: self.clusters = self.clusters[nodes_l[0]] def sample(self, N, symmetric=False, randomize=False): """ Write self ! """ if N == 'all': N =[0] else: N = int(N) # Can't get why modification inside self.nodes_list is not propagated ? if randomize is True: nodes_list = [np.random.permutation(N), np.random.permutation(N)] self.reorder_node(nodes_list) if N <[0]: =[:N, :N] self.update_data( return def update_data(self, data): ''' Node list order will be lost ''' if data.dtype != self._dtype: data = data.astype(self._dtype) * 1 # Bool operation are painfull = data N, M = self.N = N self.nodes_list = [np.arange(N), np.arange(M)] if hasattr(self, 'features') and self.features is not None: self.features = self.features[:N] if hasattr(self, 'clusters') and self.clusters is not None: self.clusters = self.clusters[:N] def make_testset(self, diag_off=1): ''' Make the test set with masked array. ''' testset_ratio = float(self.expe.get('testset_ratio')) if testset_ratio >= 1: testset_ratio = testset_ratio / 100 elif 0 <= testset_ratio < 1: pass else: raise ValueError('cross validation ratio not understood : %s' % testset_ratio) mask_type = self.expe.get('mask', 'unbalanced') if mask_type == 'unbalanced': self.data_ma = self.get_masked(testset_ratio, diag_off) elif mask_type == 'balanced': self.data_ma = self.get_masked_balanced(testset_ratio, diag_off) elif mask_type == 'zeros': self.data_ma = self.get_masked_zeros(diag_off) else: raise ValueError('mask type unknow :%s' % mask_type) return def get_masked(self, testset_ratio, diag_off=1): """ Construct a random mask. Random training set on 20% on Data / debug5 - debug11 -- Unbalanced """ data = if type(data) is np.ndarray: #self.data_mat = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(data) pass else: raise NotImplementedError('type %s unknow as corpus' % type(data)) n = int(data.size * testset_ratio) mask_index = np.unravel_index(np.random.permutation(data.size)[:n], data.shape) mask = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=data.dtype) mask[mask_index] = 1 if self.is_symmetric(): mask = np.tril(mask) + np.tril(mask, -1).T data_ma = ma.array(data, mask=mask) if diag_off == 1: np.fill_diagonal(data_ma, ma.masked) return data_ma def get_masked_balanced(self, testset_ratio, diag_off=1): ''' Construct Mask based on the proportion of 1/links. Random training set on 20% on Data vertex (0.2 * data == 1) / debug6 - debug 10 -- Balanced ''' data = if type(data) is np.ndarray: #self.data_mat = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(data) pass else: raise NotImplementedError('type %s unknow as corpus' % type(data)) # Correponding Index _0 = np.array(list(zip(*np.where(data == 0)))) _1 = np.array(list(zip(*np.where(data == 1)))) n = int(len(_1) * testset_ratio) # Choice of Index n_0 = _0[np.random.choice(len(_0), n, replace=False)] n_1 = _1[np.random.choice(len(_1), n, replace=False)] # Corresponding Mask mask_index = list(zip(*(np.concatenate((n_0, n_1))))) mask = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=data.dtype) mask[mask_index] = 1 if self.is_symmetric(): mask = np.tril(mask) + np.tril(mask, -1).T data_ma = ma.array(data, mask=mask) if diag_off == 1: np.fill_diagonal(data_ma, ma.masked) return data_ma def get_masked_zeros(self, diag_off=1): ''' Take out all zeros ''' data = if type(data) is np.ndarray: #self.data_mat = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(data) pass else: raise NotImplementedError('type %s unknow as corpus' % type(data)) mask = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=data.dtype) mask[data == 0] = 1 if self.is_symmetric(): mask = np.tril(mask) + np.tril(mask, -1).T data_ma = ma.array(data, mask=mask) if diag_off == 1: np.fill_diagonal(data_ma, ma.masked) return data_ma def is_symmetric(self, update=False): if update or not hasattr(self, 'symmetric'): self.symmetric = ( == return self.symmetric def is_directed(self): return not self.is_symmetric() def random_corpus(self, rnd): N = self.getN() if isinstance(N, str): self.log.warning('Random graph size missing (-n): Using 100 nodes.') N = 100 if rnd == 'uniform': data = np.random.randint(0, 2, (N, N)) #np.fill_diagonal(data, 1) elif rnd.startswith('clique'): try : K = int(rnd[len('clique'):]) except ValueError: K = 42 data = getClique(N, K=K) #Data = nx.adjacency_matrix(G, np.random.permutation(range(N))).A elif rnd in ('BA', 'barabasi-albert'): data = nx.adjacency_matrix(nx.barabasi_albert_graph(N, m=int(0.92*N)) ).A elif rnd == 'alternate': #data = np.empty((N,N),int) data = np.zeros((N,N), int) type_rd = 2 if type_rd == 1: # degree alternating with frequency fr fr = 3 data[:, ::fr] = 1 elif type_rd == 2: # degree equal data[:, ::2] = 1 data[::2] = np.roll(data[::2], 1) return data else: raise NotImplementedError() return data def networkloader(self, corpus_name, format): """ Load pickle or parse data. Format is understanding for parsing. Notes ----- Corpus are in special path : {pmk/data/training/corpus_name} """ data = None bdir = self.expe._input_path fn = self._resolve_filename(self.expe) # pmk file format... if self._force_load_data and os.path.isfile(fn+'.gz'): try: data = self._load_data(fn) except Exception as e: self.log.error('Error : %s on %s' % (e, fn)) data = None if data is None: ext = format _fn = os.path.join(bdir, corpus_name +'.'+ ext) if os.path.isfile(fn) and os.stat(fn).st_size == 0: self.log.warning('Doh, Corpus file is empty at: %s' % fn) = None return if ext == 'graph': # Dancer _fn = os.path.join(bdir, 't0.graph') _data = self.parse_dancer(_fn) elif ext == 'edges': # NotImplemented _fn = os.path.join(bdir, '0.edges') _data = self.parse_edges(_fn) raise NotImplementedError elif ext in ('txt'): _data = self.parse_tnet(_fn) elif ext == 'csv': _data = self.parse_csv(_fn) elif ext == 'dat': _data = self.parse_dat(_fn) else: raise ValueError('extension of network data unknown') data = _data['data'] self.features = _data.get('features') self.clusters = _data.get('clusters') if self._force_save_data: self._save_data(fn, data) if np.tril(data, k=-1).sum() == 0: # Symmetrize if lower triu is empty. self.Symmetrize(data) return data def _old_communities_analysis(self): clusters = self.clusters if clusters is None: return None data = symmetric = self.is_symmetric() community_distribution = list(np.bincount(clusters)) local_attach = {} for n, c in enumerate(clusters): comm = str(c) local = local_attach.get(comm, []) degree_n = data[n,:][clusters == c].sum() if not symmetric: degree_n += data[:, n][clusters == c].sum() local.append(degree_n) local_attach[comm] = local return community_distribution, local_attach, clusters # used by (obsolete) def communities_analysis(self, *args, **kwargs): from pymake.util.algo import adj_to_degree # Circular import bug inthetop clusters = self.clusters if clusters is None: return None data = symmetric = self.is_symmetric() community_distribution = list(np.bincount(clusters)) block_hist = np.bincount(clusters) local_degree = {} if symmetric: k_perm = np.unique(list( map(list, map(set, itertools.product(np.unique(clusters) , repeat=2))))) else: k_perm = itertools.product(np.unique(clusters) , repeat=2) for c in k_perm: if type(c) in (np.float64, np.int64): # one clusters (as it appears for real with max assignment l = k = c elif len(c) == 2: # Stochastic Equivalence (extra class bind k, l = c else: # Comunnities (intra class bind) k = l = c.pop() comm = (str(k), str(l)) local = local_degree.get(comm, []) C = np.tile(clusters, (data.shape[0],1)) y_c = data * ((C==k) & (C.T==l)) if y_c.size > 0: local_degree[comm] = adj_to_degree(y_c).values() # Summing False ! #for n in np.arange(data.shape[0]))[clusters == k]: # degree_n = data[n,:][(clusters == k) == (clusters == l)].sum() # if not symmetric: # degree_n = data[n,:][(clusters == k) == (clusters == l)].sum() # local.append(degree_n) #local_degree[comm] = local return {'local_degree':local_degree, 'clusters': np.asarray(clusters), 'block_hist': block_hist, 'size': len(block_hist)} def getG(self): if not hasattr(self, 'G'): if self.is_symmetric(): # Undirected Graph typeG = nx.Graph() else: # Directed Graph typeG = nx.DiGraph() self.G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(, create_using=typeG) #self.G = nx.from_scipy_sparse_matrix(, typeG) return self.G def to_directed(self): ''' Return self verion of graph wehre all links are flatened ''' if self.is_symmetric(): return self.getG() else: # nx to_undirected nedd a linkks in both side. return nx.from_numpy_matrix(, create_using=nx.Graph()) # # Get Statistics # def num_nodes(self): g = self.getG() return g.number_of_nodes() def num_edges(self): g = self.getG() return g.number_of_edges() def diameter(self): g = self.getG() try: diameter = nx.diameter(g) except: diameter = None return diameter def density(self): g = self.getG() return nx.density(g) def modularity(self): part = self.get_partition() if not part: return None g = self.getG() try: modul = pylouvain.modularity(part, g) except NameError: self.log.error('python-louvain) library is not installed \n \ Modularity can\'t be computed ') modul = None return modul def clustering_coefficient(self): g = self.getG() try: cc = nx.average_clustering(g) except: cc = None return cc def net_type(self): return '%s / max value: %s' % (self._net_type, np.max( def feat_len(self): return len(np.unique( @property def _type(self): g = self.getG() return type(g) @property def _shape(self): g = self.getG() return g.shape def getN(self): if hasattr(self, 'N'): return self.N N = str(self.expe['N']) if N.isdigit(): N = int(N) elif N.lower() in ('all', 'false', 'none'): N = 'all' else: raise TypeError('Size of data no set (-n)') self.N = N return self.N #def louvain_feature(self): # get the louvain modularity # and the feature for local analysis def degree(self): g = self.getG() degree = list(dict( return degree def degree_histogram(self): g = self.getG() return nx.degree_histogram(g) def get_nfeat(self): nfeat = + 1 if nfeat == 1: self.log.warn('Warning, only zeros in adjacency matrix...') nfeat = 2 return nfeat def get_nnz(self): ''' len of tokens ''' size = sp.special.binom(self.getN(), 2) if not self.is_symmetric(): size *= 2 if self.has_selfloop(): size += sekf.getN() return size def ma_nnz(self): return len(self.data_ma.compressed()) def ma_nnz_t(self): return self.data_ma.mask.sum() # Contains the index of nodes with who it interact. # @debug no more true for bipartite networks def ma_dims(self): ''' Number of non masked values by row/nodes. ''' #data_dims = np.vectorize(len)( #data_dims = [r.count() for r in self.data_ma] data_dims = [] for i in range(self.data_ma.shape[0]): data_dims.append(self.data_ma[i,:].count() + self.data_ma[:,i].count()) return np.array(data_dims, dtype=int) def has_selfloop(self): return self._selfloop def get_params(self): clusters = self.get_clusters() K = max(clusters)+1 N = len(clusters) theta = np.zeros((N,K)) theta[np.arange(N),clusters] = 1 return theta, None def get_clusters(self): return self.clusters def get_partition(self, clusters=None): if getattr(self, 'clusters', None) is None: return {} else: clusters = self.clusters N = len(clusters) return dict(zip(*[np.arange(N), clusters])) def clusters_len(self): clusters = self.get_clusters() if not clusters: return None else: return max(clusters)+1 # Template for corpus information: Instance, Nnz, features etx def template(self, dct, templ): return Template(templ).substitute(dct) def get_data_prop(self): prop = defaultdict() prop.update( {'corpus': self.corpus_name, 'instances' :[1] }) if self.is_symmetric(): nnz = np.triu( else: nnz = _nnz = d = {'instances':[1], 'nnz': nnz, 'nnz_mean': _nnz.mean(), 'nnz_var': _nnz.var(), 'density': self.density(), 'diameter': self.diameter(), 'clustering_coef': self.clustering_coefficient(), 'modularity': self.modularity(), 'communities': self.clusters_len(), 'features': self.get_nfeat(), 'directed': not self.is_symmetric() } prop.update(d) return prop def likelihood(self, theta, phi): likelihood = return likelihood def template(self, d): d['time'] = d.get('time', None) netw_templ = '''###### $corpus Building: $time minutes Nodes: $instances Links: $nnz Degree mean: $nnz_mean Degree var: $nnz_var Diameter: $diameter Modularity: $modularity Clustering Coefficient: $clustering_coef Density: $density Communities: $communities Relations: $features Directed: $directed \n''' return super(frontendNetwork, self).template(d, netw_templ) def similarity_matrix(self, sim='cos'): features = self.features if features is None: return None if sim == 'dot': sim =, features.T) elif sim == 'cos': norm = np.linalg.norm(features, axis=1)[np.newaxis] sim =, features.T)/, norm) elif sim == 'kmeans': cluster = kmeans(features, K=2)[np.newaxis] cluster[cluster == 0] = -1 sim =,cluster) elif sim == 'comm': N = len(self.clusters) #sim = np.repeat(np.array(self.clusters)[np.newaxis], N, 0) theta , _ = self.get_params() sim = sim = (sim == sim.T)*1 sim[sim < 1] = -1 elif sim == 'euclide_old': from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances as ed #from plot import kmeans_plus #kmeans_plus(features, K=4) print (features) dist = ed(features) K = self.parameters_['k'] devs = self.parameters_['devs'][0] sim = np.zeros(dist.shape) sim[dist <= 2.0 * devs / K] = 1 sim[dist > 2.0 * devs / K] = -1 elif sim == 'euclide_abs': from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances as ed #from plot import kmeans_plus #kmeans_plus(features, K=4) N = len(features) K = self.parameters_['k'] devs = self.parameters_['devs'][0] a = np.repeat(features[:,0][None], N, 0).T b = np.repeat(features[:,0][None], N, 0) sim1 = np.abs( a-b ) a = np.repeat(features[:,1][None], N, 0).T b = np.repeat(features[:,1][None], N, 0) sim2 = np.abs( a-b ) sim3 = np.zeros((N,N)) sim3[sim1 <= 2.0* devs / K] = 1 sim3[sim1 > 2.0 * devs / K] = -1 sim4 = np.zeros((N,N)) sim4[sim2 <= 2.0* devs / K] = 1 sim4[sim2 > 2.0 * devs / K] = -1 sim = sim4 + sim3 sim[sim >= 0] = 1 sim[sim < 0] = -1 elif sim == 'euclide_dist': from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances as ed #from plot import kmeans_plus #kmeans_plus(features, K=4) N = len(features) K = self.parameters_['k'] devs = self.parameters_['devs'][0] sim1 = ed(np.repeat(features[:,0][None], 2, 0).T) sim2 = ed(np.repeat(features[:,0][None], 2, 0).T) sim3 = np.zeros((N,N)) sim3[sim1 <= 2.0* devs / K] = 1 sim3[sim1 > 2.0 * devs / K] = -1 sim4 = np.zeros((N,N)) sim4[sim2 <= 2.0* devs / K] = 1 sim4[sim2 > 2.0 * devs / K] = -1 sim = sim4 + sim3 sim[sim >= 0] = 1 sim[sim < 0] = -1 return sim def homophily(self, model=None, sim='cos', type='kleinberg'): N =[0] card = N*(N-1) if model: data = model.generate(N) #y = np.triu(y) + np.triu(y, 1).T gram_matrix = model.similarity_matrix(sim=sim) delta_treshold = .1 gram_matrix[gram_matrix >= delta_treshold] = 1 gram_matrix[gram_matrix < delta_treshold] = -1 else: data = gram_matrix = self.similarity_matrix(sim=sim) if gram_matrix is None: return np.nan, np.nan connected = data.sum() unconnected = card - connected similar = (gram_matrix > 0).sum() unsimilar = (gram_matrix <= 0).sum() indic_source = ma.array(np.ones(gram_matrix.shape)*-1, mask=ma.masked) indic_source[(data == 1) & (gram_matrix > 0)] = 0 indic_source[(data == 1) & (gram_matrix <= 0)] = 1 indic_source[(data == 0) & (gram_matrix > 0)] = 2 indic_source[(data == 0) & (gram_matrix <= 0)] = 3 np.fill_diagonal(indic_source, ma.masked) indic_source[indic_source == -1] = ma.masked a = (indic_source==0).sum() b = (indic_source==1).sum() c = (indic_source==2).sum() d = (indic_source==3).sum() if type == 'kleinberg': #print 'a: %s, connected: %s, similar %s, card: %s' % (a, connected,similar, card) homo_obs = 1.0 * a / connected # precision; homophily respected homo_exp = 1.0 * similar / card # rappel; strenght of homophily else: raise NotImplementedError #if sim == 'euclide' and type is None: # homo_obs = 1.0 * (a + d - c - b) / card # pr = 1.0 * (data == 1).sum() / card # ps = 1.0 * (indic_source==0).sum() / card # pnr = 1.0 - pr # pns = 1.0 - ps # a_ = pr*ps*card # b_ = pnr*ps*card # c_ = pr*pns*card # d_ = pnr*pns*card # homo_expect = (a_+b_-c_-d_) /card # return homo_obs, homo_expect return homo_obs, homo_exp def assort(self, model): #if not source: # data = # sim_source = self.similarity_matrix('cos') data = N =[0] sim_source = self.similarity_matrix(sim='cos') y = model.generate(N) #y = np.triu(y) + np.triu(y, 1).T sim_learn = model.similarity_matrix(sim='cos') np.fill_diagonal(indic_source, ma.masked) assert(N == y.shape[0]) indic_source = ma.array(np.ones(sim_source.shape)*-1, mask=ma.masked) indic_source[(data == 1) & (sim_source > 0)] = 0 indic_source[(data == 1) & (sim_source <= 0)] = 1 indic_source[(data == 0) & (sim_source > 0)] = 2 indic_source[(data == 0) & (sim_source <= 0)] = 3 indic_learn = ma.array(np.ones(sim_learn.shape)*-1, mask=ma.masked) indic_learn[(y == 1) & (sim_learn > 0)] = 0 indic_learn[(y == 1) & (sim_learn <= 0)] = 1 indic_learn[(y == 0) & (sim_learn > 0)] = 2 indic_learn[(y == 0) & (sim_learn <= 0)] = 3 np.fill_diagonal(indic_learn, ma.masked) np.fill_diagonal(indic_source, ma.masked) indic_source[indic_source == -1] = ma.masked indic_learn[indic_learn == -1] = ma.masked ### Indicateur Homophily Christine homo_ind1_source = 1.0 * ( (indic_source==0).sum()+(indic_source==3).sum()-(indic_source==1).sum() - (indic_source==2).sum() ) / (N*(N-1)) homo_ind1_learn = 1.0 * ( (indic_learn== 0).sum()+(indic_learn==3).sum()-(indic_learn==1).sum() - (indic_learn==2).sum() ) / (N*(N-1)) # AMI / NMI from sklearn import metrics AMI = metrics.adjusted_mutual_info_score(indic_source.compressed(), indic_learn.compressed()) NMI = metrics.normalized_mutual_info_score(indic_source.compressed(), indic_learn.compressed()) print('homo_ind1 source: %f' % (homo_ind1_source)) print('homo_ind1 learn: %f' % (homo_ind1_learn)) print('AMI: %f, NMI: %f' % (AMI, NMI)) d = {'NMI' : NMI, 'homo_ind1_source' : homo_ind1_source, 'homo_ind1_learn' : homo_ind1_learn} return d
Class variables
Static methods
def from_array(array)
Source code
@classmethod def from_array(cls, array): fr = cls() if isinstance(array, sp.sparse.csr_matrix): raise NotImplementedError elif isinstance(array, data = fr.data_ma = array elif isinstance(array, np.ndarray): data = array else: raise NotImplementedError fr.update_data(data) return fr
def symmetrize(self, data=None)
inp-place symmetrization.
Source code
@staticmethod def symmetrize(self, data=None): ''' inp-place symmetrization. ''' if data is None: return None data = np.triu(data) + np.triu(data, 1).T
def assort(self, model)
Source code
def assort(self, model): #if not source: # data = # sim_source = self.similarity_matrix('cos') data = N =[0] sim_source = self.similarity_matrix(sim='cos') y = model.generate(N) #y = np.triu(y) + np.triu(y, 1).T sim_learn = model.similarity_matrix(sim='cos') np.fill_diagonal(indic_source, ma.masked) assert(N == y.shape[0]) indic_source = ma.array(np.ones(sim_source.shape)*-1, mask=ma.masked) indic_source[(data == 1) & (sim_source > 0)] = 0 indic_source[(data == 1) & (sim_source <= 0)] = 1 indic_source[(data == 0) & (sim_source > 0)] = 2 indic_source[(data == 0) & (sim_source <= 0)] = 3 indic_learn = ma.array(np.ones(sim_learn.shape)*-1, mask=ma.masked) indic_learn[(y == 1) & (sim_learn > 0)] = 0 indic_learn[(y == 1) & (sim_learn <= 0)] = 1 indic_learn[(y == 0) & (sim_learn > 0)] = 2 indic_learn[(y == 0) & (sim_learn <= 0)] = 3 np.fill_diagonal(indic_learn, ma.masked) np.fill_diagonal(indic_source, ma.masked) indic_source[indic_source == -1] = ma.masked indic_learn[indic_learn == -1] = ma.masked ### Indicateur Homophily Christine homo_ind1_source = 1.0 * ( (indic_source==0).sum()+(indic_source==3).sum()-(indic_source==1).sum() - (indic_source==2).sum() ) / (N*(N-1)) homo_ind1_learn = 1.0 * ( (indic_learn== 0).sum()+(indic_learn==3).sum()-(indic_learn==1).sum() - (indic_learn==2).sum() ) / (N*(N-1)) # AMI / NMI from sklearn import metrics AMI = metrics.adjusted_mutual_info_score(indic_source.compressed(), indic_learn.compressed()) NMI = metrics.normalized_mutual_info_score(indic_source.compressed(), indic_learn.compressed()) print('homo_ind1 source: %f' % (homo_ind1_source)) print('homo_ind1 learn: %f' % (homo_ind1_learn)) print('AMI: %f, NMI: %f' % (AMI, NMI)) d = {'NMI' : NMI, 'homo_ind1_source' : homo_ind1_source, 'homo_ind1_learn' : homo_ind1_learn} return d
def clustering_coefficient(self)
Source code
def clustering_coefficient(self): g = self.getG() try: cc = nx.average_clustering(g) except: cc = None return cc
def clusters_len(self)
Source code
def clusters_len(self): clusters = self.get_clusters() if not clusters: return None else: return max(clusters)+1
def communities_analysis(self, *args, **kwargs)
Source code
def communities_analysis(self, *args, **kwargs): from pymake.util.algo import adj_to_degree # Circular import bug inthetop clusters = self.clusters if clusters is None: return None data = symmetric = self.is_symmetric() community_distribution = list(np.bincount(clusters)) block_hist = np.bincount(clusters) local_degree = {} if symmetric: k_perm = np.unique(list( map(list, map(set, itertools.product(np.unique(clusters) , repeat=2))))) else: k_perm = itertools.product(np.unique(clusters) , repeat=2) for c in k_perm: if type(c) in (np.float64, np.int64): # one clusters (as it appears for real with max assignment l = k = c elif len(c) == 2: # Stochastic Equivalence (extra class bind k, l = c else: # Comunnities (intra class bind) k = l = c.pop() comm = (str(k), str(l)) local = local_degree.get(comm, []) C = np.tile(clusters, (data.shape[0],1)) y_c = data * ((C==k) & (C.T==l)) if y_c.size > 0: local_degree[comm] = adj_to_degree(y_c).values() # Summing False ! #for n in np.arange(data.shape[0]))[clusters == k]: # degree_n = data[n,:][(clusters == k) == (clusters == l)].sum() # if not symmetric: # degree_n = data[n,:][(clusters == k) == (clusters == l)].sum() # local.append(degree_n) #local_degree[comm] = local return {'local_degree':local_degree, 'clusters': np.asarray(clusters), 'block_hist': block_hist, 'size': len(block_hist)}
def degree(self)
Source code
def degree(self): g = self.getG() degree = list(dict( return degree
def degree_histogram(self)
Source code
def degree_histogram(self): g = self.getG() return nx.degree_histogram(g)
def density(self)
Source code
def density(self): g = self.getG() return nx.density(g)
def diameter(self)
Source code
def diameter(self): g = self.getG() try: diameter = nx.diameter(g) except: diameter = None return diameter
def feat_len(self)
Source code
def feat_len(self): return len(np.unique(
def fs_corpus(self, corpus_name)
@debug Be smarter, has some database strategy. Redirect to correct path depending on the corpus_name
Source code
def fs_corpus(self, corpus_name): """ @debug Be smarter, has some database strategy. Redirect to correct path depending on the corpus_name """ # DB integration ? if corpus_name.startswith(('generator', 'graph')): format = 'graph' elif corpus_name in ('bench1'): raise NotImplementedError() elif corpus_name.startswith('facebook'): format = 'edges' elif corpus_name in ('manufacturing',): format = 'csv' elif corpus_name in ('fb_uc', 'emaileu'): format = 'txt' elif corpus_name in ('blogs','propro', 'euroroad'): format = 'dat' else: raise ValueError('Which corpus to Load; %s ?' % corpus_name) data = self.networkloader(corpus_name, format) for a in ('features', 'clusters'): if not hasattr(self, a): setattr(self, a, None) return data
def getG(self)
Source code
def getG(self): if not hasattr(self, 'G'): if self.is_symmetric(): # Undirected Graph typeG = nx.Graph() else: # Directed Graph typeG = nx.DiGraph() self.G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(, create_using=typeG) #self.G = nx.from_scipy_sparse_matrix(, typeG) return self.G
def getN(self)
Source code
def getN(self): if hasattr(self, 'N'): return self.N N = str(self.expe['N']) if N.isdigit(): N = int(N) elif N.lower() in ('all', 'false', 'none'): N = 'all' else: raise TypeError('Size of data no set (-n)') self.N = N return self.N
def get_clusters(self)
Source code
def get_clusters(self): return self.clusters
def get_data_prop(self)
Source code
def get_data_prop(self): prop = defaultdict() prop.update( {'corpus': self.corpus_name, 'instances' :[1] }) if self.is_symmetric(): nnz = np.triu( else: nnz = _nnz = d = {'instances':[1], 'nnz': nnz, 'nnz_mean': _nnz.mean(), 'nnz_var': _nnz.var(), 'density': self.density(), 'diameter': self.diameter(), 'clustering_coef': self.clustering_coefficient(), 'modularity': self.modularity(), 'communities': self.clusters_len(), 'features': self.get_nfeat(), 'directed': not self.is_symmetric() } prop.update(d) return prop
def get_masked(self, testset_ratio, diag_off=1)
Construct a random mask. Random training set on 20% on Data / debug5 - debug11 – Unbalanced
Source code
def get_masked(self, testset_ratio, diag_off=1): """ Construct a random mask. Random training set on 20% on Data / debug5 - debug11 -- Unbalanced """ data = if type(data) is np.ndarray: #self.data_mat = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(data) pass else: raise NotImplementedError('type %s unknow as corpus' % type(data)) n = int(data.size * testset_ratio) mask_index = np.unravel_index(np.random.permutation(data.size)[:n], data.shape) mask = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=data.dtype) mask[mask_index] = 1 if self.is_symmetric(): mask = np.tril(mask) + np.tril(mask, -1).T data_ma = ma.array(data, mask=mask) if diag_off == 1: np.fill_diagonal(data_ma, ma.masked) return data_ma
def get_masked_balanced(self, testset_ratio, diag_off=1)
Construct Mask based on the proportion of 1/links. Random training set on 20% on Data vertex (0.2 * data == 1) / debug6 - debug 10 – Balanced
Source code
def get_masked_balanced(self, testset_ratio, diag_off=1): ''' Construct Mask based on the proportion of 1/links. Random training set on 20% on Data vertex (0.2 * data == 1) / debug6 - debug 10 -- Balanced ''' data = if type(data) is np.ndarray: #self.data_mat = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(data) pass else: raise NotImplementedError('type %s unknow as corpus' % type(data)) # Correponding Index _0 = np.array(list(zip(*np.where(data == 0)))) _1 = np.array(list(zip(*np.where(data == 1)))) n = int(len(_1) * testset_ratio) # Choice of Index n_0 = _0[np.random.choice(len(_0), n, replace=False)] n_1 = _1[np.random.choice(len(_1), n, replace=False)] # Corresponding Mask mask_index = list(zip(*(np.concatenate((n_0, n_1))))) mask = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=data.dtype) mask[mask_index] = 1 if self.is_symmetric(): mask = np.tril(mask) + np.tril(mask, -1).T data_ma = ma.array(data, mask=mask) if diag_off == 1: np.fill_diagonal(data_ma, ma.masked) return data_ma
def get_masked_zeros(self, diag_off=1)
Take out all zeros
Source code
def get_masked_zeros(self, diag_off=1): ''' Take out all zeros ''' data = if type(data) is np.ndarray: #self.data_mat = sp.sparse.csr_matrix(data) pass else: raise NotImplementedError('type %s unknow as corpus' % type(data)) mask = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=data.dtype) mask[data == 0] = 1 if self.is_symmetric(): mask = np.tril(mask) + np.tril(mask, -1).T data_ma = ma.array(data, mask=mask) if diag_off == 1: np.fill_diagonal(data_ma, ma.masked) return data_ma
def get_nfeat(self)
Source code
def get_nfeat(self): nfeat = + 1 if nfeat == 1: self.log.warn('Warning, only zeros in adjacency matrix...') nfeat = 2 return nfeat
def get_nnz(self)
len of tokens
Source code
def get_nnz(self): ''' len of tokens ''' size = sp.special.binom(self.getN(), 2) if not self.is_symmetric(): size *= 2 if self.has_selfloop(): size += sekf.getN() return size
def get_params(self)
Source code
def get_params(self): clusters = self.get_clusters() K = max(clusters)+1 N = len(clusters) theta = np.zeros((N,K)) theta[np.arange(N),clusters] = 1 return theta, None
def get_partition(self, clusters=None)
Source code
def get_partition(self, clusters=None): if getattr(self, 'clusters', None) is None: return {} else: clusters = self.clusters N = len(clusters) return dict(zip(*[np.arange(N), clusters]))
def has_selfloop(self)
Source code
def has_selfloop(self): return self._selfloop
def homophily(self, model=None, sim='cos', type='kleinberg')
Source code
def homophily(self, model=None, sim='cos', type='kleinberg'): N =[0] card = N*(N-1) if model: data = model.generate(N) #y = np.triu(y) + np.triu(y, 1).T gram_matrix = model.similarity_matrix(sim=sim) delta_treshold = .1 gram_matrix[gram_matrix >= delta_treshold] = 1 gram_matrix[gram_matrix < delta_treshold] = -1 else: data = gram_matrix = self.similarity_matrix(sim=sim) if gram_matrix is None: return np.nan, np.nan connected = data.sum() unconnected = card - connected similar = (gram_matrix > 0).sum() unsimilar = (gram_matrix <= 0).sum() indic_source = ma.array(np.ones(gram_matrix.shape)*-1, mask=ma.masked) indic_source[(data == 1) & (gram_matrix > 0)] = 0 indic_source[(data == 1) & (gram_matrix <= 0)] = 1 indic_source[(data == 0) & (gram_matrix > 0)] = 2 indic_source[(data == 0) & (gram_matrix <= 0)] = 3 np.fill_diagonal(indic_source, ma.masked) indic_source[indic_source == -1] = ma.masked a = (indic_source==0).sum() b = (indic_source==1).sum() c = (indic_source==2).sum() d = (indic_source==3).sum() if type == 'kleinberg': #print 'a: %s, connected: %s, similar %s, card: %s' % (a, connected,similar, card) homo_obs = 1.0 * a / connected # precision; homophily respected homo_exp = 1.0 * similar / card # rappel; strenght of homophily else: raise NotImplementedError #if sim == 'euclide' and type is None: # homo_obs = 1.0 * (a + d - c - b) / card # pr = 1.0 * (data == 1).sum() / card # ps = 1.0 * (indic_source==0).sum() / card # pnr = 1.0 - pr # pns = 1.0 - ps # a_ = pr*ps*card # b_ = pnr*ps*card # c_ = pr*pns*card # d_ = pnr*pns*card # homo_expect = (a_+b_-c_-d_) /card # return homo_obs, homo_expect return homo_obs, homo_exp
def is_directed(self)
Source code
def is_directed(self): return not self.is_symmetric()
def is_symmetric(self, update=False)
Source code
def is_symmetric(self, update=False): if update or not hasattr(self, 'symmetric'): self.symmetric = ( == return self.symmetric
def likelihood(self, theta, phi)
Source code
def likelihood(self, theta, phi): likelihood = return likelihood
def load_data(self, randomize=False)
Load data according to different scheme, by order of priority (if several specification in settings) * Corpus from random generator * Corpus from file dataset
Source code
def load_data(self, randomize=False): """ Load data according to different scheme, by order of priority (if several specification in settings) * Corpus from random generator * Corpus from file dataset """ corpus_name = self.corpus_name if self.corpus_name.startswith(self.RANDOM_CORPUS): data = self.random_corpus(corpus_name) else: data = self.fs_corpus(corpus_name) if data is None: self.log.warning('Unable to load corpus: %s' % (corpus_name)) return self.update_data(data) # For Gof smothness # error in degree_ check ? if self.has_selfloop(): np.fill_diagonal(, 1) if randomize: self.shuffle_node() return
def ma_dims(self)
Number of non masked values by row/nodes.
Source code
def ma_dims(self): ''' Number of non masked values by row/nodes. ''' #data_dims = np.vectorize(len)( #data_dims = [r.count() for r in self.data_ma] data_dims = [] for i in range(self.data_ma.shape[0]): data_dims.append(self.data_ma[i,:].count() + self.data_ma[:,i].count()) return np.array(data_dims, dtype=int)
def ma_nnz(self)
Source code
def ma_nnz(self): return len(self.data_ma.compressed())
def ma_nnz_t(self)
Source code
def ma_nnz_t(self): return self.data_ma.mask.sum()
def make_testset(self, diag_off=1)
Make the test set with masked array.
Source code
def make_testset(self, diag_off=1): ''' Make the test set with masked array. ''' testset_ratio = float(self.expe.get('testset_ratio')) if testset_ratio >= 1: testset_ratio = testset_ratio / 100 elif 0 <= testset_ratio < 1: pass else: raise ValueError('cross validation ratio not understood : %s' % testset_ratio) mask_type = self.expe.get('mask', 'unbalanced') if mask_type == 'unbalanced': self.data_ma = self.get_masked(testset_ratio, diag_off) elif mask_type == 'balanced': self.data_ma = self.get_masked_balanced(testset_ratio, diag_off) elif mask_type == 'zeros': self.data_ma = self.get_masked_zeros(diag_off) else: raise ValueError('mask type unknow :%s' % mask_type) return
def modularity(self)
Source code
def modularity(self): part = self.get_partition() if not part: return None g = self.getG() try: modul = pylouvain.modularity(part, g) except NameError: self.log.error('python-louvain) library is not installed \n \ Modularity can\'t be computed ') modul = None return modul
def net_type(self)
Source code
def net_type(self): return '%s / max value: %s' % (self._net_type, np.max(
def networkloader(self, corpus_name, format)
Load pickle or parse data. Format is understanding for parsing.
Corpus are in special path : {pmk/data/training/corpus_name}
Source code
def networkloader(self, corpus_name, format): """ Load pickle or parse data. Format is understanding for parsing. Notes ----- Corpus are in special path : {pmk/data/training/corpus_name} """ data = None bdir = self.expe._input_path fn = self._resolve_filename(self.expe) # pmk file format... if self._force_load_data and os.path.isfile(fn+'.gz'): try: data = self._load_data(fn) except Exception as e: self.log.error('Error : %s on %s' % (e, fn)) data = None if data is None: ext = format _fn = os.path.join(bdir, corpus_name +'.'+ ext) if os.path.isfile(fn) and os.stat(fn).st_size == 0: self.log.warning('Doh, Corpus file is empty at: %s' % fn) = None return if ext == 'graph': # Dancer _fn = os.path.join(bdir, 't0.graph') _data = self.parse_dancer(_fn) elif ext == 'edges': # NotImplemented _fn = os.path.join(bdir, '0.edges') _data = self.parse_edges(_fn) raise NotImplementedError elif ext in ('txt'): _data = self.parse_tnet(_fn) elif ext == 'csv': _data = self.parse_csv(_fn) elif ext == 'dat': _data = self.parse_dat(_fn) else: raise ValueError('extension of network data unknown') data = _data['data'] self.features = _data.get('features') self.clusters = _data.get('clusters') if self._force_save_data: self._save_data(fn, data) if np.tril(data, k=-1).sum() == 0: # Symmetrize if lower triu is empty. self.Symmetrize(data) return data
def num_edges(self)
Source code
def num_edges(self): g = self.getG() return g.number_of_edges()
def num_nodes(self)
Source code
def num_nodes(self): g = self.getG() return g.number_of_nodes()
def random_corpus(self, rnd)
Source code
def random_corpus(self, rnd): N = self.getN() if isinstance(N, str): self.log.warning('Random graph size missing (-n): Using 100 nodes.') N = 100 if rnd == 'uniform': data = np.random.randint(0, 2, (N, N)) #np.fill_diagonal(data, 1) elif rnd.startswith('clique'): try : K = int(rnd[len('clique'):]) except ValueError: K = 42 data = getClique(N, K=K) #Data = nx.adjacency_matrix(G, np.random.permutation(range(N))).A elif rnd in ('BA', 'barabasi-albert'): data = nx.adjacency_matrix(nx.barabasi_albert_graph(N, m=int(0.92*N)) ).A elif rnd == 'alternate': #data = np.empty((N,N),int) data = np.zeros((N,N), int) type_rd = 2 if type_rd == 1: # degree alternating with frequency fr fr = 3 data[:, ::fr] = 1 elif type_rd == 2: # degree equal data[:, ::2] = 1 data[::2] = np.roll(data[::2], 1) return data else: raise NotImplementedError() return data
def reorder_node(self, nodes_l)
Subsample the data with reordoring of rows and columns
Source code
def reorder_node(self, nodes_l): """ Subsample the data with reordoring of rows and columns """ # Track the original nodes self.nodes_list = [self.nodes_list[0][nodes_l[0]], self.nodes_list[1][nodes_l[1]]] =[nodes_l[0], :][:, nodes_l[1]] if hasattr(self, 'features') and self.features is not None: self.features = self.features[nodes_l[0]] if hasattr(self, 'clusters') and self.clusters is not None: self.clusters = self.clusters[nodes_l[0]]
def sample(self, N, symmetric=False, randomize=False)
Write self !
Source code
def sample(self, N, symmetric=False, randomize=False): """ Write self ! """ if N == 'all': N =[0] else: N = int(N) # Can't get why modification inside self.nodes_list is not propagated ? if randomize is True: nodes_list = [np.random.permutation(N), np.random.permutation(N)] self.reorder_node(nodes_list) if N <[0]: =[:N, :N] self.update_data( return
def shuffle_features(self)
Source code
def shuffle_features(self): raise NotImplemented
def shuffle_instances(self)
Source code
def shuffle_instances(self): index = np.arange(np.shape([0]) np.random.shuffle(index) =[index, :]
def shuffle_node(self)
Shuffle rows and columns of data
Source code
def shuffle_node(self): """ Shuffle rows and columns of data """ N, M = nodes_list = [np.random.permutation(N), np.random.permutation(M)] self.reorder_node(nodes_list)
def similarity_matrix(self, sim='cos')
Source code
def similarity_matrix(self, sim='cos'): features = self.features if features is None: return None if sim == 'dot': sim =, features.T) elif sim == 'cos': norm = np.linalg.norm(features, axis=1)[np.newaxis] sim =, features.T)/, norm) elif sim == 'kmeans': cluster = kmeans(features, K=2)[np.newaxis] cluster[cluster == 0] = -1 sim =,cluster) elif sim == 'comm': N = len(self.clusters) #sim = np.repeat(np.array(self.clusters)[np.newaxis], N, 0) theta , _ = self.get_params() sim = sim = (sim == sim.T)*1 sim[sim < 1] = -1 elif sim == 'euclide_old': from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances as ed #from plot import kmeans_plus #kmeans_plus(features, K=4) print (features) dist = ed(features) K = self.parameters_['k'] devs = self.parameters_['devs'][0] sim = np.zeros(dist.shape) sim[dist <= 2.0 * devs / K] = 1 sim[dist > 2.0 * devs / K] = -1 elif sim == 'euclide_abs': from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances as ed #from plot import kmeans_plus #kmeans_plus(features, K=4) N = len(features) K = self.parameters_['k'] devs = self.parameters_['devs'][0] a = np.repeat(features[:,0][None], N, 0).T b = np.repeat(features[:,0][None], N, 0) sim1 = np.abs( a-b ) a = np.repeat(features[:,1][None], N, 0).T b = np.repeat(features[:,1][None], N, 0) sim2 = np.abs( a-b ) sim3 = np.zeros((N,N)) sim3[sim1 <= 2.0* devs / K] = 1 sim3[sim1 > 2.0 * devs / K] = -1 sim4 = np.zeros((N,N)) sim4[sim2 <= 2.0* devs / K] = 1 sim4[sim2 > 2.0 * devs / K] = -1 sim = sim4 + sim3 sim[sim >= 0] = 1 sim[sim < 0] = -1 elif sim == 'euclide_dist': from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import euclidean_distances as ed #from plot import kmeans_plus #kmeans_plus(features, K=4) N = len(features) K = self.parameters_['k'] devs = self.parameters_['devs'][0] sim1 = ed(np.repeat(features[:,0][None], 2, 0).T) sim2 = ed(np.repeat(features[:,0][None], 2, 0).T) sim3 = np.zeros((N,N)) sim3[sim1 <= 2.0* devs / K] = 1 sim3[sim1 > 2.0 * devs / K] = -1 sim4 = np.zeros((N,N)) sim4[sim2 <= 2.0* devs / K] = 1 sim4[sim2 > 2.0 * devs / K] = -1 sim = sim4 + sim3 sim[sim >= 0] = 1 sim[sim < 0] = -1 return sim
def template(self, d)
Source code
def template(self, d): d['time'] = d.get('time', None) netw_templ = '''###### $corpus Building: $time minutes Nodes: $instances Links: $nnz Degree mean: $nnz_mean Degree var: $nnz_var Diameter: $diameter Modularity: $modularity Clustering Coefficient: $clustering_coef Density: $density Communities: $communities Relations: $features Directed: $directed \n''' return super(frontendNetwork, self).template(d, netw_templ)
def to_directed(self)
Return self verion of graph wehre all links are flatened
Source code
def to_directed(self): ''' Return self verion of graph wehre all links are flatened ''' if self.is_symmetric(): return self.getG() else: # nx to_undirected nedd a linkks in both side. return nx.from_numpy_matrix(, create_using=nx.Graph())
def update_data(self, data)
Node list order will be lost
Source code
def update_data(self, data): ''' Node list order will be lost ''' if data.dtype != self._dtype: data = data.astype(self._dtype) * 1 # Bool operation are painfull = data N, M = self.N = N self.nodes_list = [np.arange(N), np.arange(M)] if hasattr(self, 'features') and self.features is not None: self.features = self.features[:N] if hasattr(self, 'clusters') and self.clusters is not None: self.clusters = self.clusters[:N]
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