Module pymake.core.types
Source code
from copy import copy, deepcopy
import traceback, importlib
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from itertools import product
from pymake import get_pymake_settings
from pymake.util.utils import get_dest_opt_filled, hash_objects, ask_sure_exit, basestring
from pymake.index.indexmanager import IndexManager as IX
from pymake.exceptions import *
import logging
lgg = logging.getLogger('root')
''' Structure of Pymake Objects.
from tabulate import tabulate
# Ugly, integrate.
def _table_(tables, headers=[], max_line=10, max_row=30, name=''):
if isinstance(headers, str):
# tables is dict
# Sort the dict
ordered_keys = sorted(tables.keys())
tables = OrderedDict([(k,tables[k]) for k in ordered_keys ])
_tables = []
cpt = 0
max_row = 10
for k, v in tables.items():
if cpt % max_row == 0:
t = OrderedDict()
t[k] = v
cpt += 1
sep = '# %s'%name + '\n'+'='*20
tables = '\n\n'.join([str(tabulate(t, headers=headers)) for t in _tables])
return tables
# tables is list
raw = []
for sec, table in enumerate(tables):
table = sorted(table, key=lambda x:x[0])
size = len(table)
if size == 0:
col = int((size-0.1) // max_line)
junk = max_line % size
table += ['-']*junk
table = [table[j:max_line*(i+1)] for i,j in enumerate(range(0, size, max_line))]
table = np.char.array(table).astype('|S'+str(max_row))
fmt = 'simple'
sep = '\n'+'='*20+'\n'
return sep[1:] + sep.join(raw)
# Not sure this one is necessary, or not here
class BaseObject(object):
''' Notes : Avoid method conflict by ALWAYS settings this class in last
at class definitions.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
#def __init__(self, name='BaseObject'):
# Le ruban est infini...
#if name is None:
# print(traceback.extract_stack()[-2])
# fn,ln,func,text = traceback.extract_stack()[-2]
# name = text[:text.find('=')].strip()
#def _name(self):
# return self.__name__
def items(self):
return [(str(i), j) for i,j in enumerate(self)]
def table(self):
return tabulate(self.items())
class ExpSpace(dict):
""" A dictionnary with dot notation access.
Used for the **expe** settings stream.
__setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
__delattr__ = dict.__delitem__
#__builtins__.hasattr = hasattr
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(ExpSpace, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, dict):
for k, v in arg.items():
self[k] = v
if kwargs:
for k, v in kwargs.items():
self[k] = v
def copy(self):
return type(self)(self)
def __copy__(self):
return self.__class__(**self)
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
return self.copy()
def __getattr__(self, key):
return self[key]
except KeyError:
# Default pmk settings
if key == '_write':
return False
lgg.debug('an ExpSpace request exceptions occured for key: %s ' % (key))
raise AttributeError(key)
# Scratch method because __hasattr__ catch an error in getattr.
def hasattr(self, key):
return key in self
# For Piclking
def __getstate__(self):
return self
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.__dict__ = self
class ExpVector(list, BaseObject):
''' A List of elements of an ExpTensor. '''
def __add__(self, other):
return self.__class__(list.__add__(self, other))
def __sub__(self, other):
return self.__class__([item for item in self if item not in other])
class ExpGroup(list, BaseObject):
''' A List of elements of an ExpTensor. '''
def __init__(self, args, **kwargs):
if kwargs:
args = deepcopy(args)
if isinstance(args, dict):
args = [args]
# Don't work well, why ?
#for i, o in enumerate(args):
# if isinstance(o, (dict, ExpGroup)):
# args[i] = deepcopy(o)
list.__init__(self, args)
BaseObject.__init__(args, **kwargs)
# Recursively update value if kwargs found.
if len(kwargs) > 0:
self.update_all(self, kwargs)
def update_all(self, l, d):
for o in l:
if isinstance(o, list):
self.update_all(o, d)
elif isinstance(o, dict):
for k, v in d.items():
o[k] = v
def __add__(self, other):
return self.__class__(list.__add__(self, other))
def __sub__(self, other):
return self.__class__([item for item in self if item not in other])
class Spec(BaseObject):
def find(spec, field='expe_name'):
ix = IX(default_index='spec')
spec = ix.getfirst(spec, field=field)
return spec
def get(scriptname, *expe):
ix = IX(default_index='spec')
raise NotImplementedError
def get_all():
ix = IX(default_index='spec')
_res = ix.query(field='expe_name', terms='module_name')
return _res
def load(expe_name, expe_module):
# debug to load from module or expe_name !
p = expe_module.split('.')
modula, modulb = '.'.join(p[:-1]), p[-1]
expdesign = getattr(importlib.import_module(modula), modulb)
exp = getattr(expdesign, expe_name)
except (AttributeError, ModuleNotFoundError) as e:
raise IndexChangedError("Fatal Error: unable to load spec (%s:%s): try `pmk update' or try again."% (expe_name, e))
return exp, expdesign
def table(cls):
ix = IX(default_index='spec')
t = OrderedDict()
for elt in ix.query(index='spec', terms=True):
name = elt['module_name'].split('.')[-1]
obj, _ = cls.load(elt['expe_name'], elt['module_name'])
if isinstance(obj, (ExpSpace, ExpTensor, ExpGroup)):
expes = t.get(name, []) + [ elt['expe_name'] ]
t[name] = sorted(expes)
return _table_(t, headers='keys', name=cls.__name__)
# no more complex.
# @sortbytype
def table_topos(cls, _spec):
Headers = OrderedDict((('Corpuses', Corpus),
('Models', Model),
('Vector', ExpVector),
('Exp', (ExpSpace, ExpTensor, ExpGroup)),
('Unknown', str)))
tables = [ [] for i in range(len(Headers))]
for expe_name, expe_module in _spec.items():
expe, _ = cls.load(expe_name, expe_module)
pos = [isinstance(expe, T) for T in Headers.values()].index(True)
except ValueError:
pos = len(Headers) - 1
return _table_(tables, headers=list(Headers.keys()))
class Script(BaseObject):
def find(script, field='method'):
ix = IX(default_index='script')
script = ix.getfirst(script, field=field)
return script
def get_all(_type='flat'):
ix = IX(default_index='script')
if _type == 'flat':
_res = ix.query(field='method')
elif _type == 'hierarchical':
_res = ix.query(field='scriptsurname', terms=True)
return _res
def get(scriptname, arguments, field='scriptsurname'):
ix = IX(default_index='script')
topmethod = ix.getfirst(scriptname, field=field)
if not topmethod:
# get the first method that have this name
topmethod = ix.getfirst(scriptname, field='method')
if not topmethod:
return None
# raise ValueError('error: Unknown script: %s' % (scriptname))
# # Exception from pyclbr
# # index commit race condition I guess.
# print('error: Unknown script: %s' % (scriptname))
# exit(42)
arguments = [scriptname] + arguments
#script_name = topmethod['scriptsurname']
module = importlib.import_module(topmethod['module'])
script = getattr(module, topmethod['scriptname'])
return script, arguments
def table(cls):
ix = IX(default_index='script')
t = OrderedDict()
for elt in ix.query(index='script', terms=True):
name = elt['scriptname']
methods = t.get(name, []) + [ elt['method'] ]
t[name] = sorted(methods)
return _table_(t, headers='keys', name=cls.__name__)
class Corpus(ExpVector):
# Meta-grammar / Ontology :
# Corpus := {
# data_type : text | network | image | ...,
# dtype : "specific to a data_type"
# name : "object identifier"
# path : "disk repo"
# source : url | random
# }
# IX integration needed..
_corpus_data = [
dict(name='clique' , data_type='network', data_source='random', directed=False),
dict(name='generator' , data_type='network', data_source='random', directed=False, nodes=1000),
dict(name='graph' , data_type='network', data_source='random'),
dict(name='alternate' , data_type='network', data_source='random', directed=False),
dict(name='BA' , data_type='network', data_source='random'),
dict(name='manufacturing' , data_type='network', data_source='web', directed=True, nodes=167, edges=5784, density=0.209, weighted=True),
dict(name='fb_uc' , data_type='network', data_source='web', directed=True, nodes=1899, edges=22195, density=0.006, weighted=True),
dict(name='blogs' , data_type='network', data_source='web', directed=True, nodes=1490, edges=19025, density=0.009, weighted=False),
dict(name='emaileu' , data_type='network', data_source='web', directed=True, nodes=1005, edges=25571, density=0.025, weighted=False),
dict(name='propro' , data_type='network', data_source='web', directed=False, nodes=2113, edges=1432, density=0.001, weighted=False),
dict(name='euroroad' , data_type='network', data_source='web', directed=True, nodes=1177, edges=1432, density=0.001, weighted=False),
# gt
dict(name='astro-ph', data_type='network', data_source='gt', directed=False, nodes=16706, edges=121251, weighted=True),
dict(name='cond-mat', data_type='network', data_source='gt', directed=False, nodes=16726, edges=47594 , weighted=True),
dict(name='hep-th', data_type='network', data_source='gt', directed=False, nodes=8361, edges=15751 , weighted=True),
dict(name='netscience', data_type='network', data_source='gt', directed=False, nodes=1589, edges=2742 , weighted=True),
dict(name='email-Enron', data_type='network', data_source='gt', directed=False, nodes=36692, edges=367662, weighted=False), # time weighted
#dict(name='facebook' , data_type='network', data_source='web', directed=True, nodes=None, edges=None, density=None, wheigted=None),
#dict(name='reuter50' , data_type='text', data_source='web'),
#dict(name='nips12' , data_type='text', data_source='web'),
#dict(name='nips' , data_type='text', data_source='web'),
#dict(name='enron' , data_type='text', data_source='web'),
#dict(name='kos' , data_type='text', data_source='web'),
#dict(name='nytimes' , data_type='text', data_source='web'),
#dict(name='pubmed' , data_type='text', data_source='web'),
#dict(name='20ngroups' , data_type='text', data_source='web'),
#dict(name='odp' , data_type='text', data_source='web'),
#dict(name='wikipedia' , data_type='text', data_source='web'),
#dict(name='lucene', data_type='text', data_source='lucene'), # needs field spec
#dict(name='mongo', data_type='text', data_source='mongo'), # needs field spec
def get(cls, corpus_name):
if not corpus_name:
return None
corpus = False
# index/mongo...
for data in cls._corpus_data:
if corpus_name.startswith(data['name']):
corpus = data.copy()
return corpus
def get_all(cls):
return cls._corpus_data
class Model(ExpVector):
def get(model_name):
ix = IX(default_index='model')
_model = None
docir = ix.getfirst(model_name, field='surname')
if docir:
mn = importlib.import_module(docir['module'])
#mn = importlib.import_module(docir['module'], package=local_package)
_model = getattr(mn, docir['name'], None)
return _model
def get_all(_type='short'):
ix = IX(default_index='model')
if _type == 'short':
res = ix.query(field='surname')
elif _type == 'topos':
_res = ix.query(field='surname', terms=True)
res = []
for elt in _res:
# beurk
if len(elt['category']) > 0:
# means that len(surname.split('.')) > 1
names = elt['surname'].split('.')
topos = '.'.join(elt['category'].split())
surname = '.'.join((names[0], topos , names[1]))
surname = elt['surname']
return res
def table(cls, _type='short'):
tables = cls.get_all(_type),
return _table_(tables, headers=['Models'])
class ExpTensor(OrderedDict, BaseObject):
''' Represent a set of Experiences (**expe**). '''
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
OrderedDict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self._size = 0
def from_expe(cls, conf=None, expe=None, parser=None):
''' Return the tensor who is an OrderedDict of iterable.
Assume conf is an exp. Non list value will be listified.
expe : (ExpDesign, ExpSpace or dict)
A design of experiment.
_conf = conf.copy()
if expe is None:
expe = conf
if not issubclass(type(expe), (cls, ExpSpace, dict, ExpVector)):
raise ValueError('Expe not understood: %s' % type(expe))
if issubclass(type(expe), Corpus):
tensor = cls(corpus=expe)
elif issubclass(type(expe), Model):
tensor = cls(model=expe)
elif issubclass(type(expe), ExpVector):
tensor = cls((str(i),j) for i,j in enumerate(expe))
elif isinstance(expe, ExpTensor):
tensor = expe.copy()
elif isinstance(expe, (dict, ExpSpace)):
tensor = cls()
raise NotImplementedError('input type of ExpVector unknow %s' % (expe))
for k, v in tensor.items():
if not issubclass(type(v), (list, set, tuple)):
tensor[k] = [v]
if _conf:
tensor.update_from_dict(_conf, parser=parser)
return tensor
def update_from_dict(self, d, parser=None):
''' Update a tensor from a dict
d : dict
the dict that uptate the tensor
from_argv : bool
if True, the is assumed to come from an CLI argparser. if the following conds are true :
* the settings in {d} are specified in the CLI (@check already filtererd in GramExp.parseargs)
* the settings in {d} is not in the CLI, and not in self.
SHould inherit _reserved keyword to prevent
if parser is not None:
dests_filled = get_dest_opt_filled(parser)
for k, v in d.items():
if k in ['_id_expe']:
if parser is not None:
if not k in dests_filled and k in self :
if issubclass(type(v), ExpVector):
self[k] = v
self[k] = [v]
def get_size(self, virtual=False):
if virtual:
return[len(x) for x in self.values()])
return self._size
def push_dict(self, d):
''' push one dict inside a exptensor.
It extend _bind rule to filter the tensor.
tensor_len =[len(x) for x in self.values()])
if len(self) == 0:
return True
_need_bind = False
_up_dict = {}
for k, v in d.items():
if k in ['_id_expe']:
vector = self.get(k, []).copy()
if v not in vector:
if len(vector) == 0:
_need_bind = True
#lgg.debug('setting to bind: (%s : %s)' % (k, v))
_up_dict[k] = vector
if _need_bind:
#raise NotImplementedError('Need to push bind value to build a tensor from non-overlaping settings.')
return False
return True
def table(self, extra=[]):
return tabulate(extra+sorted(self.items(), key=lambda x:x[0]),
# @debug : Rename this class to ?
class ExpTensorV2(BaseObject):
''' Represent a set of Experiences (**expe**) of type ExpTensor... '''
def __init__(self, private_keywords=[]):
self._private_keywords = private_keywords
# --- Those are aligned ---
self._tensors = [] # list of ExpTensor
self._bind = []
self._null = defaultdict(list)
self._hash = []
self._ds_ = [] # ExpDesign class per tensor
self._lod = [] # list of dict
self._ds = [] # ExpDesign class per expe
# --- meta ---
self._conf = {}
self._size = None
def from_conf(cls, conf, _max_expe=2e6, private_keywords=[], expdesign=None):
gt = cls(private_keywords=private_keywords)
_spec = conf.pop('_spec', None)
if not _spec:
if not expdesign:
expdesign = ExpDesign
conf['_name_expe'] = '_default_expe'
conf['_expe_hash'] = hash_objects(dict((k,v) for k,v in conf.items() if k not in private_keywords))
return gt
exp = []
size_expe = len(_spec)
consume_expe = 0
while consume_expe < size_expe:
o = _spec[consume_expe]
if isinstance(o, tuple):
#_type => expdesign
name, o, _type = o
if isinstance(o, ExpGroup):
size_expe += len(o) -1
_spec = _spec[:consume_expe] + o + _spec[consume_expe+1:]
elif isinstance(o, list): # ExpVector
consume_expe += 1
o['_name_expe'] = name
o['_expe_hash'] = hash_objects(dict((k,v) for k,v in o.items() if k not in private_keywords))
if hasattr(_type, '_alias'):
o['_alias'] = getattr(_type, '_alias')
consume_expe += 1
if size_expe > _max_expe:
lgg.warning('Number of experiences exceeds the hard limit of %d (please review ExpTensor).' % _max_expe)
gt._tensors.extend([ExpTensor.from_expe(conf, spec) for spec in exp])
return gt
def __iter__(self):
for tensor in self._tensors:
yield tensor
def __len__(self):
return self.get_size()
def remove_all(self, key):
if key in self._conf:
for tensor in self._tensors:
if key in tensor:
# @Debug self._lod is left untouched...
# Really ?
for d in self._lod:
if key in d:
def update_all(self, **kwargs):
for tensor in self._tensors:
for d in self._lod:
def set_default_all(self, defconf):
''' set default value in exp '''
# Update current spec with _default_expe
for k, v in defconf.items():
for tensor in self._tensors:
if not k in tensor:
tensor[k] = [v]
for expe in self._lod:
if not k in expe:
expe[k] = v
if k in self._conf:
# @debug: dont test if all the group have this unique value.
self._conf[k] = v
def get_all(self, key, default=[]):
''' Get all values associated to a given key. '''
vec = []
if hasattr(self, '_lod'):
for d in self._lod:
if key in d:
for tensor in self._tensors:
vec.extend(tensor.get(key, []))
if not vec:
return default
return vec
def get_nounique_keys(self):
''' Return key that has gridded (different value occurence in the set of tensor). '''
keys = defaultdict(set)
for tensor in self._tensors:
for k in tensor:
o = tensor.get(k, [])
for v in o:
if isinstance(v, str) and not v.startswith('_'):
nounique_keys = []
for k, _set in keys.items():
if len(_set) > 1:
return nounique_keys
def get_conf(self):
_conf = {}
for tensor in self._tensors:
for k, v in tensor.items():
if len(v) != 1:
if k in _conf:
if k in _conf and v[0] != _conf[k]:
_conf[k] = v[0]
self._conf = _conf
return self._conf
def get_size(self):
size = 0
for tensor in self._tensors:
size += tensor.get_size()
self._size = size
return self._size
def check_bind(self):
''' Rules Filter '''
for tensor in self._tensors:
if '_bind' in tensor:
_bind = tensor.pop('_bind')
if not isinstance(_bind, list):
_bind = [_bind]
elif len(_bind) ==1 and isinstance(_bind[0], list):
_bind = _bind[0]
#_bind = getattr(self, '_bind', [])
_bind = []
def check_model_typo(self):
''' Assume default module is pymake '''
for tensor in self._tensors:
models = tensor.get('model', [])
for i, m in enumerate(models):
if not '.' in m:
# Set the model ref name
pkg = get_pymake_settings('default_model')
if len(pkg) > 8:
prefix = pkg[:3]
if '.' in pkg:
prefix += ''.join(map(lambda x:x[0], pkg.split('.')[1:]))
prefix = pkg.split('.')[0]
models[i] = '%s.%s'%(prefix, m)
def check_null(self):
''' Filter _null '''
for tensor in self._tensors:
for k in list(tensor.keys()):
if '_null' in tensor.get(k, []):
v = tensor.pop(k)
def make_lod(self, skip_check=False):
''' Make a list of Expe from tensor, with filtering '''
self._lod = []
for _id, tensor in enumerate(self._tensors):
lods = self._make_lod(tensor, _id)
tensor._size = len(lods)
return self._lod
def _make_lod(self, tensor, _id):
''' 1. make dol to lod
2. filter _bind rule
3. add special parameter (expe_id)
if len(tensor) == 0:
lod = []
len_l = [len(l) for l in tensor.values()]
keys = sorted(tensor)
lod = [dict(zip(keys, prod)) for prod in product(*(tensor[key] for key in keys))]
# Bind Rules
idtoremove = []
for expe_id, d in enumerate(lod):
for rule in self._bind[_id]:
_bind = rule.split('.')
values = list(d.values())
# This is only for last dot separator process
for j, e in enumerate(values):
if type(e) is str:
values[j] = e.split('.')[-1]
if len(_bind) == 2:
# remove all occurence if this bind don't occur
# simltaneous in each expe.
a, b = _bind
if b.startswith('!'):
# Exclusif Rule
b = b[1:]
if a in values and b in values:
# Inclusif Rule
if a in values and not b in values:
elif len(_bind) == 3:
# remove occurence of this specific key:value if
# it does not comply with this bind.
a, b, c = _bind
# Get the type of this key:value.
_type = type(d[b])
if _type is bool:
_type = lambda x: True if x in ['True', 'true', '1'] else False
if c.startswith('!'):
# Exclusif Rule
c = c[1:]
if a in values and _type(c) == d[b]:
# Inclusif Rule
if a in values and _type(c) != d[b]:
lod = [d for i,d in enumerate(lod) if i not in idtoremove]
# Save true size of tensor (_bind remove)
self._tensors[_id]._size = len(lod)
# Add extra information in lod expes
n_last_expe = sum([t._size for t in self._tensors[:_id]])
for _id, expe in enumerate(lod):
expe['_id_expe'] = _id + n_last_expe
return lod
# @todo; lhs for clustering expe applications.
def _make_hash(self, skip_check=False):
_hash = []
n_duplicate = 0
for _id, _d in enumerate(self._lod):
d = _d.copy()
[ d.pop(k) for k in self._private_keywords if k in d and k != '_repeat']
o = hash_objects(d)
if o in _hash:
n_duplicate += 1
if n_duplicate > 0 and not skip_check:
lgg.warning('Duplicate experience: %d' % (n_duplicate))
ask_sure_exit('Continue [y/n]?')
self._hash = _hash
def remake(self, indexs):
''' Update the curent tensors by selecting the ${indexs} '''
self._lod = [self._lod[i] for i in indexs]
self._tensors = []
new_tensor = ExpTensor()
consume_expe = 0
while consume_expe < len(self._lod):
d = self._lod[consume_expe]
res = new_tensor.push_dict(d)
if res is False:
new_tensor = ExpTensor()
consume_expe += 1
new_tensor._size += 1
def get_gt(self):
''' get Global Tensors.
No _binding here...
gt = {}
for tensor in self._tensors:
for k, v in tensor.items():
_v = gt.get(k,[])
gt[k] = _v + v
return gt
def get_keys(self):
return list(self.get_gt())
def table(self):
tables = []
for id, group in enumerate(self._tensors):
src = self._ds[id].__name__
spec = group.get('_name_expe', ['void'])[0]
h = '=== %s > %s > %s expe ===' % (src, spec, group.get_size())
if self._bind:
extra = [('_bind', self._bind[id])]
if id == 0:
headers = ['Params','Values']
headers = ''
tables.append(tabulate(extra+sorted(group.items(), key=lambda x:x[0]), headers=headers))
return '\n'.join(tables)
class ExpDesign(dict, BaseObject):
''' An Ensemble composed of ExpTensors and ExpVectors.
It is the base class to write group of specification.
Special attribute meaning:
_alias : dict
use when self._name is called to translate keywords
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# Not a Ultimate solution to keep a flexibility when defining Exp Design
for k in dir(self):
#_spec = ExpDesign((k, getattr(Netw, k)) for k in dir(Netw) if not k.startswith('__') )
if not k.startswith('_'):
v = getattr(self, k)
#if not hasattr(v, '__call__'): # print a warning because hasattr call getattr in expSpace.
if not callable(v): # python >3.2
self[k] = v
# @debug: add callable in reserved keyword
self._reserved_keywords = list(set([w for w in dir(self) if w.startswith('_')] + ['_reserved_keywords']+dir(dict)+dir(BaseObject)))
def _specs(self):
return [ k for k in self.keys() if k not in self._reserved_keywords ]
def _name(cls, l):
if getattr(cls, '_alias', None):
_alias = cls._alias
return l
if isinstance(l, (set, list, tuple)):
return [ _alias.get(i, i) for i in l ]
elif isinstance(l, (dict, ExpSpace)):
d = dict(l)
for k, v in d.items():
if isinstance(v, basestring) and v in _alias:
d[k] = _alias[v]
return d
else :
return _alias.get(l, l)
Global variables
var lgg
Structure of Pymake Objects.
class BaseObject (*args, **kwargs)
Notes : Avoid method conflict by ALWAYS settings this class in last at class definitions.
Source code
class BaseObject(object): ''' Notes : Avoid method conflict by ALWAYS settings this class in last at class definitions. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): #def __init__(self, name='BaseObject'): # Le ruban est infini... #if name is None: # print(traceback.extract_stack()[-2]) # fn,ln,func,text = traceback.extract_stack()[-2] # name = text[:text.find('=')].strip() pass #def _name(self): # return self.__name__ def items(self): return [(str(i), j) for i,j in enumerate(self)] def table(self): return tabulate(self.items())
def items(self)
Source code
def items(self): return [(str(i), j) for i,j in enumerate(self)]
def table(self)
Source code
def table(self): return tabulate(self.items())
class Corpus (*args, **kwargs)
A List of elements of an ExpTensor.
Source code
class Corpus(ExpVector): # Meta-grammar / Ontology : # Corpus := { # data_type : text | network | image | ..., # dtype : "specific to a data_type" # name : "object identifier" # path : "disk repo" # source : url | random # } # IX integration needed.. _corpus_data = [ dict(name='clique' , data_type='network', data_source='random', directed=False), dict(name='generator' , data_type='network', data_source='random', directed=False, nodes=1000), dict(name='graph' , data_type='network', data_source='random'), dict(name='alternate' , data_type='network', data_source='random', directed=False), dict(name='BA' , data_type='network', data_source='random'), dict(name='manufacturing' , data_type='network', data_source='web', directed=True, nodes=167, edges=5784, density=0.209, weighted=True), dict(name='fb_uc' , data_type='network', data_source='web', directed=True, nodes=1899, edges=22195, density=0.006, weighted=True), dict(name='blogs' , data_type='network', data_source='web', directed=True, nodes=1490, edges=19025, density=0.009, weighted=False), dict(name='emaileu' , data_type='network', data_source='web', directed=True, nodes=1005, edges=25571, density=0.025, weighted=False), dict(name='propro' , data_type='network', data_source='web', directed=False, nodes=2113, edges=1432, density=0.001, weighted=False), dict(name='euroroad' , data_type='network', data_source='web', directed=True, nodes=1177, edges=1432, density=0.001, weighted=False), # gt dict(name='astro-ph', data_type='network', data_source='gt', directed=False, nodes=16706, edges=121251, weighted=True), dict(name='cond-mat', data_type='network', data_source='gt', directed=False, nodes=16726, edges=47594 , weighted=True), dict(name='hep-th', data_type='network', data_source='gt', directed=False, nodes=8361, edges=15751 , weighted=True), dict(name='netscience', data_type='network', data_source='gt', directed=False, nodes=1589, edges=2742 , weighted=True), dict(name='email-Enron', data_type='network', data_source='gt', directed=False, nodes=36692, edges=367662, weighted=False), # time weighted #dict(name='facebook' , data_type='network', data_source='web', directed=True, nodes=None, edges=None, density=None, wheigted=None), #dict(name='reuter50' , data_type='text', data_source='web'), #dict(name='nips12' , data_type='text', data_source='web'), #dict(name='nips' , data_type='text', data_source='web'), #dict(name='enron' , data_type='text', data_source='web'), #dict(name='kos' , data_type='text', data_source='web'), #dict(name='nytimes' , data_type='text', data_source='web'), #dict(name='pubmed' , data_type='text', data_source='web'), #dict(name='20ngroups' , data_type='text', data_source='web'), #dict(name='odp' , data_type='text', data_source='web'), #dict(name='wikipedia' , data_type='text', data_source='web'), #dict(name='lucene', data_type='text', data_source='lucene'), # needs field spec #dict(name='mongo', data_type='text', data_source='mongo'), # needs field spec ] @classmethod def get(cls, corpus_name): if not corpus_name: return None corpus = False # index/mongo... for data in cls._corpus_data: if corpus_name.startswith(data['name']): corpus = data.copy() break return corpus @classmethod def get_all(cls): return cls._corpus_data
- ExpVector
- builtins.list
- BaseObject
Static methods
def get(corpus_name)
Source code
@classmethod def get(cls, corpus_name): if not corpus_name: return None corpus = False # index/mongo... for data in cls._corpus_data: if corpus_name.startswith(data['name']): corpus = data.copy() break return corpus
def get_all()
Source code
@classmethod def get_all(cls): return cls._corpus_data
class ExpDesign (*args, **kwargs)
An Ensemble composed of ExpTensors and ExpVectors. It is the base class to write group of specification.
Special attribute meaning: _alias : dict use when self._name is called to translate keywords
Source code
class ExpDesign(dict, BaseObject): ''' An Ensemble composed of ExpTensors and ExpVectors. It is the base class to write group of specification. NOTES ----- Special attribute meaning: _alias : dict use when self._name is called to translate keywords ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): dict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Not a Ultimate solution to keep a flexibility when defining Exp Design for k in dir(self): #_spec = ExpDesign((k, getattr(Netw, k)) for k in dir(Netw) if not k.startswith('__') ) if not k.startswith('_'): v = getattr(self, k) #if not hasattr(v, '__call__'): # print a warning because hasattr call getattr in expSpace. if not callable(v): # python >3.2 self[k] = v # @debug: add callable in reserved keyword self._reserved_keywords = list(set([w for w in dir(self) if w.startswith('_')] + ['_reserved_keywords']+dir(dict)+dir(BaseObject))) BaseObject.__init__(self) def _specs(self): return [ k for k in self.keys() if k not in self._reserved_keywords ] @classmethod def _name(cls, l): if getattr(cls, '_alias', None): _alias = cls._alias else: return l if isinstance(l, (set, list, tuple)): return [ _alias.get(i, i) for i in l ] elif isinstance(l, (dict, ExpSpace)): d = dict(l) for k, v in d.items(): if isinstance(v, basestring) and v in _alias: d[k] = _alias[v] return d else : return _alias.get(l, l)
- builtins.dict
- BaseObject
class ExpGroup (args, **kwargs)
A List of elements of an ExpTensor.
Source code
class ExpGroup(list, BaseObject): ''' A List of elements of an ExpTensor. ''' def __init__(self, args, **kwargs): if kwargs: args = deepcopy(args) if isinstance(args, dict): args = [args] # Don't work well, why ? #for i, o in enumerate(args): # if isinstance(o, (dict, ExpGroup)): # args[i] = deepcopy(o) list.__init__(self, args) BaseObject.__init__(args, **kwargs) # Recursively update value if kwargs found. if len(kwargs) > 0: self.update_all(self, kwargs) def update_all(self, l, d): for o in l: if isinstance(o, list): self.update_all(o, d) elif isinstance(o, dict): for k, v in d.items(): o[k] = v return def __add__(self, other): return self.__class__(list.__add__(self, other)) def __sub__(self, other): return self.__class__([item for item in self if item not in other])
- builtins.list
- BaseObject
def update_all(self, l, d)
Source code
def update_all(self, l, d): for o in l: if isinstance(o, list): self.update_all(o, d) elif isinstance(o, dict): for k, v in d.items(): o[k] = v return
class ExpSpace (*args, **kwargs)
A dictionnary with dot notation access. Used for the expe settings stream.
Source code
class ExpSpace(dict): """ A dictionnary with dot notation access. Used for the **expe** settings stream. """ __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__ __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__ #__builtins__.hasattr = hasattr def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ExpSpace, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, dict): for k, v in arg.items(): self[k] = v if kwargs: for k, v in kwargs.items(): self[k] = v def copy(self): return type(self)(self) def __copy__(self): return self.__class__(**self) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return self.copy() def __getattr__(self, key): try: return self[key] except KeyError: # Default pmk settings if key == '_write': return False lgg.debug('an ExpSpace request exceptions occured for key: %s ' % (key)) raise AttributeError(key) # Scratch method because __hasattr__ catch an error in getattr. def hasattr(self, key): return key in self # For Piclking def __getstate__(self): return self def __setstate__(self, state): self.update(state) self.__dict__ = self
- builtins.dict
def copy(self)
D.copy() -> a shallow copy of D
Source code
def copy(self): return type(self)(self)
def hasattr(self, key)
Source code
def hasattr(self, key): return key in self
class ExpTensor (*args, **kwargs)
Represent a set of Experiences (expe).
Source code
class ExpTensor(OrderedDict, BaseObject): ''' Represent a set of Experiences (**expe**). ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): OrderedDict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) BaseObject.__init__(self) self._size = 0 @classmethod def from_expe(cls, conf=None, expe=None, parser=None): ''' Return the tensor who is an OrderedDict of iterable. Assume conf is an exp. Non list value will be listified. Parameters ---------- expe : (ExpDesign, ExpSpace or dict) A design of experiment. ''' _conf = conf.copy() if expe is None: expe = conf if not issubclass(type(expe), (cls, ExpSpace, dict, ExpVector)): raise ValueError('Expe not understood: %s' % type(expe)) if issubclass(type(expe), Corpus): tensor = cls(corpus=expe) elif issubclass(type(expe), Model): tensor = cls(model=expe) elif issubclass(type(expe), ExpVector): tensor = cls((str(i),j) for i,j in enumerate(expe)) elif isinstance(expe, ExpTensor): tensor = expe.copy() elif isinstance(expe, (dict, ExpSpace)): tensor = cls() tensor.update_from_dict(expe) else: raise NotImplementedError('input type of ExpVector unknow %s' % (expe)) for k, v in tensor.items(): if not issubclass(type(v), (list, set, tuple)): tensor[k] = [v] if _conf: tensor.update_from_dict(_conf, parser=parser) return tensor def update_from_dict(self, d, parser=None): ''' Update a tensor from a dict Parameters ---------- d : dict the dict that uptate the tensor from_argv : bool if True, the is assumed to come from an CLI argparser. if the following conds are true : * the settings in {d} are specified in the CLI (@check already filtererd in GramExp.parseargs) * the settings in {d} is not in the CLI, and not in self. Notes ----- SHould inherit _reserved keyword to prevent ''' if parser is not None: dests_filled = get_dest_opt_filled(parser) for k, v in d.items(): if k in ['_id_expe']: continue if parser is not None: if not k in dests_filled and k in self : continue if issubclass(type(v), ExpVector): self[k] = v else: self[k] = [v] def get_size(self, virtual=False): if virtual: return[len(x) for x in self.values()]) else: return self._size def push_dict(self, d): ''' push one dict inside a exptensor. It extend _bind rule to filter the tensor. ''' tensor_len =[len(x) for x in self.values()]) if len(self) == 0: self.update_from_dict(d) return True _need_bind = False _up_dict = {} for k, v in d.items(): if k in ['_id_expe']: continue vector = self.get(k, []).copy() if v not in vector: if len(vector) == 0: _need_bind = True #lgg.debug('setting to bind: (%s : %s)' % (k, v)) break vector.append(v) _up_dict[k] = vector if _need_bind: #raise NotImplementedError('Need to push bind value to build a tensor from non-overlaping settings.') return False else: self.update(_up_dict) return True def table(self, extra=[]): return tabulate(extra+sorted(self.items(), key=lambda x:x[0]), headers=['Params','Values'])
- collections.OrderedDict
- builtins.dict
- BaseObject
Static methods
def from_expe(conf=None, expe=None, parser=None)
Return the tensor who is an OrderedDict of iterable. Assume conf is an exp. Non list value will be listified.
: (ExpDesign
)- A design of experiment.
Source code
@classmethod def from_expe(cls, conf=None, expe=None, parser=None): ''' Return the tensor who is an OrderedDict of iterable. Assume conf is an exp. Non list value will be listified. Parameters ---------- expe : (ExpDesign, ExpSpace or dict) A design of experiment. ''' _conf = conf.copy() if expe is None: expe = conf if not issubclass(type(expe), (cls, ExpSpace, dict, ExpVector)): raise ValueError('Expe not understood: %s' % type(expe)) if issubclass(type(expe), Corpus): tensor = cls(corpus=expe) elif issubclass(type(expe), Model): tensor = cls(model=expe) elif issubclass(type(expe), ExpVector): tensor = cls((str(i),j) for i,j in enumerate(expe)) elif isinstance(expe, ExpTensor): tensor = expe.copy() elif isinstance(expe, (dict, ExpSpace)): tensor = cls() tensor.update_from_dict(expe) else: raise NotImplementedError('input type of ExpVector unknow %s' % (expe)) for k, v in tensor.items(): if not issubclass(type(v), (list, set, tuple)): tensor[k] = [v] if _conf: tensor.update_from_dict(_conf, parser=parser) return tensor
def get_size(self, virtual=False)
Source code
def get_size(self, virtual=False): if virtual: return[len(x) for x in self.values()]) else: return self._size
def push_dict(self, d)
push one dict inside a exptensor. It extend _bind rule to filter the tensor.
Source code
def push_dict(self, d): ''' push one dict inside a exptensor. It extend _bind rule to filter the tensor. ''' tensor_len =[len(x) for x in self.values()]) if len(self) == 0: self.update_from_dict(d) return True _need_bind = False _up_dict = {} for k, v in d.items(): if k in ['_id_expe']: continue vector = self.get(k, []).copy() if v not in vector: if len(vector) == 0: _need_bind = True #lgg.debug('setting to bind: (%s : %s)' % (k, v)) break vector.append(v) _up_dict[k] = vector if _need_bind: #raise NotImplementedError('Need to push bind value to build a tensor from non-overlaping settings.') return False else: self.update(_up_dict) return True
def table(self, extra=[])
Source code
def table(self, extra=[]): return tabulate(extra+sorted(self.items(), key=lambda x:x[0]), headers=['Params','Values'])
def update_from_dict(self, d, parser=None)
Update a tensor from a dict
- the dict that uptate the tensor
- if True, the is assumed to come from an CLI argparser. if the following conds are true : * the settings in {d} are specified in the CLI (@check already filtererd in GramExp.parseargs) * the settings in {d} is not in the CLI, and not in self.
SHould inherit _reserved keyword to prevent
Source code
def update_from_dict(self, d, parser=None): ''' Update a tensor from a dict Parameters ---------- d : dict the dict that uptate the tensor from_argv : bool if True, the is assumed to come from an CLI argparser. if the following conds are true : * the settings in {d} are specified in the CLI (@check already filtererd in GramExp.parseargs) * the settings in {d} is not in the CLI, and not in self. Notes ----- SHould inherit _reserved keyword to prevent ''' if parser is not None: dests_filled = get_dest_opt_filled(parser) for k, v in d.items(): if k in ['_id_expe']: continue if parser is not None: if not k in dests_filled and k in self : continue if issubclass(type(v), ExpVector): self[k] = v else: self[k] = [v]
class ExpTensorV2 (private_keywords=[])
Represent a set of Experiences (expe) of type ExpTensor…
Source code
class ExpTensorV2(BaseObject): ''' Represent a set of Experiences (**expe**) of type ExpTensor... ''' def __init__(self, private_keywords=[]): BaseObject.__init__(self) self._private_keywords = private_keywords # --- Those are aligned --- self._tensors = [] # list of ExpTensor self._bind = [] self._null = defaultdict(list) self._hash = [] self._ds_ = [] # ExpDesign class per tensor # self._lod = [] # list of dict self._ds = [] # ExpDesign class per expe # --- meta --- self._conf = {} self._size = None @classmethod def from_conf(cls, conf, _max_expe=2e6, private_keywords=[], expdesign=None): gt = cls(private_keywords=private_keywords) _spec = conf.pop('_spec', None) if not _spec: if not expdesign: expdesign = ExpDesign conf['_name_expe'] = '_default_expe' conf['_expe_hash'] = hash_objects(dict((k,v) for k,v in conf.items() if k not in private_keywords)) gt._tensors.append(ExpTensor.from_expe(conf)) gt._ds_.append(expdesign) return gt exp = [] size_expe = len(_spec) consume_expe = 0 while consume_expe < size_expe: o = _spec[consume_expe] if isinstance(o, tuple): #_type => expdesign name, o, _type = o if isinstance(o, ExpGroup): size_expe += len(o) -1 _spec = _spec[:consume_expe] + o + _spec[consume_expe+1:] elif isinstance(o, list): # ExpVector exp.append(o) gt._ds_.append(_type) consume_expe += 1 else: o['_name_expe'] = name o['_expe_hash'] = hash_objects(dict((k,v) for k,v in o.items() if k not in private_keywords)) if hasattr(_type, '_alias'): o['_alias'] = getattr(_type, '_alias') exp.append(o) gt._ds_.append(_type) consume_expe += 1 if size_expe > _max_expe: lgg.warning('Number of experiences exceeds the hard limit of %d (please review ExpTensor).' % _max_expe) gt._tensors.extend([ExpTensor.from_expe(conf, spec) for spec in exp]) return gt def __iter__(self): for tensor in self._tensors: yield tensor def __len__(self): return self.get_size() def remove_all(self, key): if key in self._conf: self._conf.pop(key) for tensor in self._tensors: if key in tensor: tensor.pop(key) # @Debug self._lod is left untouched... # Really ? for d in self._lod: if key in d: d.pop(key) def update_all(self, **kwargs): self._conf.update(kwargs) for tensor in self._tensors: tensor.update_from_dict(kwargs) for d in self._lod: d.update(kwargs) def set_default_all(self, defconf): ''' set default value in exp ''' # Update current spec with _default_expe for k, v in defconf.items(): for tensor in self._tensors: if not k in tensor: tensor[k] = [v] for expe in self._lod: if not k in expe: expe[k] = v if k in self._conf: # @debug: dont test if all the group have this unique value. self._conf[k] = v def get_all(self, key, default=[]): ''' Get all values associated to a given key. ''' vec = [] if hasattr(self, '_lod'): for d in self._lod: if key in d: vec.append(d[key]) else: for tensor in self._tensors: vec.extend(tensor.get(key, [])) if not vec: return default else: return vec def get_nounique_keys(self): ''' Return key that has gridded (different value occurence in the set of tensor). ''' keys = defaultdict(set) for tensor in self._tensors: for k in tensor: o = tensor.get(k, []) for v in o: if isinstance(v, str) and not v.startswith('_'): keys[k].add(v) nounique_keys = [] for k, _set in keys.items(): if len(_set) > 1: nounique_keys.append(k) return nounique_keys def get_conf(self): _conf = {} for tensor in self._tensors: for k, v in tensor.items(): if len(v) != 1: if k in _conf: _conf.pop(k) continue if k in _conf and v[0] != _conf[k]: _conf.pop(k) continue else: _conf[k] = v[0] #_confs.append(_conf) self._conf = _conf return self._conf def get_size(self): size = 0 for tensor in self._tensors: size += tensor.get_size() self._size = size return self._size def check_bind(self): ''' Rules Filter ''' for tensor in self._tensors: if '_bind' in tensor: _bind = tensor.pop('_bind') if not isinstance(_bind, list): _bind = [_bind] elif len(_bind) ==1 and isinstance(_bind[0], list): _bind = _bind[0] else: #_bind = getattr(self, '_bind', []) _bind = [] self._bind.append(_bind) def check_model_typo(self): ''' Assume default module is pymake ''' for tensor in self._tensors: models = tensor.get('model', []) for i, m in enumerate(models): if not '.' in m: # Set the model ref name pkg = get_pymake_settings('default_model') if len(pkg) > 8: prefix = pkg[:3] if '.' in pkg: prefix += ''.join(map(lambda x:x[0], pkg.split('.')[1:])) else: prefix = pkg.split('.')[0] models[i] = '%s.%s'%(prefix, m) def check_null(self): ''' Filter _null ''' for tensor in self._tensors: for k in list(tensor.keys()): if '_null' in tensor.get(k, []): v = tensor.pop(k) self._null[k].append(v) def make_lod(self, skip_check=False): ''' Make a list of Expe from tensor, with filtering ''' self._lod = [] for _id, tensor in enumerate(self._tensors): lods = self._make_lod(tensor, _id) tensor._size = len(lods) self._lod.extend(lods) self._ds.extend([self._ds_[_id]]*len(lods)) self._make_hash(skip_check) return self._lod def _make_lod(self, tensor, _id): ''' 1. make dol to lod 2. filter _bind rule 3. add special parameter (expe_id) ''' if len(tensor) == 0: lod = [] else: len_l = [len(l) for l in tensor.values()] keys = sorted(tensor) lod = [dict(zip(keys, prod)) for prod in product(*(tensor[key] for key in keys))] # POSTFILTERING # Bind Rules idtoremove = [] for expe_id, d in enumerate(lod): for rule in self._bind[_id]: _bind = rule.split('.') values = list(d.values()) # This is only for last dot separator process for j, e in enumerate(values): if type(e) is str: values[j] = e.split('.')[-1] if len(_bind) == 2: # remove all occurence if this bind don't occur # simltaneous in each expe. a, b = _bind if b.startswith('!'): # Exclusif Rule b = b[1:] if a in values and b in values: idtoremove.append(expe_id) else: # Inclusif Rule if a in values and not b in values: idtoremove.append(expe_id) elif len(_bind) == 3: # remove occurence of this specific key:value if # it does not comply with this bind. a, b, c = _bind # Get the type of this key:value. _type = type(d[b]) if _type is bool: _type = lambda x: True if x in ['True', 'true', '1'] else False if c.startswith('!'): # Exclusif Rule c = c[1:] if a in values and _type(c) == d[b]: idtoremove.append(expe_id) else: # Inclusif Rule if a in values and _type(c) != d[b]: idtoremove.append(expe_id) lod = [d for i,d in enumerate(lod) if i not in idtoremove] # Save true size of tensor (_bind remove) self._tensors[_id]._size = len(lod) # Add extra information in lod expes n_last_expe = sum([t._size for t in self._tensors[:_id]]) for _id, expe in enumerate(lod): expe['_id_expe'] = _id + n_last_expe return lod # @todo; lhs for clustering expe applications. def _make_hash(self, skip_check=False): _hash = [] n_duplicate = 0 for _id, _d in enumerate(self._lod): d = _d.copy() [ d.pop(k) for k in self._private_keywords if k in d and k != '_repeat'] o = hash_objects(d) if o in _hash: n_duplicate += 1 _hash.append(o) if n_duplicate > 0 and not skip_check: lgg.warning('Duplicate experience: %d' % (n_duplicate)) ask_sure_exit('Continue [y/n]?') self._hash = _hash def remake(self, indexs): ''' Update the curent tensors by selecting the ${indexs} ''' self._lod = [self._lod[i] for i in indexs] self._tensors = [] new_tensor = ExpTensor() consume_expe = 0 self._tensors.append(new_tensor) while consume_expe < len(self._lod): d = self._lod[consume_expe] res = new_tensor.push_dict(d) if res is False: new_tensor = ExpTensor() self._tensors.append(new_tensor) else: consume_expe += 1 new_tensor._size += 1 def get_gt(self): ''' get Global Tensors. No _binding here... ''' gt = {} for tensor in self._tensors: for k, v in tensor.items(): _v = gt.get(k,[]) gt[k] = _v + v return gt def get_keys(self): return list(self.get_gt()) def table(self): tables = [] for id, group in enumerate(self._tensors): src = self._ds[id].__name__ spec = group.get('_name_expe', ['void'])[0] h = '=== %s > %s > %s expe ===' % (src, spec, group.get_size()) tables.append(h) if self._bind: extra = [('_bind', self._bind[id])] if id == 0: headers = ['Params','Values'] else: headers = '' tables.append(tabulate(extra+sorted(group.items(), key=lambda x:x[0]), headers=headers)) return '\n'.join(tables)
Static methods
def from_conf(conf, private_keywords=[], expdesign=None)
Source code
@classmethod def from_conf(cls, conf, _max_expe=2e6, private_keywords=[], expdesign=None): gt = cls(private_keywords=private_keywords) _spec = conf.pop('_spec', None) if not _spec: if not expdesign: expdesign = ExpDesign conf['_name_expe'] = '_default_expe' conf['_expe_hash'] = hash_objects(dict((k,v) for k,v in conf.items() if k not in private_keywords)) gt._tensors.append(ExpTensor.from_expe(conf)) gt._ds_.append(expdesign) return gt exp = [] size_expe = len(_spec) consume_expe = 0 while consume_expe < size_expe: o = _spec[consume_expe] if isinstance(o, tuple): #_type => expdesign name, o, _type = o if isinstance(o, ExpGroup): size_expe += len(o) -1 _spec = _spec[:consume_expe] + o + _spec[consume_expe+1:] elif isinstance(o, list): # ExpVector exp.append(o) gt._ds_.append(_type) consume_expe += 1 else: o['_name_expe'] = name o['_expe_hash'] = hash_objects(dict((k,v) for k,v in o.items() if k not in private_keywords)) if hasattr(_type, '_alias'): o['_alias'] = getattr(_type, '_alias') exp.append(o) gt._ds_.append(_type) consume_expe += 1 if size_expe > _max_expe: lgg.warning('Number of experiences exceeds the hard limit of %d (please review ExpTensor).' % _max_expe) gt._tensors.extend([ExpTensor.from_expe(conf, spec) for spec in exp]) return gt
def check_bind(self)
Rules Filter
Source code
def check_bind(self): ''' Rules Filter ''' for tensor in self._tensors: if '_bind' in tensor: _bind = tensor.pop('_bind') if not isinstance(_bind, list): _bind = [_bind] elif len(_bind) ==1 and isinstance(_bind[0], list): _bind = _bind[0] else: #_bind = getattr(self, '_bind', []) _bind = [] self._bind.append(_bind)
def check_model_typo(self)
Assume default module is pymake
Source code
def check_model_typo(self): ''' Assume default module is pymake ''' for tensor in self._tensors: models = tensor.get('model', []) for i, m in enumerate(models): if not '.' in m: # Set the model ref name pkg = get_pymake_settings('default_model') if len(pkg) > 8: prefix = pkg[:3] if '.' in pkg: prefix += ''.join(map(lambda x:x[0], pkg.split('.')[1:])) else: prefix = pkg.split('.')[0] models[i] = '%s.%s'%(prefix, m)
def check_null(self)
Filter _null
Source code
def check_null(self): ''' Filter _null ''' for tensor in self._tensors: for k in list(tensor.keys()): if '_null' in tensor.get(k, []): v = tensor.pop(k) self._null[k].append(v)
def get_all(self, key, default=[])
Get all values associated to a given key.
Source code
def get_all(self, key, default=[]): ''' Get all values associated to a given key. ''' vec = [] if hasattr(self, '_lod'): for d in self._lod: if key in d: vec.append(d[key]) else: for tensor in self._tensors: vec.extend(tensor.get(key, [])) if not vec: return default else: return vec
def get_conf(self)
Source code
def get_conf(self): _conf = {} for tensor in self._tensors: for k, v in tensor.items(): if len(v) != 1: if k in _conf: _conf.pop(k) continue if k in _conf and v[0] != _conf[k]: _conf.pop(k) continue else: _conf[k] = v[0] #_confs.append(_conf) self._conf = _conf return self._conf
def get_gt(self)
get Global Tensors. No _binding here…
Source code
def get_gt(self): ''' get Global Tensors. No _binding here... ''' gt = {} for tensor in self._tensors: for k, v in tensor.items(): _v = gt.get(k,[]) gt[k] = _v + v return gt
def get_keys(self)
Source code
def get_keys(self): return list(self.get_gt())
def get_nounique_keys(self)
Return key that has gridded (different value occurence in the set of tensor).
Source code
def get_nounique_keys(self): ''' Return key that has gridded (different value occurence in the set of tensor). ''' keys = defaultdict(set) for tensor in self._tensors: for k in tensor: o = tensor.get(k, []) for v in o: if isinstance(v, str) and not v.startswith('_'): keys[k].add(v) nounique_keys = [] for k, _set in keys.items(): if len(_set) > 1: nounique_keys.append(k) return nounique_keys
def get_size(self)
Source code
def get_size(self): size = 0 for tensor in self._tensors: size += tensor.get_size() self._size = size return self._size
def make_lod(self, skip_check=False)
Make a list of Expe from tensor, with filtering
Source code
def make_lod(self, skip_check=False): ''' Make a list of Expe from tensor, with filtering ''' self._lod = [] for _id, tensor in enumerate(self._tensors): lods = self._make_lod(tensor, _id) tensor._size = len(lods) self._lod.extend(lods) self._ds.extend([self._ds_[_id]]*len(lods)) self._make_hash(skip_check) return self._lod
def remake(self, indexs)
Update the curent tensors by selecting the ${indexs}
Source code
def remake(self, indexs): ''' Update the curent tensors by selecting the ${indexs} ''' self._lod = [self._lod[i] for i in indexs] self._tensors = [] new_tensor = ExpTensor() consume_expe = 0 self._tensors.append(new_tensor) while consume_expe < len(self._lod): d = self._lod[consume_expe] res = new_tensor.push_dict(d) if res is False: new_tensor = ExpTensor() self._tensors.append(new_tensor) else: consume_expe += 1 new_tensor._size += 1
def remove_all(self, key)
Source code
def remove_all(self, key): if key in self._conf: self._conf.pop(key) for tensor in self._tensors: if key in tensor: tensor.pop(key) # @Debug self._lod is left untouched... # Really ? for d in self._lod: if key in d: d.pop(key)
def set_default_all(self, defconf)
set default value in exp
Source code
def set_default_all(self, defconf): ''' set default value in exp ''' # Update current spec with _default_expe for k, v in defconf.items(): for tensor in self._tensors: if not k in tensor: tensor[k] = [v] for expe in self._lod: if not k in expe: expe[k] = v if k in self._conf: # @debug: dont test if all the group have this unique value. self._conf[k] = v
def table(self)
Source code
def table(self): tables = [] for id, group in enumerate(self._tensors): src = self._ds[id].__name__ spec = group.get('_name_expe', ['void'])[0] h = '=== %s > %s > %s expe ===' % (src, spec, group.get_size()) tables.append(h) if self._bind: extra = [('_bind', self._bind[id])] if id == 0: headers = ['Params','Values'] else: headers = '' tables.append(tabulate(extra+sorted(group.items(), key=lambda x:x[0]), headers=headers)) return '\n'.join(tables)
def update_all(self, **kwargs)
Source code
def update_all(self, **kwargs): self._conf.update(kwargs) for tensor in self._tensors: tensor.update_from_dict(kwargs) for d in self._lod: d.update(kwargs)
class ExpVector (*args, **kwargs)
A List of elements of an ExpTensor.
Source code
class ExpVector(list, BaseObject): ''' A List of elements of an ExpTensor. ''' def __add__(self, other): return self.__class__(list.__add__(self, other)) def __sub__(self, other): return self.__class__([item for item in self if item not in other])
- builtins.list
- BaseObject
class Model (*args, **kwargs)
A List of elements of an ExpTensor.
Source code
class Model(ExpVector): @staticmethod def get(model_name): ix = IX(default_index='model') _model = None docir = ix.getfirst(model_name, field='surname') if docir: mn = importlib.import_module(docir['module']) #mn = importlib.import_module(docir['module'], package=local_package) _model = getattr(mn, docir['name'], None) return _model @staticmethod def get_all(_type='short'): ix = IX(default_index='model') if _type == 'short': res = ix.query(field='surname') elif _type == 'topos': _res = ix.query(field='surname', terms=True) res = [] for elt in _res: # beurk if len(elt['category']) > 0: # means that len(surname.split('.')) > 1 names = elt['surname'].split('.') topos = '.'.join(elt['category'].split()) surname = '.'.join((names[0], topos , names[1])) else: surname = elt['surname'] res.append(surname) return res @classmethod def table(cls, _type='short'): tables = cls.get_all(_type), return _table_(tables, headers=['Models'])
- ExpVector
- builtins.list
- BaseObject
Static methods
def get(model_name)
Source code
@staticmethod def get(model_name): ix = IX(default_index='model') _model = None docir = ix.getfirst(model_name, field='surname') if docir: mn = importlib.import_module(docir['module']) #mn = importlib.import_module(docir['module'], package=local_package) _model = getattr(mn, docir['name'], None) return _model
def get_all()
Source code
@staticmethod def get_all(_type='short'): ix = IX(default_index='model') if _type == 'short': res = ix.query(field='surname') elif _type == 'topos': _res = ix.query(field='surname', terms=True) res = [] for elt in _res: # beurk if len(elt['category']) > 0: # means that len(surname.split('.')) > 1 names = elt['surname'].split('.') topos = '.'.join(elt['category'].split()) surname = '.'.join((names[0], topos , names[1])) else: surname = elt['surname'] res.append(surname) return res
def table()
Source code
@classmethod def table(cls, _type='short'): tables = cls.get_all(_type), return _table_(tables, headers=['Models'])
class Script (*args, **kwargs)
Notes : Avoid method conflict by ALWAYS settings this class in last at class definitions.
Source code
class Script(BaseObject): @staticmethod def find(script, field='method'): ix = IX(default_index='script') script = ix.getfirst(script, field=field) return script @staticmethod def get_all(_type='flat'): ix = IX(default_index='script') if _type == 'flat': _res = ix.query(field='method') elif _type == 'hierarchical': _res = ix.query(field='scriptsurname', terms=True) return _res @staticmethod def get(scriptname, arguments, field='scriptsurname'): ix = IX(default_index='script') topmethod = ix.getfirst(scriptname, field=field) if not topmethod: # get the first method that have this name topmethod = ix.getfirst(scriptname, field='method') if not topmethod: return None #try: # raise ValueError('error: Unknown script: %s' % (scriptname)) #except: # # Exception from pyclbr # # index commit race condition I guess. # print('error: Unknown script: %s' % (scriptname)) # exit(42) arguments = [scriptname] + arguments #script_name = topmethod['scriptsurname'] module = importlib.import_module(topmethod['module']) script = getattr(module, topmethod['scriptname']) return script, arguments @classmethod def table(cls): ix = IX(default_index='script') t = OrderedDict() for elt in ix.query(index='script', terms=True): name = elt['scriptname'] methods = t.get(name, []) + [ elt['method'] ] t[name] = sorted(methods) return _table_(t, headers='keys', name=cls.__name__)
Static methods
def find(script, field='method')
Source code
@staticmethod def find(script, field='method'): ix = IX(default_index='script') script = ix.getfirst(script, field=field) return script
def get(scriptname, arguments, field='scriptsurname')
Source code
@staticmethod def get(scriptname, arguments, field='scriptsurname'): ix = IX(default_index='script') topmethod = ix.getfirst(scriptname, field=field) if not topmethod: # get the first method that have this name topmethod = ix.getfirst(scriptname, field='method') if not topmethod: return None #try: # raise ValueError('error: Unknown script: %s' % (scriptname)) #except: # # Exception from pyclbr # # index commit race condition I guess. # print('error: Unknown script: %s' % (scriptname)) # exit(42) arguments = [scriptname] + arguments #script_name = topmethod['scriptsurname'] module = importlib.import_module(topmethod['module']) script = getattr(module, topmethod['scriptname']) return script, arguments
def get_all()
Source code
@staticmethod def get_all(_type='flat'): ix = IX(default_index='script') if _type == 'flat': _res = ix.query(field='method') elif _type == 'hierarchical': _res = ix.query(field='scriptsurname', terms=True) return _res
def table()
Source code
@classmethod def table(cls): ix = IX(default_index='script') t = OrderedDict() for elt in ix.query(index='script', terms=True): name = elt['scriptname'] methods = t.get(name, []) + [ elt['method'] ] t[name] = sorted(methods) return _table_(t, headers='keys', name=cls.__name__)
class Spec (*args, **kwargs)
Notes : Avoid method conflict by ALWAYS settings this class in last at class definitions.
Source code
class Spec(BaseObject): @staticmethod def find(spec, field='expe_name'): ix = IX(default_index='spec') spec = ix.getfirst(spec, field=field) return spec @staticmethod def get(scriptname, *expe): ix = IX(default_index='spec') raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def get_all(): ix = IX(default_index='spec') _res = ix.query(field='expe_name', terms='module_name') return _res @staticmethod def load(expe_name, expe_module): # debug to load from module or expe_name ! p = expe_module.split('.') modula, modulb = '.'.join(p[:-1]), p[-1] try: expdesign = getattr(importlib.import_module(modula), modulb) exp = getattr(expdesign, expe_name) except (AttributeError, ModuleNotFoundError) as e: raise IndexChangedError("Fatal Error: unable to load spec (%s:%s): try `pmk update' or try again."% (expe_name, e)) return exp, expdesign @classmethod def table(cls): ix = IX(default_index='spec') t = OrderedDict() for elt in ix.query(index='spec', terms=True): name = elt['module_name'].split('.')[-1] obj, _ = cls.load(elt['expe_name'], elt['module_name']) if isinstance(obj, (ExpSpace, ExpTensor, ExpGroup)): expes = t.get(name, []) + [ elt['expe_name'] ] t[name] = sorted(expes) return _table_(t, headers='keys', name=cls.__name__) # no more complex. # @sortbytype @classmethod def table_topos(cls, _spec): Headers = OrderedDict((('Corpuses', Corpus), ('Models', Model), ('Vector', ExpVector), ('Exp', (ExpSpace, ExpTensor, ExpGroup)), ('Unknown', str))) tables = [ [] for i in range(len(Headers))] for expe_name, expe_module in _spec.items(): expe, _ = cls.load(expe_name, expe_module) try: pos = [isinstance(expe, T) for T in Headers.values()].index(True) except ValueError: pos = len(Headers) - 1 tables[pos].append(expe_name) return _table_(tables, headers=list(Headers.keys()))
Static methods
def find(spec, field='expe_name')
Source code
@staticmethod def find(spec, field='expe_name'): ix = IX(default_index='spec') spec = ix.getfirst(spec, field=field) return spec
def get(scriptname, *expe)
Source code
@staticmethod def get(scriptname, *expe): ix = IX(default_index='spec') raise NotImplementedError
def get_all()
Source code
@staticmethod def get_all(): ix = IX(default_index='spec') _res = ix.query(field='expe_name', terms='module_name') return _res
def load(expe_name, expe_module)
Source code
@staticmethod def load(expe_name, expe_module): # debug to load from module or expe_name ! p = expe_module.split('.') modula, modulb = '.'.join(p[:-1]), p[-1] try: expdesign = getattr(importlib.import_module(modula), modulb) exp = getattr(expdesign, expe_name) except (AttributeError, ModuleNotFoundError) as e: raise IndexChangedError("Fatal Error: unable to load spec (%s:%s): try `pmk update' or try again."% (expe_name, e)) return exp, expdesign
def table()
Source code
@classmethod def table(cls): ix = IX(default_index='spec') t = OrderedDict() for elt in ix.query(index='spec', terms=True): name = elt['module_name'].split('.')[-1] obj, _ = cls.load(elt['expe_name'], elt['module_name']) if isinstance(obj, (ExpSpace, ExpTensor, ExpGroup)): expes = t.get(name, []) + [ elt['expe_name'] ] t[name] = sorted(expes) return _table_(t, headers='keys', name=cls.__name__)
def table_topos(_spec)
Source code
@classmethod def table_topos(cls, _spec): Headers = OrderedDict((('Corpuses', Corpus), ('Models', Model), ('Vector', ExpVector), ('Exp', (ExpSpace, ExpTensor, ExpGroup)), ('Unknown', str))) tables = [ [] for i in range(len(Headers))] for expe_name, expe_module in _spec.items(): expe, _ = cls.load(expe_name, expe_module) try: pos = [isinstance(expe, T) for T in Headers.values()].index(True) except ValueError: pos = len(Headers) - 1 tables[pos].append(expe_name) return _table_(tables, headers=list(Headers.keys()))