Module pymake.core.gramexp
Source code
import random
import sys, os, re, uuid
import argparse
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import operator
import fnmatch
import subprocess
import shlex
import inspect, traceback, importlib
import pkg_resources
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from functools import reduce, wraps
from copy import deepcopy
import shelve
import numpy as np
from pymake.core import get_pymake_settings, reset_pymake_settings, PmkTemplate
from pymake.core.types import ExpDesign, ExpTensor, ExpSpace, Model, Corpus, Script, Spec, ExpVector
from pymake.core.types import ExpTensorV2 # @debug name integration
from pymake.core.format import ExpeFormat
from pymake.exceptions import *
from import is_empty_file
from pymake.util.utils import colored, basestring, hash_objects
''' Grammar Expe '''
# Custom formatter
# From :
class MyLogFormatter(logging.Formatter):
critical_fmt = "====>>> CRITICAL: %(msg)s"
err_fmt = "===>> ERROR: %(msg)s"
warn_fmt = "==> Warning: %(msg)s"
#info_fmt = '%(module): %(msg)s'
#info_fmt = '%(levelno)d: %(msg)s'
default_fmt = '%(msg)s'
# Custom Log
logging.addLevelName(VDEBUG_LEVEL_NUM, "VDEBUG")
logging.VDEBUG = 9
def __init__(self, fmt=default_fmt):
super().__init__(fmt=fmt, datefmt=None, style='%')
def format(self, record):
# Save the original format configured by the user
# when the logger formatter was instantiated
format_orig = self._style._fmt
# Replace the original format with one customized by logging level
if record.levelno == logging.WARNING:
self._style._fmt = MyLogFormatter.warn_fmt
elif record.levelno == logging.ERROR:
self._style._fmt = MyLogFormatter.err_fmt
elif record.levelno == logging.CRITICAL:
self._style._fmt = MyLogFormatter.critical_fmt
self._style._fmt = MyLogFormatter.default_fmt
# Call the original formatter class to do the grunt work
result = logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
# Restore the original format configured by the user
self._style._fmt = format_orig
return result
def setup_logger(level=None, name='root'):
#formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(module)s - %(message)s')
if level is None:
level = 0
if level == 1:
level = logging.DEBUG
elif level >= 2:
level = logging.VDEBUG
elif level == -1:
level = logging.WARNING
# make a --silent option for juste error and critial log ?
level = logging.INFO
# Get logger
logger = logging.getLogger(name)
# Format handler
handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
# Set Logger
# Prevent logging propagation of handler,
# who reults in logging things multiple times
logger.propagate = False
def vdebug(self, message, *args, **kws):
# Yes, logger takes its '*args' as 'args'.
if self.isEnabledFor(logging.VDEBUG):
self._log(logging.VDEBUG, message, args, **kws)
#logger.Logger.vdebug = vdebug
logging.Logger.vdebug = vdebug
return logger
class GramExp(object):
''' Create a mapping between different format of design of experiments.
_tensors :ExpTensor
tensor of experiments
__init__ : conf choice in :
* Expe -> One experiments
* ExpTensor -> Design of experiments
* Expe & spec in Expe -> Design of experiments with global value,
either from conf or command-line args.
conf value will udpdate all experiments first from command-line
argument then from defaut values.
Design of Experiments can take three forms :
1. command-line arguments (see self.parsearg).
* use for parralization with Gnu parallel.
2. Expe : Uniq experiments specificattion,
* @Todo list of Expe
3. ExpTensor : Represente a tensor of experiments.
Each entry of the dict contains an iterable over specifications
for this entry. (see
* @Todo pass rule to filter experiments...
### Expe Filtering
Expe can contains **special** keywords and value :
* _bind rules : List of rules of constraintsi on the design.
* Inclusif rules
+ [a.b] --- a(value) shoudld occur only with b(value), (ie 'lda.fast_init')
+ [a.b.c] --- with a(value), key b(key) take only c (value), (ie 'lda.iterations.100')
* Exclusif Rules
+ [a.!b] --- a(value) shoudld not only with b(value),
+ [a.b.!c] --- with a(value), key b(key) don't take c (value),
Warning : it does only check the last words when parameter are
separated by a dot (.) as for model module (name pmk.lda !) for example.
* if an attribute take the value "_null",
then it will be removed from the Exp. This can be usefull when piping
ouptuf of pymake to some script to parallelize.
### I/O Concerns
An experiment typically write three kind of files :
Corpus are load/saved using Pickle format in:
* bdir/
Models are load/saved using pickle/json/cvs in :
* bdir/refdir/rep/ <--> ModelManager
* bdir/refir/rep/model_name_parameters.json <--> DataBase
* bdir/refdir/rep/model_name_parameters.inf <--> ModelBase
log = logging.getLogger('root')
_version = pkg_resources.get_distribution('pmk').version
_examples = '''Examples:
>> Text fitting -k 6 -m ldafullbaye -p
>> Network fitting : -m immsb -c alternate -n 100 -i 10'''
_frontend_ext = ['gt', # graph-tool
'pk', # pickle
#_model_ext = @Todo: dense(numpy/pk.gz) or sparse => gt...?
# has special semantics on **output_path**.
_special_keywords = [ '_refdir', '_repeat',
'_format', '_csv_typo',
] # output_path => pmk-basedire/{base_type}/{refdir}/{repeat}/${format}:${csv_typo}
# Reserved by GramExp for expe identification
_reserved_keywords = ['_spec', # for nested specification.
'_id_expe', # unique (locally) expe identifier.
'_name_expe', # exp name identifier, set before _default_expe
'_expe_hash', # Unique spec identifier.
'_pmk', # force to set some settings out of grammarg.
_private_keywords = _reserved_keywords + _special_keywords
_default_expe = {
#'_verbose' : 0,
'_write' : False,
'_ignore_format_unique' : False,
'_force_load_data' : True, # if True, it will force the raw data parsing.
'_force_save_data' : True, # if False, dont save corpus as pk/gt ont the filesystem.
'_no_block_plot' : False,
_env = None # should be set during bootstrap
_base_name = '.pmk'
_cfg_name = 'pmk.cfg'
_db_name = '.pmk-db'
_pmk_error_file = '.pymake-errors'
def __init__(self, conf, usage=None, parser=None, parseargs=True, expdesign=None):
# @logger One logger by Expe ! # in preinit
if conf is None:
conf = {}
if parseargs is True:
kwargs, self.argparser, _ = self.parseargsexpe(usage)
if parser is not None:
# merge parser an parsargs ?
self.argparser = parser
# It pollute the spec output...
#[conf.update({k:v}) for k,v in self._default_expe.items() if k not in conf]
self._base_conf = conf
#self._do = conf.get('_do')
self.exp_setup(conf, expdesign)
def getenv(cls, a=None):
if a is None:
return cls._env
_env = cls._env
return _env.get(a)
def setenv(cls, env):
cls._env = env
db =, cls._db_name))
cls._data_path = get_pymake_settings('project_data')
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(env.get('PWD'), cls._cfg_name)):
cls._spec = Spec.get_all()
cls._spec = {}
def _update(self):
# Seems obsolete, _conf is not writtent in _tensors, right ?
self._conf = self._tensors._conf
self.lod = self._tensors._lod
def update_default_expe(self, expformat):
if not hasattr(expformat, '_default_expe'):
default_expe = expformat._default_expe
# check for for silent
if '_silent' in default_expe:
# Use default _spec if no spec given
_names = self.get_list('_name_expe')
if '_spec' in default_expe and '_default_expe' in _names and len(_names) == 1:
specs = default_expe['_spec']
specs = [specs] if not isinstance(specs, list) else specs
group = []
# Sensitive
conf = self._base_conf
#conf['_do'] = [self._do]
for spec in specs:
if isinstance(spec, str):
d, expdesign = Spec.load(spec, self._spec[spec])
group.append((spec, d, expdesign))
# Assume dict/expspace
group.append(('anonymous_expe', spec, ExpDesign,))
conf['_spec'] = group
# update the lookup script
if 'script' in conf:
script = conf.pop('script')
_script, script_args = Script.get(script[0], script[1:])
if script_args:
conf['_do'] = script_args
conf['_do'] = ''
def exp_setup(self, conf, expdesign=None):
''' work in self._tensors '''
# Make main data structure
self._tensors = ExpTensorV2.from_conf(conf, private_keywords=self._private_keywords,
# Global settings (unique argument)
self._conf = self._tensors.get_conf()
# Set expTensor init.
self._user_spec = conf.get('_spec', {})
# makes it contextual.
# Make lod
skip_check = self._conf['_do'] in ['diff']
self.lod = self._tensors.make_lod(skip_check)
indexs = self._conf.get('_run_indexs')
if indexs:
def _preprocess_exp(self):
def io_format_check(self):
if len(self) > 1 and '_write' in self._conf:
# Clean pymake extra args:
extra_args = ['_ignore_format_unique', ('_net', False)]
keys_to_remove = []
for _key in extra_args:
if type(_key) is tuple:
if self._conf.get(_key[0]) is _key[1]:
elif _key in self._conf:
# |
for key in keys_to_remove:
def check_format(self):
''' Check if all expVector are distinguishable in _format.
@debug: not valid check accros tensors !!!
@debug: integration in ExpTensorV2 ?
for tensor in self._tensors:
hidden_key = []
_format = tensor.get('_format', [''])
if len(_format) > 1:
raise NotImplementedError('multiple _format not implemented')
_format = _format[0]
format_settings = re.findall(r'{([^{}]*)}', _format)
for setting, values in tensor.items():
if setting in self._special_keywords:
if isinstance(values, list) and len(values) > 1 and setting not in format_settings:
if _format and hidden_key and self._conf.get('_ignore_format_unique') is not True and not '_id' in format_settings:
self.log.error('The following settings are not set in _format:')
print(' '+ ' '.join(hidden_key))
print('Possible conflicts in experience results outputs.')
print('Please correct {_format} key to fit the experience settings.')
print('To force the runs, use: --ignore-format-unique')
if self._conf.get('_ignore_format_unique') is True:
_hash = int((hash_objects(tensor)), 16) % 10**8
_format = '{_name}-expe' + str(_hash) +'h'
def _check_exp(cls, tensor):
''' check format and rules of _tensors. '''
for exp in tensor:
# check reserved keyword are absent from exp
for m in cls._reserved_keywords:
if m in exp and m != '_name_expe':
raise ValueError('%s is a reserved keyword of gramExp.' % m)
# Format
assert(isinstance(exp, ExpTensor))
for k, v in exp.items():
if not issubclass(type(v), (list, tuple, set)):
raise ValueError('error, exp value should be iterable: %s' % k, v)
def get_set(self, key, default=[]):
''' Return the (ordered) set of values of expVector of that {key}. '''
# Manage special Values
if key == '_spec':
raise NotImplementedError
ss = sorted(self.get_nounique_keys())
list_of_identifier = []
for tensor in self._tensors:
local_identifier = []
for k in ss:
_set = list_of_identifier
_set = set()
for v in self._tensors.get_all(key, default):
if isinstance(v, (list, set, dict)):
self.log.debug('Unshashable value in tensor for key: %s' % key)
return sorted(_set, key=lambda x: (x is None, x))
def get_list(self, key, default=[]):
''' Return the list of values of expVector of that {key}. '''
return self._tensors.get_all(key, default)
def get_nounique_keys(self, *args):
''' return list of keys that are non unique in expe_tensor
except if present in :args:.
nk = self._tensors.get_nounique_keys()
for o in args:
if o in nk:
return nk
def get_array_loc(self, key1, key2, params, repeat=False):
''' Construct an 2d sink array.
Return the zeros valued array of dimensions given by x and y {keys} dimension
loc = []
d1 = dict()
for i, k in enumerate(self.get_set(key1)):
d1[k] = i
d2 = dict()
for i, k in enumerate(self.get_set(key2)):
d2[k] = i
d3 = dict()
for i, k in enumerate(params):
d3[k] = i
tr = lambda d,k:d[str(k)] if isinstance(k, (list, set, dict)) else d[k]
floc = lambda k1, k2, z:(tr(d1,k1), tr(d2,k2), d3[z])
shape = list(map(len, loc))
if repeat:
shape = [len(self.get_set('_repeat'))] + shape
array =*np.nan, mask=True)
return array, floc
def get_array_loc_n(self, keys, params):
''' Construct an nd sink array.
Return the zeros valued array of dimensions given by x and y {keys} dimension
loc = OrderedDict()
for key in keys:
d1 = dict()
for i, v in enumerate(self.get_set(key)):
d1[v] = i
loc[key] = d1
d2 = dict()
for i, v in enumerate(params):
d2[v] = i
loc['_param_'] = d2
def floc(expe, z):
_special = ['_param_']
pos = []
for k in loc:
if k in expe:
v = expe[k]
elif k in _special:
self.log.warning('indice unknown in floc.')
v = None
return tuple(pos)
shape = [len(loc[d]) for d in loc]
array =*np.nan, mask=True)
return array, floc
def __len__(self):
#return reduce(operator.mul, [len(v) for v in self._tensors.values()], 1)
return len(self.lod)
def make_forest_path(self, lod, ext, status='f', full_path=False):
""" Make a list of path from a spec/dict, the filename are
oredered need to be align with the get_from_conf_file.
*args -> make_output_path
targets = []
for spec in lod:
filen = self.make_output_path(spec, ext, status=status, _null=self._tensors._null)
if filen:
s = filen.find(self._data_path)
pt = 0
if not full_path and s >= 0:
pt = s + len(self._data_path)
return targets
def make_output_path(cls, expe, ext=None, status=None, _null=None, _nonunique=None):
""" Make a single output path from a expe/dict
@status: f finished
@type: pk, json or inference.
expe = defaultdict(lambda: None, expe)
dict_format = cls.transcript_expe(expe)
if _null:
dict_format.update(dict((k,None) for k in _null))
basedir = os.path.join(cls._data_path, cls._base_name, 'results')
hook = expe.get('_refdir', 'default')
hook = hook.format(**dict_format)
rep = ''
if '_repeat' in expe and (expe['_repeat'] is not None and expe['_repeat'] is not False):
rep = str(expe['_repeat'])
if rep == '-1':
rep = ''
rep = rep.format(**dict_format)
p = os.path.join(hook, rep)
if not expe['_format']:
# or give a hash if write is False ?
cls.log.debug('No _format given, please set _format for output_path settings.')
nonunique = ['_name_expe', '_do']
if _nonunique:
argnunique = []
for i in set(nonunique):
v = expe.get(i, 'oops')
if isinstance(v, list):
v = v[0]
t = '-'.join(argnunique)
t = expe['_format'].format(**dict_format)
filen = os.path.join(basedir, p, t)
if ext:
filen = filen +'.'+ ext
elif status and not ext:
# Assume pickle driver for models.
filen = filen +'.'+ 'pk'
if status is 'f' and is_empty_file(filen):
return None
return filen
def make_input_path(cls, expe, status=None):
""" Make a single input path from a expe/dict """
expe = defaultdict(lambda: None, expe)
filen = None
# Corpus is an historical exception and has its own subfolder.
c = expe.get('corpus')
if not c:
c = ''
cls.log.debug('No Corpus is given.')
if c.lower().startswith(('clique', 'graph', 'generator')):
c = c.replace('generator', 'Graph')
c = c.replace('graph', 'Graph')
c = 'generator/' + c
if c.endswith(tuple('.'+ext for ext in cls._frontend_ext)):
c = c[:-(1+len(c.split('.')[-1]))]
input_dir = os.path.join(cls._data_path, cls._base_name, 'training', c)
return input_dir
def transcript_expe(expe):
''' Transcipt value to be used in spec's path formating '''
fmt_expe = expe.copy()
# iteration over {expe} trow a 'RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration',
# maybe due to **expe pass in argument ?
id_str = 'expe' + str(expe['_id_expe'])
id_name = expe['_name_expe']
id_hash = expe['_expe_hash']
# Special aliase for _format
fmt_expe['_id'] = id_str
fmt_expe['_name'] = id_name
fmt_expe['_hash'] = id_hash
for k, v in fmt_expe.items():
if isinstance(v, (list, dict)):
#fmt_expe[k] = id_str # don't do that, no robust get back expe.
_hash = int((hash_objects(v)), 16) % 10**8
fmt_expe[k] = k + str(_hash) +'h'
elif isinstance(v, float):
if 'e' in str(v):
fmt_expe[k] = str(v)
elif len(str(v).split('.')[1]) > 2:
fmt_expe[k] = '%.2f' % v
elif str(v).split('.')[1] == '0':
fmt_expe[k] = '%d' % v
fmt_expe[k] = v
# Special rule to rewirte the output_path
if '_model' in expe and 'model' in expe:
fmt_expe['model'] = expe['_model']
return fmt_expe
def get_parser(cls, description=None, usage=None):
import pymake.core.gram as _gram
parser = _gram.ExpArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=usage,
parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s '+ cls._version)
return parser
def push_gramarg(cls, parser, gram=None):
import pymake.core.gram as _gram
if gram is None:
gram = _gram._Gram
gram = importlib.import_module(gram)
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
pr = get_pymake_settings('gramarg').split('.')[0]
#@imporve priority shoiuld ne on : local project !
cls.log.warning("Project name `%s' seems to already exists in your PYTHONPATH. Project's name should not conflict with existing ones." % pr)
cls.log.warning("Please change the name of your project/repo.")
gram = next( (getattr(gram, _list) for _list in dir(gram) if isinstance(getattr(gram, _list), list)), None)
grammar = []
args_ = []
for e in gram:
if not isinstance(e, dict):
grammar.append((args_, e))
args_ = []
#[parser.add_argument(*r[0], **r[1]) for r in grammar]
# check for duplicate
for r in grammar:
parser.add_argument(*r[0], **r[1])
except argparse.ArgumentError as e:
err_mesg = " (it'll be overwritten)"
if r[0][0] in ('-v', '-s', '-w', '--seed'):
# @debug, level here is not set yet, so his not active by default.
# parsing difficulet becaus context sensitive (option (-v) impact how the options are interpreted)
def parseargsexpe(cls, usage=None, args=None, parser=None):
description = 'Launch and Specify Simulations.'
if not usage:
usage = GramExp._examples
if parser is None:
parser = cls.get_parser(description, usage)
#s, remaining = parser.parse_known_args(args=args)
# Push pymake grmarg.
# third-party
gramarg = get_pymake_settings('gramarg')
if gramarg:
cls.push_gramarg(parser, gramarg)
s = parser.parse_args(args=args)
# Assume None value are non-filled options
settings = dict((key,value) for key, value in vars(s).items() if value is not None)
# Purge default/unchanged settings
for k in list(settings):
v = settings[k]
if cls._default_expe.get(k) == v:
pmk_opts = cls.pmk_extra_opts(settings)
expdesign = GramExp.expVectorLookup(settings)
return settings, parser, expdesign
def pmk_extra_opts(settings):
opts = {}
pmk = settings.get('_pmk')
if not pmk:
return opts
for s in pmk:
k, v = s.split('=')
v = int(v)
try: v = float(v)
except: pass
opts[k] = v
return opts
def zymake(cls, request={}, usage='', firsttime=True, expdesign=None):
usage ='''\
Communicate with the data :
| pmk update : update the pymake index
| pmk -l [spec(default)|model|script|topo] : list available component
| pmk show SPEC : show one spec details (default if no arguments)
| pmk run SPEC [--script [fun][*args]] ... : execute tasks (default if -x is given)
| pmk runpara SPEC [--script [fun][*args]] ... : parallelize tasks (implicit if --cores is given)
| pmk hist [-n n_lines] : show command history
| pmk cmd SPEC ... : Try to generate the command-line for each expe.
| pmk path SPEC Filetype(pk|json|inf) [status] ... : show output_path of each expe.
''' + '\n' + usage
s, parser, expdesign_lkp = GramExp.parseargsexpe(usage)
ontology = dict(
_do = ['cmd', 'show', 'path', 'run', 'update', 'init', 'runpara', 'hist', 'diff'],
_spec = list(cls._spec),
_ext = ['json', 'pk', 'inf']
ont_values = sum([w for k, w in ontology.items() if k != '_spec'] , [])
# Init _do value.
if not request.get('_do'):
request['_do'] = []
# Special Case for CLI.
if 'script' in request:
# check if no command is specified, and
# if 'script" is there, set 'run' command as default.
do = request.get('_do', [])
no_do = len(do) == 0
no_do_command = len(request['_do']) > 0 and not request['_do'][0] in ontology['_do']
if no_do or no_do_command:
if '_cores' in request or '_net' in request:
runcmd = 'runpara'
runcmd = 'run'
request['_do'] = [runcmd] + do
do = request.get('_do', [])
checksum = len(do)
# No more Complex !
run_indexs = []
expgroup = []
for i, v in enumerate(do.copy()):
if str.isdigit(v):
checksum -= 1
for ont, words in ontology.items():
# Walktrough the ontology to find arg semantics
if v in words:
if ont == '_spec':
if v in ont_values:
cls.log.critical('=> Warning: conflict between name of ExpDesign and Pymake commands')
d, expdesign = Spec.load(v, cls._spec[v])
except IndexChangedError as e:
cls.log.warning('Spec (%s) not found, re-building Spec indexes...' % (v) )
cls._spec = Spec.get_all()
return cls.zymake(firsttime=False)
expgroup.append((v,d, expdesign))
request[ont] = v
checksum -= 1
# Check erros in the command line
if checksum != 0:
if (request.get('_do') or request.get('do_list')) and not GramExp.is_pymake_dir():
print('fatal: Not a pymake directory: %s not found.' % (cls._cfg_name))
except FileNotFoundError:
if firsttime == True:
cls.log.warning('Spec not found, re-building Spec indexes...')
cls._spec = Spec.get_all()
return cls.zymake(firsttime=False)
cls.log.error('==> Error : unknown argument: %s\n\nAvailable Exp : %s' % (do, list(cls._spec)))
# Setup the exp inputs
if run_indexs:
request['_run_indexs'] = run_indexs
if len(expgroup) >= 1:
request['_spec'] = expgroup
if len(expgroup) > 0 and len(do) == 0:
request['_do'] = 'show'
expdesign = expdesign or expdesign_lkp
return cls(request, usage=usage, parser=parser, parseargs=False, expdesign=expdesign)
def expVectorLookup(cls, request):
''' set exp from spec if presents '''
expdesign = None
for k, v in request.items():
if not isinstance(v, ExpVector):
sub_request = ExpVector()
for vv in v:
if isinstance(vv, list):
if vv in cls._spec:
loaded_v, expdesign = Spec.load(vv, cls._spec[vv])
if isinstance(loaded_v, ExpVector):
# Multiple Flags
if sub_request:
request[k] = sub_request
return expdesign
def exp_tabulate(cls, conf={}, usage=''):
gargs = clargs.grouped['_'].all
for arg in gargs:
conf['K'] = int(arg)
conf['model'] = arg
return cls(conf, usage=usage)
def make_path(self, ext=None, status=None, fullpath=None):
return self.make_forest_path(self.lod, ext, status, fullpath)
def make_commandline(self):
commands = self.make_commands()
commands = [' '.join(c) for c in commands]
return commands
def make_commands(self):
lod = self.lod
commands = []
for e in lod:
argback = self.argparser._actions
command = []
args_seen = []
for a in argback:
if not hasattr(a, 'option_strings') or len(a.option_strings) == 0:
# Assume every options of expe has a flags
if a.dest in e and a.dest not in args_seen:
#if isinstance(a, (gram.unaggregate_append,)):
# # Assume except_append are removed from expe,
# # special traitment
# continue
if a.nargs == 0:
# standalone flags
store = e[a.dest]
if 'StoreTrue' in str(type(a)):
storetrue = True
elif 'StoreFalse' in str(type(a)):
storetrue = False
raise ValueError('Check the Type of argparse for : %s'%e)
if storetrue and store:
command += [a.option_strings[0]]
_arg = e[a.dest]
if isinstance(_arg, (list, set, tuple)):
_arg = ' '.join(str(_arg))
command += [a.option_strings[0]] + [str(_arg)]
return commands
def reorder_firstnonvalid(self, ext='pk'):
for i, e in enumerate(self.lod):
if not self.make_output_path(e, ext, status='f', _null=self._tensors._null, _nonunique=self.get_nounique_keys()):
self.lod[0], self.lod[i] = self.lod[i], self.lod[0]
def exptable(self):
return self._tensors.table()
def spectable(self):
return Spec.table()
def scripttable(self):
return Script.table()
def modeltable(self, _type='short'):
return Model.table(_type)
def spectable_topo(self):
return Spec.table_topos(self._spec)
def alltable_topo(self):
from pymake.core.types import _table_
specs = self._spec
scripts = Script.get_all()
models = Model.get_all()
table = [models, specs, scripts]
headers = ['Models', 'Specs', 'Actions']
return _table_(table, headers)
def help_short(self):
shelp = self.argparser.format_usage() + self.argparser.epilog
return shelp
def simulate_short(self):
''' Simulation Output '''
Nb of experiments : %s
Corpuses : %s
Models : %s
''' % (len(self), self.getCorpuses(), self.getModels()), file=sys.stdout)
def simulate(self, halt=True, file=sys.stdout):
print('PYMAKE Exp: %d' % (len(self) ), file=file)
print('-'*30, file=file)
print(self.exptable(), file=file)
if halt:
def sign_nargs(fun):
return sum([y.default is inspect._empty for x,y in inspect.signature(fun).parameters.items() if x != 'self'])
def tb_expeformat(sandbox):
signatures = []
for m in dir(sandbox):
if not callable(getattr(sandbox, m)) or m.startswith('__') or hasattr(ExpeFormat, m):
sgn = inspect.signature(getattr(sandbox, m))
d = [v for k,v in sgn.parameters.items() if k != 'self'] or []
signatures.append((m, d))
return signatures
def functable(obj):
''' show method/doc associated to one class (in /scripts) '''
lines = []
for m in GramExp.tb_expeformat(obj):
name = m[0]
opts = []
for o in m[1]:
if not o:
if o.default is inspect._empty:
# args
# kwargs
opts.append('%s [%s]'% (, o.default))
opts = ', '.join(opts)
line = ' ' + name + ': ' + opts
return lines
def load(*args, **kwargs):
from import load
return load(*args, **kwargs)
def save(*args, **kwargs):
from import save
return save(*args, **kwargs)
def model_walker(bdir, fmt='list'):
models_files = []
if fmt == 'list':
### Easy formating
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(bdir):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.pk'):
models_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
return models_files
### More Complex formating
tree = { 'json': [],
'pk': [],
'inference': [] }
for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.pk'):
if filename.startswith(('dico.','vocab.')):
dico_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
corpus_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
raise NotImplementedError()
return tree
def get_cls_name(cls):
clss = str(cls).split()[1]
return clss.split('.')[-1].replace("'>", '')
def expe_init(self, expe, _seed_path='/tmp/pmk.seed'):
''' Intialize an expe:
* Set seed
* set in/out filesystem path
_seed = expe.get('_seed')
if _seed is None:
seed0 = random.randint(0, 2**128)
seed1 = np.random.randint(0, 2**32, 10)
seed = [seed0, seed1]
elif type(_seed) is str and str.isdigit(_seed):
_seed = int(_seed)
seed = [_seed, _seed]
elif type(_seed) is str:
if _seed in expe:
_seed = expe[_seed]
seed = []
for c in list(_seed):
if '_repeat' in expe:
if type(expe['_repeat']) is int:
for c in list(expe['_repeat']):
seed = ''.join( [chr(int(i)) for i in list(''.join(seed))] )
seed = int((hash_objects(seed)), 32) % 2**32
seed = [seed, seed]
# Makes it on 32 bit...
elif _seed is True:
# Load state
seed = None
self._seed = self.load(_seed_path)
except FileNotFoundError as e:
self.log.error("Cannot initialize seed, %s file does not exist." % _seed_path)
sid = [np.random.randint(0, 2**63), np.random.randint(0, 2**32)], sid, silent=True), np.random.get_state() silent=True)
raise FileNotFoundError('%s file just created, try again !')
if seed:
# if no seed is given, it's impossible to get a seed from numpy
# Save state, seed, silent=True), [seed, np.random.get_state()], silent=True)
self._seed = seed
# Init I/O settings
expe['_output_path'] = self.make_output_path(expe, _null=self._tensors._null, _nonunique=self.get_nounique_keys())
expe['_input_path'] = self.make_input_path(expe)
return self._seed
def execute(self):
''' Execute Exp Sequentially '''
if 'script' in self._conf:
script = self._conf.pop('script')
self.log.error('==> Error : You need to specify a script. (--script)')
_script, script_args = Script.get(script[0], script[1:])
except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
self.log.warning('Script not found, re-building Scripts indexes...')
#self._spec = Spec.get_all()
res = Script.get(script[0], script[1:])
if not res:
print('error: Unknown script: %s' % (script[0]))
_script, script_args = res
except IndexError as e:
self.log.error('Script arguments error : %s -- %s' % (e, script))
# Raw search
#script_name = script[0]
#script_args = script[1:]
#Scripts = mloader.ScriptsLoader.get_packages()
#if not script_name in Scripts:
# method_by_cls = mloader.ScriptsLoader.lookup_methods()
# if script_name in sum(method_by_cls.values(), []):
# # check if it is a method reference
# script_args = [script_name] + script_args
# script_name = next(k.lower() for (k,v) in method_by_cls.items() if script_name in v)
# else:
# raise ValueError('error: Unknown script: %s' % (script_name))
if script_args:
def execute_parallel(self):
basecmd = sys.argv.copy()
# Target = subprocess.check_output(['which','pymake']).strip().decode()
# Target = 'python3 /home/ama/adulac/.local/bin/pymake'
Target = 'pmk'
basecmd = [Target] + basecmd[1:]
# Create commands indexs
indexs = self._conf.get('_run_indexs')
if not indexs:
indexs = range(len(self))
[basecmd.remove(str(i)) for i in indexs]
# Creates a list of commands that pick each index
# from base requests commands.
cmdlines = []
for index in indexs:
id_cmd = 'run %s' % (index)
if 'runpara' in basecmd:
cmd = ' '.join(basecmd).replace('runpara', id_cmd, 1)
idx = basecmd.index(Target)
cmd = ' '.join(basecmd[:idx] + [Target + ' '+ id_cmd] + basecmd[idx+1:])
n_cores = str(self._conf.get('_cores', 1))
# remove the --cores options
for i, cmd in enumerate(cmdlines):
cmd = cmd.split()
try: idx = cmd.index('--cores')
except: continue
cmd.pop(idx); cmd.pop(idx) # pop --cores int
cmdlines[i] = ' '.join(cmd)
if self._conf.get('simulate'):
#for r in cmdlines:
# print(r)
cmd = ['parallel', '-j', n_cores, '-u', '-C', "' '", '--eta', '--progress', ':::', '%s'%('\n'.join(cmdlines))]
#stdout = subprocess.check_output(cmd)
for line in self.subexecute1(cmd):
print(line, end='')
def execute_parallel_net(self, nhosts=None):
''' run X process by machine !
if :nhosts: (int) is given, limit the numner of remote machines.
NDL = get_pymake_settings('loginfile')
workdir = get_pymake_settings('remote_pwd')
remotes = list(filter(None, [s for s in open(NDL).read().split('\n') if not s.startswith(('#', '%'))]))
basecmd = sys.argv.copy()
#Target = './'
#basecmd = ['python3', Target] + basecmd[1:]
Target = 'pmk'
basecmd = [Target] + basecmd[1:]
cmdlines = None
# Create commands indexs
indexs = self._conf.get('_run_indexs')
if not indexs:
indexs = range(len(self))
[basecmd.remove(str(i)) for i in indexs]
# Get chunked indexs
if nhosts is None:
# cores by host
n_cores = int(self._conf.get('_cores', 1))
# share run per host
n_cores = len(indexs) // int(nhosts)
# Only --net 1, implement/understood from now.
if int(nhosts) == 1:
indexs = []
cmdlines = [' '.join(basecmd)]
raise NotImplementedError
if cmdlines is None:
indexs = list(map(str, indexs))
chunk = int(np.ceil(len(indexs) / len(remotes)))
indexs = [indexs[i:i+chunk] for i in range(0, len(indexs), chunk)]
# Creates a list of commands that pick each index
# from base requests commands.
cmdlines = []
for index in indexs:
id_cmd = '%s' % (' '.join(index))
if 'runpara' in basecmd:
cmd = ' '.join(basecmd).replace('runpara', id_cmd, 1)
idx = basecmd.index(Target)
cmd = ' '.join(basecmd[:idx] + [Target + ' '+ id_cmd] + basecmd[idx+1:])
# remove the --net options
for i, cmd in enumerate(cmdlines):
#cmdlines[i] = cmd.replace('--net', '').strip()
cmdlines[i] = re.sub(r'--net\s*[0-9]*', '', cmd).strip()
if nhosts is not None:
tempf = '/tmp/pmk_' + uuid.uuid4().hex
nhosts = int(nhosts)
with open(tempf, 'w') as _f_w:
with open(NDL) as _f_r:
for i, l in enumerate(_f_r.readlines()):
if i >= nhosts:
NDL = tempf
#for r in cmdlines:
# print(r)
cmd = ['parallel', '-u', '-C', "' '", '--eta', '--progress',
'--sshloginfile', NDL, '--workdir', workdir,
'--env', 'OMP_NUM_THREADS', '--env', 'PYTHONPATH', '--env', 'PATH',
':::', '%s'%('\n'.join(cmdlines))]
env = {'PYTHONPATH': '~/.local/lib/:',
'PATH': '~/.local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:'}
if self._conf.get('simulate'):
#stdout = subprocess.check_output(cmd)
for line in self.subexecute1(cmd, **env):
print(line, end='')
def subexecute1(cmd, **env):
_env = os.environ
popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, env=_env)
for stdout_line in iter(popen.stdout.readline, ""):
yield stdout_line
return_code = popen.wait()
if return_code:
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(return_code, cmd)
def subexecute2(cmd):
''' trying to print colors here ...'''
popen = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
while True:
output = popen.stdout.readline()
if output == '' and popen.poll() is not None:
if output:
return process.poll()
def notebook(self):
from nbformat import v4 as nbf
nb = nbf.new_notebook()
text = ''
# get the expe
# get the script
# get the figure
code = ''
nb['cells'] = [nbf.new_markdown_cell(text),
nbf.new_code_cell(code) ]
def is_pymake_dir(cls):
pwd = cls.getenv('PWD')
return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pwd, cls._cfg_name))
def init_folders(self):
join = os.path.join
if self.is_pymake_dir():
print('fatal: %s file already exists.' % (self._cfg_name))
pwd = self.getenv('PWD')
cwd = os.path.dirname(__file__)
folders = ['_current', 'spec', 'script', 'model']
#open(join(pwd, ''), 'a').close()
spec = {'projectname':os.path.basename(pwd)}
print('Creating project: {projectname}'.format(**spec))
settings = {}
for d in folders:
if d in ['model', 'spec', 'script']:
os.makedirs(d, exist_ok=True)
with open(join(cwd,'..', 'template', '%s.template'%(d))) as _f:
template = PmkTemplate(
open(join(pwd, d, ''), 'a').close()
with open(join(pwd, d, ''%(d)), 'a') as _f:
settings.update({'default_%s'%(d):'.'.join((spec['projectname'], d))})
elif d == '_current':
# Gramarg
with open(join(cwd,'..', 'template', 'gramarg.template')) as _f:
template = PmkTemplate(
with open(join(pwd, ''), 'a') as _f:
settings.update({'default_gramarg':'.'.join((spec['projectname'], 'gramarg'))})
raise ValueError('Doh, Directory unknwow: %s' % d)
# Set and write pymake.cfg
return self.update_index()
def pushcmd2hist(self):
from pymake.util.utils import tail
bdir = os.path.join(self._data_path, self._base_name)
fn = os.path.join(bdir, '.pymake-hist')
if not os.path.isfile(fn):
open(fn, 'a').close()
cmd = sys.argv.copy()
cmd[0] = os.path.basename(cmd[0])
cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
_tail = tail(fn, 10)
with open(fn, 'a') as _f:
if not cmd in _tail:
return _f.write(cmd+'\n')
def show_history(self):
from pymake.util.utils import tail
n = self._conf.get('N', 42)
if n == 'all':
n_lines = -1
n_lines = int(n)
bdir = self._data_path
fn = os.path.join(bdir, self._base_name, '.pymake-hist')
if not os.path.isfile(fn):
self.log.error('hist file does not exist.')
_tail = tail(fn, n_lines)
def show_diff(self):
from tabulate import tabulate
import itertools
diff_expe = dict()
for tensor in self._tensors:
for k in self._tensors.get_keys():
if k not in diff_expe:
diff_expe[k] = tensor.get(k, ['--'])
v = tensor.get(k, ['--'])
s = diff_expe[k]
r = list(itertools.filterfalse(lambda x: x in v, s)) + list(itertools.filterfalse(lambda x: x in s, v))
# r = (set(s) - set(v)).union(set(v) - set(s))
#except TypeError as e:
# r = list(itertools.filterfalse(lambda x: x in v, s)) + list(itertools.filterfalse(lambda x: x in s, v))
diff_expe[k] = r
for k in list(diff_expe):
if len(diff_expe[k]) == 0:
if diff_expe:
print('exp differs:')
def update_index(cls, *index_name):
from pymake.index.indexmanager import IndexManager as IX
pwd = cls.getenv('PWD')
os.chdir(pwd) # not sure we still need this
## Update index
if len(index_name) == 0:
for name in index_name:
## Update bash_completion file
home = os.path.expanduser('~')
cwd = os.path.dirname(__file__)
pjt = os.path.basename(pwd)
template = None
completion_fn = os.path.join(home, '.bash_completion.d', 'pymake_completion')
if os.path.exists(completion_fn):
with open(completion_fn) as _f:
template =
# Reset completion file if version differs
verpos = template.find('%%PMK')
_ver ='version=([0-9\.\-a-zA-Z_]*)', template[verpos:])
if not _ver:
template = None
_ver = _ver.groups()[0]
if _ver != cls._version:
template = None
if template is None:
with open(os.path.join(cwd, '..', 'template', 'pymake_completion.template')) as _f:
template =
# Get Specs
specs = ' '.join(list(cls._spec))
# Get Scripts
_scripts = Script.get_all(_type='hierarchical')
scripts = defaultdict(list)
all_scripts = set()
sur_scripts = set()
for _o in _scripts:
script = _o['scriptsurname']
action = _o['method']
all_scripts.update([script, action])
# Create a Bash array of strings.
dict_scripts = []
for sur in sur_scripts:
dict_scripts.append('"'+ ' '.join(scripts[sur]) +'"')
# get Models
models = None
# get Corpus
corpus = None
all_scripts = ' '.join(all_scripts)
sur_scripts = ' '.join(sur_scripts)
dict_scripts = '(' + ' '.join(dict_scripts) + ')'
hook = '''
elif [[ "$project" == "$$projectname" ]]; then
_match = '[[ "$project" == "%s" ]]' % (pjt)
back_pos = template.find(_match)
if back_pos >= 0:
# Remove old lines
template = template.split('\n')
pt = None
for pos, line in enumerate(template):
if _match in line:
pt = pos
_hook = hook.strip().split('\n')
n_lines = len(_hook)
template = template[:pt] +_hook+ template[pt+n_lines:]
template = '\n'.join(template)
insert_pos = template.find('%%PMK')
insert_pos = insert_pos - template[:insert_pos][::-1].find('\n')
template = template[:insert_pos] +\
hook +\
os.makedirs(os.path.join(home, '.bash_completion.d'), exist_ok=True)
with open(completion_fn, 'w') as _f:
template = PmkTemplate(template)
template = template.substitute(projectname=pjt, version=cls._version,
#os.execl("/bin/bash", "/bin/bash", "-c", "source ~/.bash_completion.d/pymake_completion")
def pymake(self, sandbox=ExpeFormat):
''' Walk Through experiments. '''
if 'do_list' in self._conf:
print('Available methods for %s: ' % (sandbox))
print(*self.functable(sandbox) , sep='\n')
# Default spec, expVector ?
#if hasattr(sandbox, '_expe_default'):
# print(sandbox._expe_default)
if self._conf.get('simulate'):
n_errors = 0
for id_expe, _expe in enumerate(self.lod):
expe = ExpSpace(**_expe)
pt = dict((key, value.index(expe[key])) for key, value in self._tensors.get_gt().items()
if (isinstance(expe.get(key), (basestring, int, float)) and key not in self._reserved_keywords))
pt['expe'] = id_expe
# Init Expe
expdesign = self._tensors._ds[id_expe]
expbox = sandbox(pt, expe, expdesign, self)
except FileNotFoundError as e:
self.log.error('ignoring %s'%e)
except Exception as e:
print(('Error during '+colored('%s', 'red')+' Initialization.') % (str(sandbox)))
# Expe Preprocess
# Setup handler
if '_do' in expe and len(expe._do) > 0:
# ExpFormat task ? decorator and autoamtic argument passing ....
do = expe._do
pmk = getattr(expbox, do[0])
do = ['__call__']
pmk = expbox
# Launch handler
args = do[1:]
res = pmk(*args)
if res is not None:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# it's hard to detach matplotlib...
except Exception as e:
n_errors += 1
self.log.critical(('Error during '+colored('%s', 'red')+' Expe no %d.') % (do, id_expe))
with open(self._pmk_error_file, 'a') as _f:
lines = []
lines.append('%s' % (
lines.append('Error during %s Expe no %d' % (do, id_expe))
lines.append('Output path: %s' % (expe.get('_output_path')))
_f.write('\n'.join(lines) + '\n')
# Expe Postprocess
if n_errors > 0:
self.log.warning("There was %d errors, logged in `%s'" % (n_errors, self._pmk_error_file))
with open(self._pmk_error_file, 'a') as _f:
exit_status = 0 if n_errors == 0 else 1
return exit(exit_status)
def setup_logger(level=None, name='root')
Source code
def setup_logger(level=None, name='root'): #formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(module)s - %(message)s') if level is None: level = 0 if level == 1: level = logging.DEBUG elif level >= 2: level = logging.VDEBUG elif level == -1: level = logging.WARNING else: # make a --silent option for juste error and critial log ? level = logging.INFO # Get logger logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.setLevel(level) # Format handler handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) #handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(fmt=fmt)) handler.setFormatter(MyLogFormatter()) # Set Logger logger.addHandler(handler) # Prevent logging propagation of handler, # who reults in logging things multiple times logger.propagate = False def vdebug(self, message, *args, **kws): # Yes, logger takes its '*args' as 'args'. if self.isEnabledFor(logging.VDEBUG): self._log(logging.VDEBUG, message, args, **kws) #logger.Logger.vdebug = vdebug logging.Logger.vdebug = vdebug return logger
class GramExp (conf, usage=None, parser=None, parseargs=True, expdesign=None)
Create a mapping between different format of design of experiments.
_tensors :ExpTensor tensor of experiments
- Expe -> One experiments
- ExpTensor -> Design of experiments
- Expe & spec in Expe -> Design of experiments with global value, either from conf or command-line args. conf value will udpdate all experiments first from command-line argument then from defaut values.
Design of Experiments can take three forms : 1. command-line arguments (see self.parsearg). * use for parralization with Gnu parallel. 2. Expe : Uniq experiments specificattion, * @Todo list of Expe 3. ExpTensor : Represente a tensor of experiments. Each entry of the dict contains an iterable over specifications for this entry. (see * @Todo pass rule to filter experiments…
Expe Filtering
Expe can contains special keywords and value : * _bind rules : List of rules of constraintsi on the design. * Inclusif rules + [a.b] — a(value) shoudld occur only with b(value), (ie 'lda.fast_init') + [a.b.c] — with a(value), key b(key) take only c (value), (ie 'lda.iterations.100') * Exclusif Rules + [a.!b] — a(value) shoudld not only with b(value), + [a.b.!c] — with a(value), key b(key) don't take c (value),
Warning : it does only check the last words when parameter are separated by a dot (.) as for model module (name pmk.lda !) for example.
- if an attribute take the value "_null", then it will be removed from the Exp. This can be usefull when piping ouptuf of pymake to some script to parallelize.
I/O Concerns
An experiment typically write three kind of files : Corpus are load/saved using Pickle format in: * bdir/ Models are load/saved using pickle/json/cvs in : * bdir/refdir/rep/ <–> ModelManager * bdir/refir/rep/model_name_parameters.json <–> DataBase * bdir/refdir/rep/model_name_parameters.inf <–> ModelBase
Source code
class GramExp(object): ''' Create a mapping between different format of design of experiments. Attribute --------- _tensors :ExpTensor tensor of experiments Methods ------- __init__ : conf choice in : * Expe -> One experiments * ExpTensor -> Design of experiments * Expe & spec in Expe -> Design of experiments with global value, either from conf or command-line args. conf value will udpdate all experiments first from command-line argument then from defaut values. Notes ----- Design of Experiments can take three forms : 1. command-line arguments (see self.parsearg). * use for parralization with Gnu parallel. 2. Expe : Uniq experiments specificattion, * @Todo list of Expe 3. ExpTensor : Represente a tensor of experiments. Each entry of the dict contains an iterable over specifications for this entry. (see * @Todo pass rule to filter experiments... ### Expe Filtering Expe can contains **special** keywords and value : * _bind rules : List of rules of constraintsi on the design. * Inclusif rules + [a.b] --- a(value) shoudld occur only with b(value), (ie 'lda.fast_init') + [a.b.c] --- with a(value), key b(key) take only c (value), (ie 'lda.iterations.100') * Exclusif Rules + [a.!b] --- a(value) shoudld not only with b(value), + [a.b.!c] --- with a(value), key b(key) don't take c (value), Warning : it does only check the last words when parameter are separated by a dot (.) as for model module (name pmk.lda !) for example. * if an attribute take the value "_null", then it will be removed from the Exp. This can be usefull when piping ouptuf of pymake to some script to parallelize. ### I/O Concerns An experiment typically write three kind of files : Corpus are load/saved using Pickle format in: * bdir/ Models are load/saved using pickle/json/cvs in : * bdir/refdir/rep/ <--> ModelManager * bdir/refir/rep/model_name_parameters.json <--> DataBase * bdir/refdir/rep/model_name_parameters.inf <--> ModelBase ''' log = logging.getLogger('root') _version = pkg_resources.get_distribution('pmk').version _examples = '''Examples: >> Text fitting -k 6 -m ldafullbaye -p >> Network fitting : -m immsb -c alternate -n 100 -i 10''' _frontend_ext = ['gt', # graph-tool 'pk', # pickle ] #_model_ext = @Todo: dense(numpy/pk.gz) or sparse => gt...? # has special semantics on **output_path**. _special_keywords = [ '_refdir', '_repeat', '_format', '_csv_typo', ] # output_path => pmk-basedire/{base_type}/{refdir}/{repeat}/${format}:${csv_typo} # Reserved by GramExp for expe identification _reserved_keywords = ['_spec', # for nested specification. '_id_expe', # unique (locally) expe identifier. '_name_expe', # exp name identifier, set before _default_expe '_expe_hash', # Unique spec identifier. '_pmk', # force to set some settings out of grammarg. ] _private_keywords = _reserved_keywords + _special_keywords _default_expe = { #'_verbose' : 0, '_write' : False, '_ignore_format_unique' : False, '_force_load_data' : True, # if True, it will force the raw data parsing. '_force_save_data' : True, # if False, dont save corpus as pk/gt ont the filesystem. '_no_block_plot' : False, } _env = None # should be set during bootstrap _base_name = '.pmk' _cfg_name = 'pmk.cfg' _db_name = '.pmk-db' _pmk_error_file = '.pymake-errors' def __init__(self, conf, usage=None, parser=None, parseargs=True, expdesign=None): # @logger One logger by Expe ! # in preinit setup_logger(level=conf.get('_verbose')) if conf is None: conf = {} if parseargs is True: kwargs, self.argparser, _ = self.parseargsexpe(usage) conf.update(kwargs) if parser is not None: # merge parser an parsargs ? self.argparser = parser # It pollute the spec output... #[conf.update({k:v}) for k,v in self._default_expe.items() if k not in conf] self._base_conf = conf #self._do = conf.get('_do') self.exp_setup(conf, expdesign) @classmethod def getenv(cls, a=None): if a is None: return cls._env _env = cls._env return _env.get(a) @classmethod def setenv(cls, env): cls._env = env db =, cls._db_name)) db.update(env) db.close() cls._data_path = get_pymake_settings('project_data') if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(env.get('PWD'), cls._cfg_name)): cls._spec = Spec.get_all() else: cls._spec = {} def _update(self): # Seems obsolete, _conf is not writtent in _tensors, right ? self._conf = self._tensors._conf # self.lod = self._tensors._lod def update_default_expe(self, expformat): if not hasattr(expformat, '_default_expe'): return else: default_expe = expformat._default_expe # check for for silent if '_silent' in default_expe: setup_logger(level=-1) # Use default _spec if no spec given _names = self.get_list('_name_expe') if '_spec' in default_expe and '_default_expe' in _names and len(_names) == 1: specs = default_expe['_spec'] specs = [specs] if not isinstance(specs, list) else specs group = [] # Sensitive conf = self._base_conf #conf['_do'] = [self._do] for spec in specs: if isinstance(spec, str): d, expdesign = Spec.load(spec, self._spec[spec]) group.append((spec, d, expdesign)) else: # Assume dict/expspace group.append(('anonymous_expe', spec, ExpDesign,)) conf['_spec'] = group # update the lookup script if 'script' in conf: script = conf.pop('script') _script, script_args = Script.get(script[0], script[1:]) if script_args: conf['_do'] = script_args #self._tensors.update_all(_do=script_args) else: conf['_do'] = '' #self._tensors.update_all(_do=['']) self.exp_setup(conf) self._tensors.set_default_all(default_expe) def exp_setup(self, conf, expdesign=None): ''' work in self._tensors ''' # Make main data structure self._tensors = ExpTensorV2.from_conf(conf, private_keywords=self._private_keywords, expdesign=expdesign) # Global settings (unique argument) self._conf = self._tensors.get_conf() # Set expTensor init. self._user_spec = conf.get('_spec', {}) # makes it contextual. self._preprocess_exp() # Make lod skip_check = self._conf['_do'] in ['diff'] self.lod = self._tensors.make_lod(skip_check) indexs = self._conf.get('_run_indexs') if indexs: self._tensors.remake(indexs) self._update() def _preprocess_exp(self): #self._check_exp(self._tensors) self._tensors.check_bind() self._tensors.check_model_typo() self._tensors.check_null() def io_format_check(self): if len(self) > 1 and '_write' in self._conf: self.check_format() # Clean pymake extra args: extra_args = ['_ignore_format_unique', ('_net', False)] keys_to_remove = [] for _key in extra_args: if type(_key) is tuple: if self._conf.get(_key[0]) is _key[1]: keys_to_remove.append(_key[0]) elif _key in self._conf: keys_to_remove.append(_key) # | for key in keys_to_remove: self._tensors.remove_all(key) def check_format(self): ''' Check if all expVector are distinguishable in _format. @debug: not valid check accros tensors !!! @debug: integration in ExpTensorV2 ? ''' for tensor in self._tensors: hidden_key = [] _format = tensor.get('_format', ['']) if len(_format) > 1: raise NotImplementedError('multiple _format not implemented') else: _format = _format[0] format_settings = re.findall(r'{([^{}]*)}', _format) for setting, values in tensor.items(): if setting in self._special_keywords: continue if isinstance(values, list) and len(values) > 1 and setting not in format_settings: hidden_key.append(setting) if _format and hidden_key and self._conf.get('_ignore_format_unique') is not True and not '_id' in format_settings: self.log.error('The following settings are not set in _format:') print(' '+ ' '.join(hidden_key)) print('Possible conflicts in experience results outputs.') print('Please correct {_format} key to fit the experience settings.') print('To force the runs, use: --ignore-format-unique') print('Exiting...') exit(2) if self._conf.get('_ignore_format_unique') is True: _hash = int((hash_objects(tensor)), 16) % 10**8 _format = '{_name}-expe' + str(_hash) +'h' self._tensors.update_all(_format=_format) @classmethod def _check_exp(cls, tensor): ''' check format and rules of _tensors. ''' for exp in tensor: # check reserved keyword are absent from exp for m in cls._reserved_keywords: if m in exp and m != '_name_expe': raise ValueError('%s is a reserved keyword of gramExp.' % m) # Format assert(isinstance(exp, ExpTensor)) for k, v in exp.items(): if not issubclass(type(v), (list, tuple, set)): raise ValueError('error, exp value should be iterable: %s' % k, v) def get_set(self, key, default=[]): ''' Return the (ordered) set of values of expVector of that {key}. ''' # Manage special Values if key == '_spec': raise NotImplementedError ss = sorted(self.get_nounique_keys()) list_of_identifier = [] for tensor in self._tensors: local_identifier = [] for k in ss: local_identifier.append(k) list_of_identifier.append('-'.join(sorted(filter(None,local_identifier)))) _set = list_of_identifier else: _set = set() for v in self._tensors.get_all(key, default): if isinstance(v, (list, set, dict)): self.log.debug('Unshashable value in tensor for key: %s' % key) _set.add(str(v)) else: _set.add(v) return sorted(_set, key=lambda x: (x is None, x)) def get_list(self, key, default=[]): ''' Return the list of values of expVector of that {key}. ''' return self._tensors.get_all(key, default) def get_nounique_keys(self, *args): ''' return list of keys that are non unique in expe_tensor except if present in :args:. ''' nk = self._tensors.get_nounique_keys() for o in args: if o in nk: nk.remove(o) return nk def get_array_loc(self, key1, key2, params, repeat=False): ''' Construct an 2d sink array. Return the zeros valued array of dimensions given by x and y {keys} dimension ''' loc = [] d1 = dict() for i, k in enumerate(self.get_set(key1)): d1[k] = i loc.append(d1) d2 = dict() for i, k in enumerate(self.get_set(key2)): d2[k] = i loc.append(d2) d3 = dict() for i, k in enumerate(params): d3[k] = i loc.append(d3) tr = lambda d,k:d[str(k)] if isinstance(k, (list, set, dict)) else d[k] floc = lambda k1, k2, z:(tr(d1,k1), tr(d2,k2), d3[z]) shape = list(map(len, loc)) if repeat: shape = [len(self.get_set('_repeat'))] + shape array =*np.nan, mask=True) return array, floc def get_array_loc_n(self, keys, params): ''' Construct an nd sink array. Return the zeros valued array of dimensions given by x and y {keys} dimension ''' loc = OrderedDict() for key in keys: d1 = dict() for i, v in enumerate(self.get_set(key)): d1[v] = i loc[key] = d1 d2 = dict() for i, v in enumerate(params): d2[v] = i loc['_param_'] = d2 def floc(expe, z): _special = ['_param_'] pos = [] for k in loc: if k in expe: v = expe[k] elif k in _special: continue else: self.log.warning('indice unknown in floc.') v = None pos.append(loc[k][v]) pos.append(loc['_param_'][z]) return tuple(pos) shape = [len(loc[d]) for d in loc] array =*np.nan, mask=True) return array, floc def __len__(self): #return reduce(operator.mul, [len(v) for v in self._tensors.values()], 1) return len(self.lod) def make_forest_path(self, lod, ext, status='f', full_path=False): """ Make a list of path from a spec/dict, the filename are oredered need to be align with the get_from_conf_file. *args -> make_output_path """ targets = [] for spec in lod: filen = self.make_output_path(spec, ext, status=status, _null=self._tensors._null) if filen: s = filen.find(self._data_path) pt = 0 if not full_path and s >= 0: pt = s + len(self._data_path) targets.append(filen[pt:]) return targets @classmethod def make_output_path(cls, expe, ext=None, status=None, _null=None, _nonunique=None): """ Make a single output path from a expe/dict @status: f finished @type: pk, json or inference. """ expe = defaultdict(lambda: None, expe) dict_format = cls.transcript_expe(expe) if _null: dict_format.update(dict((k,None) for k in _null)) basedir = os.path.join(cls._data_path, cls._base_name, 'results') hook = expe.get('_refdir', 'default') hook = hook.format(**dict_format) rep = '' if '_repeat' in expe and (expe['_repeat'] is not None and expe['_repeat'] is not False): rep = str(expe['_repeat']) if rep == '-1': rep = '' else: rep = rep.format(**dict_format) p = os.path.join(hook, rep) if not expe['_format']: # or give a hash if write is False ? cls.log.debug('No _format given, please set _format for output_path settings.') nonunique = ['_name_expe', '_do'] if _nonunique: nonunique.extend(_nonunique) argnunique = [] for i in set(nonunique): v = expe.get(i, 'oops') if isinstance(v, list): v = v[0] argnunique.append(v) t = '-'.join(argnunique) else: t = expe['_format'].format(**dict_format) filen = os.path.join(basedir, p, t) if ext: filen = filen +'.'+ ext elif status and not ext: # Assume pickle driver for models. filen = filen +'.'+ 'pk' if status is 'f' and is_empty_file(filen): return None else: return filen @classmethod def make_input_path(cls, expe, status=None): """ Make a single input path from a expe/dict """ expe = defaultdict(lambda: None, expe) filen = None # Corpus is an historical exception and has its own subfolder. c = expe.get('corpus') if not c: c = '' cls.log.debug('No Corpus is given.') if c.lower().startswith(('clique', 'graph', 'generator')): c = c.replace('generator', 'Graph') c = c.replace('graph', 'Graph') c = 'generator/' + c if c.endswith(tuple('.'+ext for ext in cls._frontend_ext)): c = c[:-(1+len(c.split('.')[-1]))] input_dir = os.path.join(cls._data_path, cls._base_name, 'training', c) return input_dir @staticmethod def transcript_expe(expe): ''' Transcipt value to be used in spec's path formating ''' fmt_expe = expe.copy() # iteration over {expe} trow a 'RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration', # maybe due to **expe pass in argument ? id_str = 'expe' + str(expe['_id_expe']) id_name = expe['_name_expe'] id_hash = expe['_expe_hash'] # Special aliase for _format fmt_expe['_id'] = id_str fmt_expe['_name'] = id_name fmt_expe['_hash'] = id_hash for k, v in fmt_expe.items(): if isinstance(v, (list, dict)): #fmt_expe[k] = id_str # don't do that, no robust get back expe. _hash = int((hash_objects(v)), 16) % 10**8 fmt_expe[k] = k + str(_hash) +'h' elif isinstance(v, float): if 'e' in str(v): fmt_expe[k] = str(v) elif len(str(v).split('.')[1]) > 2: fmt_expe[k] = '%.2f' % v elif str(v).split('.')[1] == '0': fmt_expe[k] = '%d' % v else: fmt_expe[k] = v # Special rule to rewirte the output_path if '_model' in expe and 'model' in expe: fmt_expe['model'] = expe['_model'] return fmt_expe @classmethod def get_parser(cls, description=None, usage=None): import pymake.core.gram as _gram parser = _gram.ExpArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=usage, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s '+ cls._version) return parser @classmethod def push_gramarg(cls, parser, gram=None): import pymake.core.gram as _gram if gram is None: gram = _gram._Gram else: try: gram = importlib.import_module(gram) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: pr = get_pymake_settings('gramarg').split('.')[0] #@imporve priority shoiuld ne on : local project ! cls.log.warning("Project name `%s' seems to already exists in your PYTHONPATH. Project's name should not conflict with existing ones." % pr) cls.log.warning("Please change the name of your project/repo.") exit(38) gram = next( (getattr(gram, _list) for _list in dir(gram) if isinstance(getattr(gram, _list), list)), None) grammar = [] args_ = [] for e in gram: if not isinstance(e, dict): args_.append(e) continue grammar.append((args_, e)) args_ = [] #[parser.add_argument(*r[0], **r[1]) for r in grammar] # check for duplicate for r in grammar: try: parser.add_argument(*r[0], **r[1]) except argparse.ArgumentError as e: err_mesg = " (it'll be overwritten)" if r[0][0] in ('-v', '-s', '-w', '--seed'): # @debug, level here is not set yet, so his not active by default. # parsing difficulet becaus context sensitive (option (-v) impact how the options are interpreted) cls.log.debug(str(e)+err_mesg) else: cls.log.error(str(e)+err_mesg) #exit(3) @classmethod def parseargsexpe(cls, usage=None, args=None, parser=None): description = 'Launch and Specify Simulations.' if not usage: usage = GramExp._examples if parser is None: parser = cls.get_parser(description, usage) #s, remaining = parser.parse_known_args(args=args) # Push pymake grmarg. cls.push_gramarg(parser) # third-party gramarg = get_pymake_settings('gramarg') if gramarg: cls.push_gramarg(parser, gramarg) s = parser.parse_args(args=args) # Assume None value are non-filled options settings = dict((key,value) for key, value in vars(s).items() if value is not None) # Purge default/unchanged settings for k in list(settings): v = settings[k] if cls._default_expe.get(k) == v: settings.pop(k) pmk_opts = cls.pmk_extra_opts(settings) settings.update(pmk_opts) expdesign = GramExp.expVectorLookup(settings) return settings, parser, expdesign @staticmethod def pmk_extra_opts(settings): opts = {} pmk = settings.get('_pmk') if not pmk: return opts for s in pmk: k, v = s.split('=') try: v = int(v) except: try: v = float(v) except: pass opts[k] = v return opts @classmethod def zymake(cls, request={}, usage='', firsttime=True, expdesign=None): usage ='''\ ---------------- Communicate with the data : ---------------- | pmk update : update the pymake index | pmk -l [spec(default)|model|script|topo] : list available component | pmk show SPEC : show one spec details (default if no arguments) | pmk run SPEC [--script [fun][*args]] ... : execute tasks (default if -x is given) | pmk runpara SPEC [--script [fun][*args]] ... : parallelize tasks (implicit if --cores is given) | pmk hist [-n n_lines] : show command history | pmk cmd SPEC ... : Try to generate the command-line for each expe. | pmk path SPEC Filetype(pk|json|inf) [status] ... : show output_path of each expe. ''' + '\n' + usage s, parser, expdesign_lkp = GramExp.parseargsexpe(usage) request.update(s) ontology = dict( _do = ['cmd', 'show', 'path', 'run', 'update', 'init', 'runpara', 'hist', 'diff'], _spec = list(cls._spec), _ext = ['json', 'pk', 'inf'] ) ont_values = sum([w for k, w in ontology.items() if k != '_spec'] , []) # Init _do value. if not request.get('_do'): request['_do'] = [] # Special Case for CLI. if 'script' in request: # check if no command is specified, and # if 'script" is there, set 'run' command as default. do = request.get('_do', []) no_do = len(do) == 0 no_do_command = len(request['_do']) > 0 and not request['_do'][0] in ontology['_do'] if no_do or no_do_command: if '_cores' in request or '_net' in request: runcmd = 'runpara' else: runcmd = 'run' request['_do'] = [runcmd] + do do = request.get('_do', []) checksum = len(do) # No more Complex ! run_indexs = [] expgroup = [] for i, v in enumerate(do.copy()): if str.isdigit(v): run_indexs.append(int(v)) do.remove(v) checksum -= 1 else: for ont, words in ontology.items(): # Walktrough the ontology to find arg semantics if v in words: if ont == '_spec': if v in ont_values: cls.log.critical('=> Warning: conflict between name of ExpDesign and Pymake commands') do.remove(v) try: d, expdesign = Spec.load(v, cls._spec[v]) except IndexChangedError as e: cls.log.warning('Spec (%s) not found, re-building Spec indexes...' % (v) ) cls.update_index('spec') cls._spec = Spec.get_all() return cls.zymake(firsttime=False) expgroup.append((v,d, expdesign)) else: request[ont] = v checksum -= 1 break # Check erros in the command line if checksum != 0: if (request.get('_do') or request.get('do_list')) and not GramExp.is_pymake_dir(): print('fatal: Not a pymake directory: %s not found.' % (cls._cfg_name)) try: os.remove('.pmk-db.db') except FileNotFoundError: pass exit(10) if firsttime == True: cls.log.warning('Spec not found, re-building Spec indexes...') cls.update_index('spec') cls._spec = Spec.get_all() return cls.zymake(firsttime=False) else: cls.log.error('==> Error : unknown argument: %s\n\nAvailable Exp : %s' % (do, list(cls._spec))) exit(10) # Setup the exp inputs if run_indexs: request['_run_indexs'] = run_indexs if len(expgroup) >= 1: request['_spec'] = expgroup if len(expgroup) > 0 and len(do) == 0: request['_do'] = 'show' expdesign = expdesign or expdesign_lkp return cls(request, usage=usage, parser=parser, parseargs=False, expdesign=expdesign) @classmethod def expVectorLookup(cls, request): ''' set exp from spec if presents ''' expdesign = None for k, v in request.items(): if not isinstance(v, ExpVector): continue sub_request = ExpVector() for vv in v: if isinstance(vv, list): continue if vv in cls._spec: loaded_v, expdesign = Spec.load(vv, cls._spec[vv]) if isinstance(loaded_v, ExpVector): sub_request.extend(loaded_v) else: # Multiple Flags sub_request.append(vv) if sub_request: request[k] = sub_request return expdesign @classmethod def exp_tabulate(cls, conf={}, usage=''): gargs = clargs.grouped['_'].all for arg in gargs: try: conf['K'] = int(arg) except: conf['model'] = arg return cls(conf, usage=usage) def make_path(self, ext=None, status=None, fullpath=None): return self.make_forest_path(self.lod, ext, status, fullpath) #@deprecated def make_commandline(self): commands = self.make_commands() commands = [' '.join(c) for c in commands] return commands #@deprecated def make_commands(self): lod = self.lod commands = [] for e in lod: argback = self.argparser._actions command = [] args_seen = [] for a in argback: if not hasattr(a, 'option_strings') or len(a.option_strings) == 0: # Assume every options of expe has a flags continue if a.dest in e and a.dest not in args_seen: #if isinstance(a, (gram.unaggregate_append,)): # # Assume except_append are removed from expe, # # special traitment # continue if a.nargs == 0: # standalone flags store = e[a.dest] if 'StoreTrue' in str(type(a)): storetrue = True elif 'StoreFalse' in str(type(a)): storetrue = False else: raise ValueError('Check the Type of argparse for : %s'%e) if storetrue and store: command += [a.option_strings[0]] else: _arg = e[a.dest] if isinstance(_arg, (list, set, tuple)): _arg = ' '.join(str(_arg)) command += [a.option_strings[0]] + [str(_arg)] args_seen.append(a.dest) commands.append(command) return commands def reorder_firstnonvalid(self, ext='pk'): for i, e in enumerate(self.lod): if not self.make_output_path(e, ext, status='f', _null=self._tensors._null, _nonunique=self.get_nounique_keys()): self.lod[0], self.lod[i] = self.lod[i], self.lod[0] break return def exptable(self): return self._tensors.table() def spectable(self): return Spec.table() def scripttable(self): return Script.table() def modeltable(self, _type='short'): return Model.table(_type) def spectable_topo(self): return Spec.table_topos(self._spec) def alltable_topo(self): from pymake.core.types import _table_ specs = self._spec scripts = Script.get_all() models = Model.get_all() table = [models, specs, scripts] headers = ['Models', 'Specs', 'Actions'] return _table_(table, headers) def help_short(self): shelp = self.argparser.format_usage() + self.argparser.epilog return shelp def simulate_short(self): ''' Simulation Output ''' print(''' Nb of experiments : %s Corpuses : %s Models : %s ''' % (len(self), self.getCorpuses(), self.getModels()), file=sys.stdout) exit() def simulate(self, halt=True, file=sys.stdout): print('PYMAKE Exp: %d' % (len(self) ), file=file) print('-'*30, file=file) print(self.exptable(), file=file) if halt: exit() else: return @staticmethod def sign_nargs(fun): return sum([y.default is inspect._empty for x,y in inspect.signature(fun).parameters.items() if x != 'self']) @staticmethod def tb_expeformat(sandbox): signatures = [] for m in dir(sandbox): if not callable(getattr(sandbox, m)) or m.startswith('__') or hasattr(ExpeFormat, m): continue sgn = inspect.signature(getattr(sandbox, m)) d = [v for k,v in sgn.parameters.items() if k != 'self'] or [] signatures.append((m, d)) return signatures @staticmethod def functable(obj): ''' show method/doc associated to one class (in /scripts) ''' lines = [] for m in GramExp.tb_expeformat(obj): name = m[0] opts = [] for o in m[1]: if not o: continue if o.default is inspect._empty: # args opts.append( else: # kwargs opts.append('%s [%s]'% (, o.default)) opts = ', '.join(opts) line = ' ' + name + ': ' + opts lines.append(line) return lines @staticmethod def load(*args, **kwargs): from import load return load(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def save(*args, **kwargs): from import save return save(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def model_walker(bdir, fmt='list'): models_files = [] if fmt == 'list': ### Easy formating for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(bdir): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.pk'): models_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) return models_files else: ### More Complex formating tree = { 'json': [], 'pk': [], 'inference': [] } for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.pk'): if filename.startswith(('dico.','vocab.')): dico_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) else: corpus_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) raise NotImplementedError() return tree @staticmethod def get_cls_name(cls): clss = str(cls).split()[1] return clss.split('.')[-1].replace("'>", '') def expe_init(self, expe, _seed_path='/tmp/pmk.seed'): ''' Intialize an expe: * Set seed * set in/out filesystem path ''' _seed = expe.get('_seed') if _seed is None: seed0 = random.randint(0, 2**128) seed1 = np.random.randint(0, 2**32, 10) seed = [seed0, seed1] elif type(_seed) is str and str.isdigit(_seed): _seed = int(_seed) seed = [_seed, _seed] elif type(_seed) is str: if _seed in expe: _seed = expe[_seed] seed = [] for c in list(_seed): seed.append(str(ord(c))) if '_repeat' in expe: if type(expe['_repeat']) is int: seed.append(str(expe['_repeat'])) else: for c in list(expe['_repeat']): seed.append(str(ord(c))) seed = ''.join( [chr(int(i)) for i in list(''.join(seed))] ) seed = int((hash_objects(seed)), 32) % 2**32 seed = [seed, seed] # Makes it on 32 bit... elif _seed is True: # Load state seed = None try: self._seed = self.load(_seed_path) random.seed(self._seed[0]) np.random.seed(self._seed[1]) #np.random.set_state(seed_state) except FileNotFoundError as e: self.log.error("Cannot initialize seed, %s file does not exist." % _seed_path) sid = [np.random.randint(0, 2**63), np.random.randint(0, 2**32)], sid, silent=True), np.random.get_state() silent=True) raise FileNotFoundError('%s file just created, try again !') if seed: # if no seed is given, it's impossible to get a seed from numpy # random.seed(seed[0]) np.random.seed(seed[1]) # Save state, seed, silent=True), [seed, np.random.get_state()], silent=True) self._seed = seed # Init I/O settings expe['_output_path'] = self.make_output_path(expe, _null=self._tensors._null, _nonunique=self.get_nounique_keys()) expe['_input_path'] = self.make_input_path(expe) return self._seed def execute(self): ''' Execute Exp Sequentially ''' if 'script' in self._conf: script = self._conf.pop('script') self._tensors.remove_all('script') self._tensors.remove_all('_do') else: self.log.error('==> Error : You need to specify a script. (--script)') exit(10) try: _script, script_args = Script.get(script[0], script[1:]) except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: self.log.warning('Script not found, re-building Scripts indexes...') self.update_index('script') #self._spec = Spec.get_all() try: res = Script.get(script[0], script[1:]) if not res: print('error: Unknown script: %s' % (script[0])) exit(404) else: _script, script_args = res except: raise except IndexError as e: self.log.error('Script arguments error : %s -- %s' % (e, script)) exit(2) # Raw search #script_name = script[0] #script_args = script[1:] #Scripts = mloader.ScriptsLoader.get_packages() #if not script_name in Scripts: # method_by_cls = mloader.ScriptsLoader.lookup_methods() # if script_name in sum(method_by_cls.values(), []): # # check if it is a method reference # script_args = [script_name] + script_args # script_name = next(k.lower() for (k,v) in method_by_cls.items() if script_name in v) # else: # raise ValueError('error: Unknown script: %s' % (script_name)) if script_args: self._tensors.update_all(_do=script_args) #self.pymake(sandbox=Scripts[script_name]) self.pymake(sandbox=_script) def execute_parallel(self): basecmd = sys.argv.copy() #try: # Target = subprocess.check_output(['which','pymake']).strip().decode() #except: # Target = 'python3 /home/ama/adulac/.local/bin/pymake' Target = 'pmk' basecmd = [Target] + basecmd[1:] # Create commands indexs indexs = self._conf.get('_run_indexs') if not indexs: indexs = range(len(self)) else: [basecmd.remove(str(i)) for i in indexs] # Creates a list of commands that pick each index # from base requests commands. cmdlines = [] for index in indexs: id_cmd = 'run %s' % (index) if 'runpara' in basecmd: cmd = ' '.join(basecmd).replace('runpara', id_cmd, 1) else: idx = basecmd.index(Target) cmd = ' '.join(basecmd[:idx] + [Target + ' '+ id_cmd] + basecmd[idx+1:]) cmdlines.append(cmd) n_cores = str(self._conf.get('_cores', 1)) # remove the --cores options for i, cmd in enumerate(cmdlines): cmd = cmd.split() try: idx = cmd.index('--cores') except: continue cmd.pop(idx); cmd.pop(idx) # pop --cores int cmdlines[i] = ' '.join(cmd) if self._conf.get('simulate'): self.simulate() #for r in cmdlines: # print(r) #exit() cmd = ['parallel', '-j', n_cores, '-u', '-C', "' '", '--eta', '--progress', ':::', '%s'%('\n'.join(cmdlines))] #stdout = subprocess.check_output(cmd) #print(stdout.decode()) for line in self.subexecute1(cmd): print(line, end='') #self.subexecute2(cmd) def execute_parallel_net(self, nhosts=None): ''' run X process by machine ! if :nhosts: (int) is given, limit the numner of remote machines. ''' NDL = get_pymake_settings('loginfile') workdir = get_pymake_settings('remote_pwd') remotes = list(filter(None, [s for s in open(NDL).read().split('\n') if not s.startswith(('#', '%'))])) basecmd = sys.argv.copy() #Target = './' #basecmd = ['python3', Target] + basecmd[1:] Target = 'pmk' basecmd = [Target] + basecmd[1:] cmdlines = None # Create commands indexs indexs = self._conf.get('_run_indexs') if not indexs: indexs = range(len(self)) else: [basecmd.remove(str(i)) for i in indexs] # Get chunked indexs if nhosts is None: # cores by host n_cores = int(self._conf.get('_cores', 1)) else: # share run per host n_cores = len(indexs) // int(nhosts) # Only --net 1, implement/understood from now. if int(nhosts) == 1: indexs = [] cmdlines = [' '.join(basecmd)] else: raise NotImplementedError if cmdlines is None: indexs = list(map(str, indexs)) chunk = int(np.ceil(len(indexs) / len(remotes))) indexs = [indexs[i:i+chunk] for i in range(0, len(indexs), chunk)] # Creates a list of commands that pick each index # from base requests commands. cmdlines = [] for index in indexs: id_cmd = '%s' % (' '.join(index)) if 'runpara' in basecmd: cmd = ' '.join(basecmd).replace('runpara', id_cmd, 1) else: idx = basecmd.index(Target) cmd = ' '.join(basecmd[:idx] + [Target + ' '+ id_cmd] + basecmd[idx+1:]) cmdlines.append(cmd) # remove the --net options for i, cmd in enumerate(cmdlines): #cmdlines[i] = cmd.replace('--net', '').strip() cmdlines[i] = re.sub(r'--net\s*[0-9]*', '', cmd).strip() if nhosts is not None: tempf = '/tmp/pmk_' + uuid.uuid4().hex nhosts = int(nhosts) with open(tempf, 'w') as _f_w: with open(NDL) as _f_r: for i, l in enumerate(_f_r.readlines()): if i >= nhosts: break _f_w.write(l) NDL = tempf #for r in cmdlines: # print(r) #exit() cmd = ['parallel', '-u', '-C', "' '", '--eta', '--progress', '--sshloginfile', NDL, '--workdir', workdir, '--env', 'OMP_NUM_THREADS', '--env', 'PYTHONPATH', '--env', 'PATH', ':::', '%s'%('\n'.join(cmdlines))] env = {'PYTHONPATH': '~/.local/lib/:', 'PATH': '~/.local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:'} if self._conf.get('simulate'): self.simulate() #stdout = subprocess.check_output(cmd) #print(stdout.decode()) for line in self.subexecute1(cmd, **env): print(line, end='') @staticmethod def subexecute1(cmd, **env): _env = os.environ _env.update(env) popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, env=_env) for stdout_line in iter(popen.stdout.readline, ""): yield stdout_line popen.stdout.close() return_code = popen.wait() if return_code: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(return_code, cmd) @staticmethod def subexecute2(cmd): ''' trying to print colors here ...''' popen = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) while True: output = popen.stdout.readline() if output == '' and popen.poll() is not None: break if output: print(popen.strip()) return process.poll() def notebook(self): from nbformat import v4 as nbf nb = nbf.new_notebook() text = '' # get the expe # get the script # get the figure code = '' nb['cells'] = [nbf.new_markdown_cell(text), nbf.new_code_cell(code) ] return @classmethod def is_pymake_dir(cls): pwd = cls.getenv('PWD') return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pwd, cls._cfg_name)) def init_folders(self): join = os.path.join if self.is_pymake_dir(): print('fatal: %s file already exists.' % (self._cfg_name)) exit(11) pwd = self.getenv('PWD') cwd = os.path.dirname(__file__) folders = ['_current', 'spec', 'script', 'model'] #open(join(pwd, ''), 'a').close() spec = {'projectname':os.path.basename(pwd)} print('Creating project: {projectname}'.format(**spec)) settings = {} for d in folders: if d in ['model', 'spec', 'script']: os.makedirs(d, exist_ok=True) with open(join(cwd,'..', 'template', '%s.template'%(d))) as _f: template = PmkTemplate( open(join(pwd, d, ''), 'a').close() with open(join(pwd, d, ''%(d)), 'a') as _f: _f.write(template.substitute(spec)) settings.update({'default_%s'%(d):'.'.join((spec['projectname'], d))}) elif d == '_current': # Gramarg with open(join(cwd,'..', 'template', 'gramarg.template')) as _f: template = PmkTemplate( with open(join(pwd, ''), 'a') as _f: _f.write(template.substitute(spec)) settings.update({'default_gramarg':'.'.join((spec['projectname'], 'gramarg'))}) else: raise ValueError('Doh, Directory unknwow: %s' % d) # Set and write pymake.cfg reset_pymake_settings(settings) return self.update_index() def pushcmd2hist(self): from pymake.util.utils import tail bdir = os.path.join(self._data_path, self._base_name) fn = os.path.join(bdir, '.pymake-hist') if not os.path.isfile(fn): open(fn, 'a').close() return cmd = sys.argv.copy() cmd[0] = os.path.basename(cmd[0]) cmd = ' '.join(cmd) _tail = tail(fn, 10) with open(fn, 'a') as _f: if not cmd in _tail: return _f.write(cmd+'\n') def show_history(self): from pymake.util.utils import tail n = self._conf.get('N', 42) if n == 'all': n_lines = -1 else: n_lines = int(n) bdir = self._data_path fn = os.path.join(bdir, self._base_name, '.pymake-hist') if not os.path.isfile(fn): self.log.error('hist file does not exist.') return _tail = tail(fn, n_lines) print('\n'.join(_tail)) def show_diff(self): from tabulate import tabulate import itertools diff_expe = dict() for tensor in self._tensors: for k in self._tensors.get_keys(): if k not in diff_expe: diff_expe[k] = tensor.get(k, ['--']) continue v = tensor.get(k, ['--']) s = diff_expe[k] r = list(itertools.filterfalse(lambda x: x in v, s)) + list(itertools.filterfalse(lambda x: x in s, v)) #try: # r = (set(s) - set(v)).union(set(v) - set(s)) #except TypeError as e: # r = list(itertools.filterfalse(lambda x: x in v, s)) + list(itertools.filterfalse(lambda x: x in s, v)) diff_expe[k] = r for k in list(diff_expe): if len(diff_expe[k]) == 0: diff_expe.pop(k) if diff_expe: print('exp differs:') print(tabulate(diff_expe.items())) exit() @classmethod def update_index(cls, *index_name): from pymake.index.indexmanager import IndexManager as IX pwd = cls.getenv('PWD') os.chdir(pwd) # not sure we still need this ## Update index if len(index_name) == 0: IX.build_indexes() else: for name in index_name: IX.build_indexes(name) ## Update bash_completion file home = os.path.expanduser('~') cwd = os.path.dirname(__file__) pjt = os.path.basename(pwd) template = None completion_fn = os.path.join(home, '.bash_completion.d', 'pymake_completion') if os.path.exists(completion_fn): with open(completion_fn) as _f: template = # Reset completion file if version differs verpos = template.find('%%PMK') _ver ='version=([0-9\.\-a-zA-Z_]*)', template[verpos:]) if not _ver: template = None else: _ver = _ver.groups()[0] if _ver != cls._version: template = None if template is None: with open(os.path.join(cwd, '..', 'template', 'pymake_completion.template')) as _f: template = # Get Specs specs = ' '.join(list(cls._spec)) # Get Scripts _scripts = Script.get_all(_type='hierarchical') scripts = defaultdict(list) all_scripts = set() sur_scripts = set() for _o in _scripts: script = _o['scriptsurname'] action = _o['method'] scripts[script].append(action) all_scripts.update([script, action]) sur_scripts.add(script) # Create a Bash array of strings. dict_scripts = [] for sur in sur_scripts: dict_scripts.append('"'+ ' '.join(scripts[sur]) +'"') # get Models models = None # get Corpus corpus = None all_scripts = ' '.join(all_scripts) sur_scripts = ' '.join(sur_scripts) dict_scripts = '(' + ' '.join(dict_scripts) + ')' hook = ''' elif [[ "$project" == "$$projectname" ]]; then specs="$$specs" all_scripts="$$all_scripts" sur_scripts="$$sur_scripts" dict_scripts=$$dict_scripts ''' _match = '[[ "$project" == "%s" ]]' % (pjt) back_pos = template.find(_match) if back_pos >= 0: # Remove old lines template = template.split('\n') pt = None for pos, line in enumerate(template): if _match in line: pt = pos break _hook = hook.strip().split('\n') n_lines = len(_hook) template = template[:pt] +_hook+ template[pt+n_lines:] template = '\n'.join(template) else: insert_pos = template.find('%%PMK') insert_pos = insert_pos - template[:insert_pos][::-1].find('\n') template = template[:insert_pos] +\ hook +\ template[insert_pos:] os.makedirs(os.path.join(home, '.bash_completion.d'), exist_ok=True) with open(completion_fn, 'w') as _f: template = PmkTemplate(template) template = template.substitute(projectname=pjt, version=cls._version, specs=specs, all_scripts=all_scripts, sur_scripts=sur_scripts, dict_scripts=dict_scripts) _f.write(template) #os.execl("/bin/bash", "/bin/bash", "-c", "source ~/.bash_completion.d/pymake_completion") def pymake(self, sandbox=ExpeFormat): ''' Walk Through experiments. ''' if 'do_list' in self._conf: print('Available methods for %s: ' % (sandbox)) print(*self.functable(sandbox) , sep='\n') exit() # Default spec, expVector ? #if hasattr(sandbox, '_expe_default'): # print(sandbox._expe_default) sandbox._preprocess_(self) self.io_format_check() if self._conf.get('simulate'): self.simulate() n_errors = 0 for id_expe, _expe in enumerate(self.lod): expe = ExpSpace(**_expe) pt = dict((key, value.index(expe[key])) for key, value in self._tensors.get_gt().items() if (isinstance(expe.get(key), (basestring, int, float)) and key not in self._reserved_keywords)) pt['expe'] = id_expe # Init Expe expdesign = self._tensors._ds[id_expe] self.expe_init(expe) try: expbox = sandbox(pt, expe, expdesign, self) except FileNotFoundError as e: self.log.error('ignoring %s'%e) continue except Exception as e: print(('Error during '+colored('%s', 'red')+' Initialization.') % (str(sandbox))) traceback.print_exc() exit(2) # Expe Preprocess expbox._expe_preprocess() # Setup handler if '_do' in expe and len(expe._do) > 0: # ExpFormat task ? decorator and autoamtic argument passing .... do = expe._do pmk = getattr(expbox, do[0]) else: do = ['__call__'] pmk = expbox # Launch handler args = do[1:] try: res = pmk(*args) if res is not None: print(res) except KeyboardInterrupt: # it's hard to detach matplotlib... traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) break except Exception as e: n_errors += 1 self.log.critical(('Error during '+colored('%s', 'red')+' Expe no %d.') % (do, id_expe)) traceback.print_exc() with open(self._pmk_error_file, 'a') as _f: lines = [] lines.append('%s' % ( lines.append('Error during %s Expe no %d' % (do, id_expe)) lines.append('Output path: %s' % (expe.get('_output_path'))) _f.write('\n'.join(lines) + '\n') traceback.print_exc(file=_f) _f.write('\n') continue # Expe Postprocess expbox._expe_postprocess() if n_errors > 0: self.log.warning("There was %d errors, logged in `%s'" % (n_errors, self._pmk_error_file)) with open(self._pmk_error_file, 'a') as _f: _f.write(100*'='+'\n') sandbox._postprocess_(self) self.pushcmd2hist() exit_status = 0 if n_errors == 0 else 1 return exit(exit_status)
Class variables
var log
Static methods
def expVectorLookup(request)
set exp from spec if presents
Source code
@classmethod def expVectorLookup(cls, request): ''' set exp from spec if presents ''' expdesign = None for k, v in request.items(): if not isinstance(v, ExpVector): continue sub_request = ExpVector() for vv in v: if isinstance(vv, list): continue if vv in cls._spec: loaded_v, expdesign = Spec.load(vv, cls._spec[vv]) if isinstance(loaded_v, ExpVector): sub_request.extend(loaded_v) else: # Multiple Flags sub_request.append(vv) if sub_request: request[k] = sub_request return expdesign
def exp_tabulate(conf={}, usage='')
Source code
@classmethod def exp_tabulate(cls, conf={}, usage=''): gargs = clargs.grouped['_'].all for arg in gargs: try: conf['K'] = int(arg) except: conf['model'] = arg return cls(conf, usage=usage)
def functable(obj)
show method/doc associated to one class (in /scripts)
Source code
@staticmethod def functable(obj): ''' show method/doc associated to one class (in /scripts) ''' lines = [] for m in GramExp.tb_expeformat(obj): name = m[0] opts = [] for o in m[1]: if not o: continue if o.default is inspect._empty: # args opts.append( else: # kwargs opts.append('%s [%s]'% (, o.default)) opts = ', '.join(opts) line = ' ' + name + ': ' + opts lines.append(line) return lines
def get_cls_name(cls)
Source code
@staticmethod def get_cls_name(cls): clss = str(cls).split()[1] return clss.split('.')[-1].replace("'>", '')
def get_parser(description=None, usage=None)
Source code
@classmethod def get_parser(cls, description=None, usage=None): import pymake.core.gram as _gram parser = _gram.ExpArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=usage, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-V', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s '+ cls._version) return parser
def getenv(a=None)
Source code
@classmethod def getenv(cls, a=None): if a is None: return cls._env _env = cls._env return _env.get(a)
def is_pymake_dir()
Source code
@classmethod def is_pymake_dir(cls): pwd = cls.getenv('PWD') return os.path.isfile(os.path.join(pwd, cls._cfg_name))
def load(*args, **kwargs)
Source code
@staticmethod def load(*args, **kwargs): from import load return load(*args, **kwargs)
def make_input_path(expe, status=None)
Make a single input path from a expe/dict
Source code
@classmethod def make_input_path(cls, expe, status=None): """ Make a single input path from a expe/dict """ expe = defaultdict(lambda: None, expe) filen = None # Corpus is an historical exception and has its own subfolder. c = expe.get('corpus') if not c: c = '' cls.log.debug('No Corpus is given.') if c.lower().startswith(('clique', 'graph', 'generator')): c = c.replace('generator', 'Graph') c = c.replace('graph', 'Graph') c = 'generator/' + c if c.endswith(tuple('.'+ext for ext in cls._frontend_ext)): c = c[:-(1+len(c.split('.')[-1]))] input_dir = os.path.join(cls._data_path, cls._base_name, 'training', c) return input_dir
def make_output_path(expe, ext=None, status=None)
Make a single output path from a expe/dict @status: f finished @type: pk, json or inference.
Source code
@classmethod def make_output_path(cls, expe, ext=None, status=None, _null=None, _nonunique=None): """ Make a single output path from a expe/dict @status: f finished @type: pk, json or inference. """ expe = defaultdict(lambda: None, expe) dict_format = cls.transcript_expe(expe) if _null: dict_format.update(dict((k,None) for k in _null)) basedir = os.path.join(cls._data_path, cls._base_name, 'results') hook = expe.get('_refdir', 'default') hook = hook.format(**dict_format) rep = '' if '_repeat' in expe and (expe['_repeat'] is not None and expe['_repeat'] is not False): rep = str(expe['_repeat']) if rep == '-1': rep = '' else: rep = rep.format(**dict_format) p = os.path.join(hook, rep) if not expe['_format']: # or give a hash if write is False ? cls.log.debug('No _format given, please set _format for output_path settings.') nonunique = ['_name_expe', '_do'] if _nonunique: nonunique.extend(_nonunique) argnunique = [] for i in set(nonunique): v = expe.get(i, 'oops') if isinstance(v, list): v = v[0] argnunique.append(v) t = '-'.join(argnunique) else: t = expe['_format'].format(**dict_format) filen = os.path.join(basedir, p, t) if ext: filen = filen +'.'+ ext elif status and not ext: # Assume pickle driver for models. filen = filen +'.'+ 'pk' if status is 'f' and is_empty_file(filen): return None else: return filen
def model_walker(bdir, fmt='list')
Source code
@staticmethod def model_walker(bdir, fmt='list'): models_files = [] if fmt == 'list': ### Easy formating for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(bdir): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.pk'): models_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) return models_files else: ### More Complex formating tree = { 'json': [], 'pk': [], 'inference': [] } for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.pk'): if filename.startswith(('dico.','vocab.')): dico_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) else: corpus_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) raise NotImplementedError() return tree
def parseargsexpe(usage=None, args=None, parser=None)
Source code
@classmethod def parseargsexpe(cls, usage=None, args=None, parser=None): description = 'Launch and Specify Simulations.' if not usage: usage = GramExp._examples if parser is None: parser = cls.get_parser(description, usage) #s, remaining = parser.parse_known_args(args=args) # Push pymake grmarg. cls.push_gramarg(parser) # third-party gramarg = get_pymake_settings('gramarg') if gramarg: cls.push_gramarg(parser, gramarg) s = parser.parse_args(args=args) # Assume None value are non-filled options settings = dict((key,value) for key, value in vars(s).items() if value is not None) # Purge default/unchanged settings for k in list(settings): v = settings[k] if cls._default_expe.get(k) == v: settings.pop(k) pmk_opts = cls.pmk_extra_opts(settings) settings.update(pmk_opts) expdesign = GramExp.expVectorLookup(settings) return settings, parser, expdesign
def pmk_extra_opts(settings)
Source code
@staticmethod def pmk_extra_opts(settings): opts = {} pmk = settings.get('_pmk') if not pmk: return opts for s in pmk: k, v = s.split('=') try: v = int(v) except: try: v = float(v) except: pass opts[k] = v return opts
def push_gramarg(parser, gram=None)
Source code
@classmethod def push_gramarg(cls, parser, gram=None): import pymake.core.gram as _gram if gram is None: gram = _gram._Gram else: try: gram = importlib.import_module(gram) except ModuleNotFoundError as e: pr = get_pymake_settings('gramarg').split('.')[0] #@imporve priority shoiuld ne on : local project ! cls.log.warning("Project name `%s' seems to already exists in your PYTHONPATH. Project's name should not conflict with existing ones." % pr) cls.log.warning("Please change the name of your project/repo.") exit(38) gram = next( (getattr(gram, _list) for _list in dir(gram) if isinstance(getattr(gram, _list), list)), None) grammar = [] args_ = [] for e in gram: if not isinstance(e, dict): args_.append(e) continue grammar.append((args_, e)) args_ = [] #[parser.add_argument(*r[0], **r[1]) for r in grammar] # check for duplicate for r in grammar: try: parser.add_argument(*r[0], **r[1]) except argparse.ArgumentError as e: err_mesg = " (it'll be overwritten)" if r[0][0] in ('-v', '-s', '-w', '--seed'): # @debug, level here is not set yet, so his not active by default. # parsing difficulet becaus context sensitive (option (-v) impact how the options are interpreted) cls.log.debug(str(e)+err_mesg) else: cls.log.error(str(e)+err_mesg)
def save(*args, **kwargs)
Source code
@staticmethod def save(*args, **kwargs): from import save return save(*args, **kwargs)
def setenv(env)
Source code
@classmethod def setenv(cls, env): cls._env = env db =, cls._db_name)) db.update(env) db.close() cls._data_path = get_pymake_settings('project_data') if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(env.get('PWD'), cls._cfg_name)): cls._spec = Spec.get_all() else: cls._spec = {}
def sign_nargs(fun)
Source code
@staticmethod def sign_nargs(fun): return sum([y.default is inspect._empty for x,y in inspect.signature(fun).parameters.items() if x != 'self'])
def subexecute1(cmd, **env)
Source code
@staticmethod def subexecute1(cmd, **env): _env = os.environ _env.update(env) popen = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True, env=_env) for stdout_line in iter(popen.stdout.readline, ""): yield stdout_line popen.stdout.close() return_code = popen.wait() if return_code: raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(return_code, cmd)
def subexecute2(cmd)
trying to print colors here …
Source code
@staticmethod def subexecute2(cmd): ''' trying to print colors here ...''' popen = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) while True: output = popen.stdout.readline() if output == '' and popen.poll() is not None: break if output: print(popen.strip()) return process.poll()
def tb_expeformat(sandbox)
Source code
@staticmethod def tb_expeformat(sandbox): signatures = [] for m in dir(sandbox): if not callable(getattr(sandbox, m)) or m.startswith('__') or hasattr(ExpeFormat, m): continue sgn = inspect.signature(getattr(sandbox, m)) d = [v for k,v in sgn.parameters.items() if k != 'self'] or [] signatures.append((m, d)) return signatures
def transcript_expe(expe)
Transcipt value to be used in spec's path formating
Source code
@staticmethod def transcript_expe(expe): ''' Transcipt value to be used in spec's path formating ''' fmt_expe = expe.copy() # iteration over {expe} trow a 'RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration', # maybe due to **expe pass in argument ? id_str = 'expe' + str(expe['_id_expe']) id_name = expe['_name_expe'] id_hash = expe['_expe_hash'] # Special aliase for _format fmt_expe['_id'] = id_str fmt_expe['_name'] = id_name fmt_expe['_hash'] = id_hash for k, v in fmt_expe.items(): if isinstance(v, (list, dict)): #fmt_expe[k] = id_str # don't do that, no robust get back expe. _hash = int((hash_objects(v)), 16) % 10**8 fmt_expe[k] = k + str(_hash) +'h' elif isinstance(v, float): if 'e' in str(v): fmt_expe[k] = str(v) elif len(str(v).split('.')[1]) > 2: fmt_expe[k] = '%.2f' % v elif str(v).split('.')[1] == '0': fmt_expe[k] = '%d' % v else: fmt_expe[k] = v # Special rule to rewirte the output_path if '_model' in expe and 'model' in expe: fmt_expe['model'] = expe['_model'] return fmt_expe
def update_index(*index_name)
Source code
@classmethod def update_index(cls, *index_name): from pymake.index.indexmanager import IndexManager as IX pwd = cls.getenv('PWD') os.chdir(pwd) # not sure we still need this ## Update index if len(index_name) == 0: IX.build_indexes() else: for name in index_name: IX.build_indexes(name) ## Update bash_completion file home = os.path.expanduser('~') cwd = os.path.dirname(__file__) pjt = os.path.basename(pwd) template = None completion_fn = os.path.join(home, '.bash_completion.d', 'pymake_completion') if os.path.exists(completion_fn): with open(completion_fn) as _f: template = # Reset completion file if version differs verpos = template.find('%%PMK') _ver ='version=([0-9\.\-a-zA-Z_]*)', template[verpos:]) if not _ver: template = None else: _ver = _ver.groups()[0] if _ver != cls._version: template = None if template is None: with open(os.path.join(cwd, '..', 'template', 'pymake_completion.template')) as _f: template = # Get Specs specs = ' '.join(list(cls._spec)) # Get Scripts _scripts = Script.get_all(_type='hierarchical') scripts = defaultdict(list) all_scripts = set() sur_scripts = set() for _o in _scripts: script = _o['scriptsurname'] action = _o['method'] scripts[script].append(action) all_scripts.update([script, action]) sur_scripts.add(script) # Create a Bash array of strings. dict_scripts = [] for sur in sur_scripts: dict_scripts.append('"'+ ' '.join(scripts[sur]) +'"') # get Models models = None # get Corpus corpus = None all_scripts = ' '.join(all_scripts) sur_scripts = ' '.join(sur_scripts) dict_scripts = '(' + ' '.join(dict_scripts) + ')' hook = ''' elif [[ "$project" == "$$projectname" ]]; then specs="$$specs" all_scripts="$$all_scripts" sur_scripts="$$sur_scripts" dict_scripts=$$dict_scripts ''' _match = '[[ "$project" == "%s" ]]' % (pjt) back_pos = template.find(_match) if back_pos >= 0: # Remove old lines template = template.split('\n') pt = None for pos, line in enumerate(template): if _match in line: pt = pos break _hook = hook.strip().split('\n') n_lines = len(_hook) template = template[:pt] +_hook+ template[pt+n_lines:] template = '\n'.join(template) else: insert_pos = template.find('%%PMK') insert_pos = insert_pos - template[:insert_pos][::-1].find('\n') template = template[:insert_pos] +\ hook +\ template[insert_pos:] os.makedirs(os.path.join(home, '.bash_completion.d'), exist_ok=True) with open(completion_fn, 'w') as _f: template = PmkTemplate(template) template = template.substitute(projectname=pjt, version=cls._version, specs=specs, all_scripts=all_scripts, sur_scripts=sur_scripts, dict_scripts=dict_scripts) _f.write(template)
def zymake(request={}, usage='', firsttime=True, expdesign=None)
Source code
@classmethod def zymake(cls, request={}, usage='', firsttime=True, expdesign=None): usage ='''\ ---------------- Communicate with the data : ---------------- | pmk update : update the pymake index | pmk -l [spec(default)|model|script|topo] : list available component | pmk show SPEC : show one spec details (default if no arguments) | pmk run SPEC [--script [fun][*args]] ... : execute tasks (default if -x is given) | pmk runpara SPEC [--script [fun][*args]] ... : parallelize tasks (implicit if --cores is given) | pmk hist [-n n_lines] : show command history | pmk cmd SPEC ... : Try to generate the command-line for each expe. | pmk path SPEC Filetype(pk|json|inf) [status] ... : show output_path of each expe. ''' + '\n' + usage s, parser, expdesign_lkp = GramExp.parseargsexpe(usage) request.update(s) ontology = dict( _do = ['cmd', 'show', 'path', 'run', 'update', 'init', 'runpara', 'hist', 'diff'], _spec = list(cls._spec), _ext = ['json', 'pk', 'inf'] ) ont_values = sum([w for k, w in ontology.items() if k != '_spec'] , []) # Init _do value. if not request.get('_do'): request['_do'] = [] # Special Case for CLI. if 'script' in request: # check if no command is specified, and # if 'script" is there, set 'run' command as default. do = request.get('_do', []) no_do = len(do) == 0 no_do_command = len(request['_do']) > 0 and not request['_do'][0] in ontology['_do'] if no_do or no_do_command: if '_cores' in request or '_net' in request: runcmd = 'runpara' else: runcmd = 'run' request['_do'] = [runcmd] + do do = request.get('_do', []) checksum = len(do) # No more Complex ! run_indexs = [] expgroup = [] for i, v in enumerate(do.copy()): if str.isdigit(v): run_indexs.append(int(v)) do.remove(v) checksum -= 1 else: for ont, words in ontology.items(): # Walktrough the ontology to find arg semantics if v in words: if ont == '_spec': if v in ont_values: cls.log.critical('=> Warning: conflict between name of ExpDesign and Pymake commands') do.remove(v) try: d, expdesign = Spec.load(v, cls._spec[v]) except IndexChangedError as e: cls.log.warning('Spec (%s) not found, re-building Spec indexes...' % (v) ) cls.update_index('spec') cls._spec = Spec.get_all() return cls.zymake(firsttime=False) expgroup.append((v,d, expdesign)) else: request[ont] = v checksum -= 1 break # Check erros in the command line if checksum != 0: if (request.get('_do') or request.get('do_list')) and not GramExp.is_pymake_dir(): print('fatal: Not a pymake directory: %s not found.' % (cls._cfg_name)) try: os.remove('.pmk-db.db') except FileNotFoundError: pass exit(10) if firsttime == True: cls.log.warning('Spec not found, re-building Spec indexes...') cls.update_index('spec') cls._spec = Spec.get_all() return cls.zymake(firsttime=False) else: cls.log.error('==> Error : unknown argument: %s\n\nAvailable Exp : %s' % (do, list(cls._spec))) exit(10) # Setup the exp inputs if run_indexs: request['_run_indexs'] = run_indexs if len(expgroup) >= 1: request['_spec'] = expgroup if len(expgroup) > 0 and len(do) == 0: request['_do'] = 'show' expdesign = expdesign or expdesign_lkp return cls(request, usage=usage, parser=parser, parseargs=False, expdesign=expdesign)
def alltable_topo(self)
Source code
def alltable_topo(self): from pymake.core.types import _table_ specs = self._spec scripts = Script.get_all() models = Model.get_all() table = [models, specs, scripts] headers = ['Models', 'Specs', 'Actions'] return _table_(table, headers)
def check_format(self)
Check if all expVector are distinguishable in _format.
@debug: not valid check accros tensors !!! @debug: integration in ExpTensorV2 ?
Source code
def check_format(self): ''' Check if all expVector are distinguishable in _format. @debug: not valid check accros tensors !!! @debug: integration in ExpTensorV2 ? ''' for tensor in self._tensors: hidden_key = [] _format = tensor.get('_format', ['']) if len(_format) > 1: raise NotImplementedError('multiple _format not implemented') else: _format = _format[0] format_settings = re.findall(r'{([^{}]*)}', _format) for setting, values in tensor.items(): if setting in self._special_keywords: continue if isinstance(values, list) and len(values) > 1 and setting not in format_settings: hidden_key.append(setting) if _format and hidden_key and self._conf.get('_ignore_format_unique') is not True and not '_id' in format_settings: self.log.error('The following settings are not set in _format:') print(' '+ ' '.join(hidden_key)) print('Possible conflicts in experience results outputs.') print('Please correct {_format} key to fit the experience settings.') print('To force the runs, use: --ignore-format-unique') print('Exiting...') exit(2) if self._conf.get('_ignore_format_unique') is True: _hash = int((hash_objects(tensor)), 16) % 10**8 _format = '{_name}-expe' + str(_hash) +'h' self._tensors.update_all(_format=_format)
def execute(self)
Execute Exp Sequentially
Source code
def execute(self): ''' Execute Exp Sequentially ''' if 'script' in self._conf: script = self._conf.pop('script') self._tensors.remove_all('script') self._tensors.remove_all('_do') else: self.log.error('==> Error : You need to specify a script. (--script)') exit(10) try: _script, script_args = Script.get(script[0], script[1:]) except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: self.log.warning('Script not found, re-building Scripts indexes...') self.update_index('script') #self._spec = Spec.get_all() try: res = Script.get(script[0], script[1:]) if not res: print('error: Unknown script: %s' % (script[0])) exit(404) else: _script, script_args = res except: raise except IndexError as e: self.log.error('Script arguments error : %s -- %s' % (e, script)) exit(2) # Raw search #script_name = script[0] #script_args = script[1:] #Scripts = mloader.ScriptsLoader.get_packages() #if not script_name in Scripts: # method_by_cls = mloader.ScriptsLoader.lookup_methods() # if script_name in sum(method_by_cls.values(), []): # # check if it is a method reference # script_args = [script_name] + script_args # script_name = next(k.lower() for (k,v) in method_by_cls.items() if script_name in v) # else: # raise ValueError('error: Unknown script: %s' % (script_name)) if script_args: self._tensors.update_all(_do=script_args) #self.pymake(sandbox=Scripts[script_name]) self.pymake(sandbox=_script)
def execute_parallel(self)
Source code
def execute_parallel(self): basecmd = sys.argv.copy() #try: # Target = subprocess.check_output(['which','pymake']).strip().decode() #except: # Target = 'python3 /home/ama/adulac/.local/bin/pymake' Target = 'pmk' basecmd = [Target] + basecmd[1:] # Create commands indexs indexs = self._conf.get('_run_indexs') if not indexs: indexs = range(len(self)) else: [basecmd.remove(str(i)) for i in indexs] # Creates a list of commands that pick each index # from base requests commands. cmdlines = [] for index in indexs: id_cmd = 'run %s' % (index) if 'runpara' in basecmd: cmd = ' '.join(basecmd).replace('runpara', id_cmd, 1) else: idx = basecmd.index(Target) cmd = ' '.join(basecmd[:idx] + [Target + ' '+ id_cmd] + basecmd[idx+1:]) cmdlines.append(cmd) n_cores = str(self._conf.get('_cores', 1)) # remove the --cores options for i, cmd in enumerate(cmdlines): cmd = cmd.split() try: idx = cmd.index('--cores') except: continue cmd.pop(idx); cmd.pop(idx) # pop --cores int cmdlines[i] = ' '.join(cmd) if self._conf.get('simulate'): self.simulate() #for r in cmdlines: # print(r) #exit() cmd = ['parallel', '-j', n_cores, '-u', '-C', "' '", '--eta', '--progress', ':::', '%s'%('\n'.join(cmdlines))] #stdout = subprocess.check_output(cmd) #print(stdout.decode()) for line in self.subexecute1(cmd): print(line, end='')
def execute_parallel_net(self, nhosts=None)
run X process by machine ! if :nhosts: (int) is given, limit the numner of remote machines.
Source code
def execute_parallel_net(self, nhosts=None): ''' run X process by machine ! if :nhosts: (int) is given, limit the numner of remote machines. ''' NDL = get_pymake_settings('loginfile') workdir = get_pymake_settings('remote_pwd') remotes = list(filter(None, [s for s in open(NDL).read().split('\n') if not s.startswith(('#', '%'))])) basecmd = sys.argv.copy() #Target = './' #basecmd = ['python3', Target] + basecmd[1:] Target = 'pmk' basecmd = [Target] + basecmd[1:] cmdlines = None # Create commands indexs indexs = self._conf.get('_run_indexs') if not indexs: indexs = range(len(self)) else: [basecmd.remove(str(i)) for i in indexs] # Get chunked indexs if nhosts is None: # cores by host n_cores = int(self._conf.get('_cores', 1)) else: # share run per host n_cores = len(indexs) // int(nhosts) # Only --net 1, implement/understood from now. if int(nhosts) == 1: indexs = [] cmdlines = [' '.join(basecmd)] else: raise NotImplementedError if cmdlines is None: indexs = list(map(str, indexs)) chunk = int(np.ceil(len(indexs) / len(remotes))) indexs = [indexs[i:i+chunk] for i in range(0, len(indexs), chunk)] # Creates a list of commands that pick each index # from base requests commands. cmdlines = [] for index in indexs: id_cmd = '%s' % (' '.join(index)) if 'runpara' in basecmd: cmd = ' '.join(basecmd).replace('runpara', id_cmd, 1) else: idx = basecmd.index(Target) cmd = ' '.join(basecmd[:idx] + [Target + ' '+ id_cmd] + basecmd[idx+1:]) cmdlines.append(cmd) # remove the --net options for i, cmd in enumerate(cmdlines): #cmdlines[i] = cmd.replace('--net', '').strip() cmdlines[i] = re.sub(r'--net\s*[0-9]*', '', cmd).strip() if nhosts is not None: tempf = '/tmp/pmk_' + uuid.uuid4().hex nhosts = int(nhosts) with open(tempf, 'w') as _f_w: with open(NDL) as _f_r: for i, l in enumerate(_f_r.readlines()): if i >= nhosts: break _f_w.write(l) NDL = tempf #for r in cmdlines: # print(r) #exit() cmd = ['parallel', '-u', '-C', "' '", '--eta', '--progress', '--sshloginfile', NDL, '--workdir', workdir, '--env', 'OMP_NUM_THREADS', '--env', 'PYTHONPATH', '--env', 'PATH', ':::', '%s'%('\n'.join(cmdlines))] env = {'PYTHONPATH': '~/.local/lib/:', 'PATH': '~/.local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:'} if self._conf.get('simulate'): self.simulate() #stdout = subprocess.check_output(cmd) #print(stdout.decode()) for line in self.subexecute1(cmd, **env): print(line, end='')
def exp_setup(self, conf, expdesign=None)
work in self._tensors
Source code
def exp_setup(self, conf, expdesign=None): ''' work in self._tensors ''' # Make main data structure self._tensors = ExpTensorV2.from_conf(conf, private_keywords=self._private_keywords, expdesign=expdesign) # Global settings (unique argument) self._conf = self._tensors.get_conf() # Set expTensor init. self._user_spec = conf.get('_spec', {}) # makes it contextual. self._preprocess_exp() # Make lod skip_check = self._conf['_do'] in ['diff'] self.lod = self._tensors.make_lod(skip_check) indexs = self._conf.get('_run_indexs') if indexs: self._tensors.remake(indexs) self._update()
def expe_init(self, expe)
Intialize an expe: * Set seed * set in/out filesystem path
Source code
def expe_init(self, expe, _seed_path='/tmp/pmk.seed'): ''' Intialize an expe: * Set seed * set in/out filesystem path ''' _seed = expe.get('_seed') if _seed is None: seed0 = random.randint(0, 2**128) seed1 = np.random.randint(0, 2**32, 10) seed = [seed0, seed1] elif type(_seed) is str and str.isdigit(_seed): _seed = int(_seed) seed = [_seed, _seed] elif type(_seed) is str: if _seed in expe: _seed = expe[_seed] seed = [] for c in list(_seed): seed.append(str(ord(c))) if '_repeat' in expe: if type(expe['_repeat']) is int: seed.append(str(expe['_repeat'])) else: for c in list(expe['_repeat']): seed.append(str(ord(c))) seed = ''.join( [chr(int(i)) for i in list(''.join(seed))] ) seed = int((hash_objects(seed)), 32) % 2**32 seed = [seed, seed] # Makes it on 32 bit... elif _seed is True: # Load state seed = None try: self._seed = self.load(_seed_path) random.seed(self._seed[0]) np.random.seed(self._seed[1]) #np.random.set_state(seed_state) except FileNotFoundError as e: self.log.error("Cannot initialize seed, %s file does not exist." % _seed_path) sid = [np.random.randint(0, 2**63), np.random.randint(0, 2**32)], sid, silent=True), np.random.get_state() silent=True) raise FileNotFoundError('%s file just created, try again !') if seed: # if no seed is given, it's impossible to get a seed from numpy # random.seed(seed[0]) np.random.seed(seed[1]) # Save state, seed, silent=True), [seed, np.random.get_state()], silent=True) self._seed = seed # Init I/O settings expe['_output_path'] = self.make_output_path(expe, _null=self._tensors._null, _nonunique=self.get_nounique_keys()) expe['_input_path'] = self.make_input_path(expe) return self._seed
def exptable(self)
Source code
def exptable(self): return self._tensors.table()
def get_array_loc(self, key1, key2, params, repeat=False)
Construct an 2d sink array. Return the zeros valued array of dimensions given by x and y {keys} dimension
Source code
def get_array_loc(self, key1, key2, params, repeat=False): ''' Construct an 2d sink array. Return the zeros valued array of dimensions given by x and y {keys} dimension ''' loc = [] d1 = dict() for i, k in enumerate(self.get_set(key1)): d1[k] = i loc.append(d1) d2 = dict() for i, k in enumerate(self.get_set(key2)): d2[k] = i loc.append(d2) d3 = dict() for i, k in enumerate(params): d3[k] = i loc.append(d3) tr = lambda d,k:d[str(k)] if isinstance(k, (list, set, dict)) else d[k] floc = lambda k1, k2, z:(tr(d1,k1), tr(d2,k2), d3[z]) shape = list(map(len, loc)) if repeat: shape = [len(self.get_set('_repeat'))] + shape array =*np.nan, mask=True) return array, floc
def get_array_loc_n(self, keys, params)
Construct an nd sink array. Return the zeros valued array of dimensions given by x and y {keys} dimension
Source code
def get_array_loc_n(self, keys, params): ''' Construct an nd sink array. Return the zeros valued array of dimensions given by x and y {keys} dimension ''' loc = OrderedDict() for key in keys: d1 = dict() for i, v in enumerate(self.get_set(key)): d1[v] = i loc[key] = d1 d2 = dict() for i, v in enumerate(params): d2[v] = i loc['_param_'] = d2 def floc(expe, z): _special = ['_param_'] pos = [] for k in loc: if k in expe: v = expe[k] elif k in _special: continue else: self.log.warning('indice unknown in floc.') v = None pos.append(loc[k][v]) pos.append(loc['_param_'][z]) return tuple(pos) shape = [len(loc[d]) for d in loc] array =*np.nan, mask=True) return array, floc
def get_list(self, key, default=[])
Return the list of values of expVector of that {key}.
Source code
def get_list(self, key, default=[]): ''' Return the list of values of expVector of that {key}. ''' return self._tensors.get_all(key, default)
def get_nounique_keys(self, *args)
return list of keys that are non unique in expe_tensor except if present in :args:.
Source code
def get_nounique_keys(self, *args): ''' return list of keys that are non unique in expe_tensor except if present in :args:. ''' nk = self._tensors.get_nounique_keys() for o in args: if o in nk: nk.remove(o) return nk
def get_set(self, key, default=[])
Return the (ordered) set of values of expVector of that {key}.
Source code
def get_set(self, key, default=[]): ''' Return the (ordered) set of values of expVector of that {key}. ''' # Manage special Values if key == '_spec': raise NotImplementedError ss = sorted(self.get_nounique_keys()) list_of_identifier = [] for tensor in self._tensors: local_identifier = [] for k in ss: local_identifier.append(k) list_of_identifier.append('-'.join(sorted(filter(None,local_identifier)))) _set = list_of_identifier else: _set = set() for v in self._tensors.get_all(key, default): if isinstance(v, (list, set, dict)): self.log.debug('Unshashable value in tensor for key: %s' % key) _set.add(str(v)) else: _set.add(v) return sorted(_set, key=lambda x: (x is None, x))
def help_short(self)
Source code
def help_short(self): shelp = self.argparser.format_usage() + self.argparser.epilog return shelp
def init_folders(self)
Source code
def init_folders(self): join = os.path.join if self.is_pymake_dir(): print('fatal: %s file already exists.' % (self._cfg_name)) exit(11) pwd = self.getenv('PWD') cwd = os.path.dirname(__file__) folders = ['_current', 'spec', 'script', 'model'] #open(join(pwd, ''), 'a').close() spec = {'projectname':os.path.basename(pwd)} print('Creating project: {projectname}'.format(**spec)) settings = {} for d in folders: if d in ['model', 'spec', 'script']: os.makedirs(d, exist_ok=True) with open(join(cwd,'..', 'template', '%s.template'%(d))) as _f: template = PmkTemplate( open(join(pwd, d, ''), 'a').close() with open(join(pwd, d, ''%(d)), 'a') as _f: _f.write(template.substitute(spec)) settings.update({'default_%s'%(d):'.'.join((spec['projectname'], d))}) elif d == '_current': # Gramarg with open(join(cwd,'..', 'template', 'gramarg.template')) as _f: template = PmkTemplate( with open(join(pwd, ''), 'a') as _f: _f.write(template.substitute(spec)) settings.update({'default_gramarg':'.'.join((spec['projectname'], 'gramarg'))}) else: raise ValueError('Doh, Directory unknwow: %s' % d) # Set and write pymake.cfg reset_pymake_settings(settings) return self.update_index()
def io_format_check(self)
Source code
def io_format_check(self): if len(self) > 1 and '_write' in self._conf: self.check_format() # Clean pymake extra args: extra_args = ['_ignore_format_unique', ('_net', False)] keys_to_remove = [] for _key in extra_args: if type(_key) is tuple: if self._conf.get(_key[0]) is _key[1]: keys_to_remove.append(_key[0]) elif _key in self._conf: keys_to_remove.append(_key) # | for key in keys_to_remove: self._tensors.remove_all(key)
def make_commandline(self)
Source code
def make_commandline(self): commands = self.make_commands() commands = [' '.join(c) for c in commands] return commands
def make_commands(self)
Source code
def make_commands(self): lod = self.lod commands = [] for e in lod: argback = self.argparser._actions command = [] args_seen = [] for a in argback: if not hasattr(a, 'option_strings') or len(a.option_strings) == 0: # Assume every options of expe has a flags continue if a.dest in e and a.dest not in args_seen: #if isinstance(a, (gram.unaggregate_append,)): # # Assume except_append are removed from expe, # # special traitment # continue if a.nargs == 0: # standalone flags store = e[a.dest] if 'StoreTrue' in str(type(a)): storetrue = True elif 'StoreFalse' in str(type(a)): storetrue = False else: raise ValueError('Check the Type of argparse for : %s'%e) if storetrue and store: command += [a.option_strings[0]] else: _arg = e[a.dest] if isinstance(_arg, (list, set, tuple)): _arg = ' '.join(str(_arg)) command += [a.option_strings[0]] + [str(_arg)] args_seen.append(a.dest) commands.append(command) return commands
def make_forest_path(self, lod, ext, status='f', full_path=False)
Make a list of path from a spec/dict, the filename are oredered need to be align with the get_from_conf_file.
*args -> make_output_path
Source code
def make_forest_path(self, lod, ext, status='f', full_path=False): """ Make a list of path from a spec/dict, the filename are oredered need to be align with the get_from_conf_file. *args -> make_output_path """ targets = [] for spec in lod: filen = self.make_output_path(spec, ext, status=status, _null=self._tensors._null) if filen: s = filen.find(self._data_path) pt = 0 if not full_path and s >= 0: pt = s + len(self._data_path) targets.append(filen[pt:]) return targets
def make_path(self, ext=None, status=None, fullpath=None)
Source code
def make_path(self, ext=None, status=None, fullpath=None): return self.make_forest_path(self.lod, ext, status, fullpath)
def modeltable(self)
Source code
def modeltable(self, _type='short'): return Model.table(_type)
def notebook(self)
Source code
def notebook(self): from nbformat import v4 as nbf nb = nbf.new_notebook() text = '' # get the expe # get the script # get the figure code = '' nb['cells'] = [nbf.new_markdown_cell(text), nbf.new_code_cell(code) ] return
def pushcmd2hist(self)
Source code
def pushcmd2hist(self): from pymake.util.utils import tail bdir = os.path.join(self._data_path, self._base_name) fn = os.path.join(bdir, '.pymake-hist') if not os.path.isfile(fn): open(fn, 'a').close() return cmd = sys.argv.copy() cmd[0] = os.path.basename(cmd[0]) cmd = ' '.join(cmd) _tail = tail(fn, 10) with open(fn, 'a') as _f: if not cmd in _tail: return _f.write(cmd+'\n')
def pymake(self, sandbox=
) -
Walk Through experiments.
Source code
def pymake(self, sandbox=ExpeFormat): ''' Walk Through experiments. ''' if 'do_list' in self._conf: print('Available methods for %s: ' % (sandbox)) print(*self.functable(sandbox) , sep='\n') exit() # Default spec, expVector ? #if hasattr(sandbox, '_expe_default'): # print(sandbox._expe_default) sandbox._preprocess_(self) self.io_format_check() if self._conf.get('simulate'): self.simulate() n_errors = 0 for id_expe, _expe in enumerate(self.lod): expe = ExpSpace(**_expe) pt = dict((key, value.index(expe[key])) for key, value in self._tensors.get_gt().items() if (isinstance(expe.get(key), (basestring, int, float)) and key not in self._reserved_keywords)) pt['expe'] = id_expe # Init Expe expdesign = self._tensors._ds[id_expe] self.expe_init(expe) try: expbox = sandbox(pt, expe, expdesign, self) except FileNotFoundError as e: self.log.error('ignoring %s'%e) continue except Exception as e: print(('Error during '+colored('%s', 'red')+' Initialization.') % (str(sandbox))) traceback.print_exc() exit(2) # Expe Preprocess expbox._expe_preprocess() # Setup handler if '_do' in expe and len(expe._do) > 0: # ExpFormat task ? decorator and autoamtic argument passing .... do = expe._do pmk = getattr(expbox, do[0]) else: do = ['__call__'] pmk = expbox # Launch handler args = do[1:] try: res = pmk(*args) if res is not None: print(res) except KeyboardInterrupt: # it's hard to detach matplotlib... traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) break except Exception as e: n_errors += 1 self.log.critical(('Error during '+colored('%s', 'red')+' Expe no %d.') % (do, id_expe)) traceback.print_exc() with open(self._pmk_error_file, 'a') as _f: lines = [] lines.append('%s' % ( lines.append('Error during %s Expe no %d' % (do, id_expe)) lines.append('Output path: %s' % (expe.get('_output_path'))) _f.write('\n'.join(lines) + '\n') traceback.print_exc(file=_f) _f.write('\n') continue # Expe Postprocess expbox._expe_postprocess() if n_errors > 0: self.log.warning("There was %d errors, logged in `%s'" % (n_errors, self._pmk_error_file)) with open(self._pmk_error_file, 'a') as _f: _f.write(100*'='+'\n') sandbox._postprocess_(self) self.pushcmd2hist() exit_status = 0 if n_errors == 0 else 1 return exit(exit_status)
def reorder_firstnonvalid(self, ext='pk')
Source code
def reorder_firstnonvalid(self, ext='pk'): for i, e in enumerate(self.lod): if not self.make_output_path(e, ext, status='f', _null=self._tensors._null, _nonunique=self.get_nounique_keys()): self.lod[0], self.lod[i] = self.lod[i], self.lod[0] break return
def scripttable(self)
Source code
def scripttable(self): return Script.table()
def show_diff(self)
Source code
def show_diff(self): from tabulate import tabulate import itertools diff_expe = dict() for tensor in self._tensors: for k in self._tensors.get_keys(): if k not in diff_expe: diff_expe[k] = tensor.get(k, ['--']) continue v = tensor.get(k, ['--']) s = diff_expe[k] r = list(itertools.filterfalse(lambda x: x in v, s)) + list(itertools.filterfalse(lambda x: x in s, v)) #try: # r = (set(s) - set(v)).union(set(v) - set(s)) #except TypeError as e: # r = list(itertools.filterfalse(lambda x: x in v, s)) + list(itertools.filterfalse(lambda x: x in s, v)) diff_expe[k] = r for k in list(diff_expe): if len(diff_expe[k]) == 0: diff_expe.pop(k) if diff_expe: print('exp differs:') print(tabulate(diff_expe.items())) exit()
def show_history(self)
Source code
def show_history(self): from pymake.util.utils import tail n = self._conf.get('N', 42) if n == 'all': n_lines = -1 else: n_lines = int(n) bdir = self._data_path fn = os.path.join(bdir, self._base_name, '.pymake-hist') if not os.path.isfile(fn): self.log.error('hist file does not exist.') return _tail = tail(fn, n_lines) print('\n'.join(_tail))
def simulate(self, halt=True, file=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='
' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>) -
Source code
def simulate(self, halt=True, file=sys.stdout): print('PYMAKE Exp: %d' % (len(self) ), file=file) print('-'*30, file=file) print(self.exptable(), file=file) if halt: exit() else: return
def simulate_short(self)
Simulation Output
Source code
def simulate_short(self): ''' Simulation Output ''' print(''' Nb of experiments : %s Corpuses : %s Models : %s ''' % (len(self), self.getCorpuses(), self.getModels()), file=sys.stdout) exit()
def spectable(self)
Source code
def spectable(self): return Spec.table()
def spectable_topo(self)
Source code
def spectable_topo(self): return Spec.table_topos(self._spec)
def update_default_expe(self, expformat)
Source code
def update_default_expe(self, expformat): if not hasattr(expformat, '_default_expe'): return else: default_expe = expformat._default_expe # check for for silent if '_silent' in default_expe: setup_logger(level=-1) # Use default _spec if no spec given _names = self.get_list('_name_expe') if '_spec' in default_expe and '_default_expe' in _names and len(_names) == 1: specs = default_expe['_spec'] specs = [specs] if not isinstance(specs, list) else specs group = [] # Sensitive conf = self._base_conf #conf['_do'] = [self._do] for spec in specs: if isinstance(spec, str): d, expdesign = Spec.load(spec, self._spec[spec]) group.append((spec, d, expdesign)) else: # Assume dict/expspace group.append(('anonymous_expe', spec, ExpDesign,)) conf['_spec'] = group # update the lookup script if 'script' in conf: script = conf.pop('script') _script, script_args = Script.get(script[0], script[1:]) if script_args: conf['_do'] = script_args #self._tensors.update_all(_do=script_args) else: conf['_do'] = '' #self._tensors.update_all(_do=['']) self.exp_setup(conf) self._tensors.set_default_all(default_expe)
class MyLogFormatter (fmt='%(msg)s')
Formatter instances are used to convert a LogRecord to text.
Formatters need to know how a LogRecord is constructed. They are responsible for converting a LogRecord to (usually) a string which can be interpreted by either a human or an external system. The base Formatter allows a formatting string to be specified. If none is supplied, the the style-dependent default value, "%(message)s", "{message}", or "${message}", is used.
The Formatter can be initialized with a format string which makes use of knowledge of the LogRecord attributes - e.g. the default value mentioned above makes use of the fact that the user's message and arguments are pre- formatted into a LogRecord's message attribute. Currently, the useful attributes in a LogRecord are described by:
%(name)s Name of the logger (logging channel) %(levelno)s Numeric logging level for the message (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL) %(levelname)s Text logging level for the message ("DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL") %(pathname)s Full pathname of the source file where the logging call was issued (if available) %(filename)s Filename portion of pathname %(module)s Module (name portion of filename) %(lineno)d Source line number where the logging call was issued (if available) %(funcName)s Function name %(created)f Time when the LogRecord was created (time.time() return value) %(asctime)s Textual time when the LogRecord was created %(msecs)d Millisecond portion of the creation time %(relativeCreated)d Time in milliseconds when the LogRecord was created, relative to the time the logging module was loaded (typically at application startup time) %(thread)d Thread ID (if available) %(threadName)s Thread name (if available) %(process)d Process ID (if available) %(message)s The result of record.getMessage(), computed just as the record is emitted
Initialize the formatter with specified format strings.
Initialize the formatter either with the specified format string, or a default as described above. Allow for specialized date formatting with the optional datefmt argument. If datefmt is omitted, you get an ISO8601-like (or RFC 3339-like) format.
Use a style parameter of '%', '{' or '$' to specify that you want to use one of %-formatting, :meth:
) formatting or :class:string.Template
formatting in your format string.Changed in version: 3.2
Added the
parameter.Source code
class MyLogFormatter(logging.Formatter): critical_fmt = "====>>> CRITICAL: %(msg)s" err_fmt = "===>> ERROR: %(msg)s" warn_fmt = "==> Warning: %(msg)s" #info_fmt = '%(module): %(msg)s' #info_fmt = '%(levelno)d: %(msg)s' default_fmt = '%(msg)s' # Custom Log VDEBUG_LEVEL_NUM = 9 logging.addLevelName(VDEBUG_LEVEL_NUM, "VDEBUG") logging.VDEBUG = 9 def __init__(self, fmt=default_fmt): super().__init__(fmt=fmt, datefmt=None, style='%') def format(self, record): # Save the original format configured by the user # when the logger formatter was instantiated format_orig = self._style._fmt # Replace the original format with one customized by logging level if record.levelno == logging.WARNING: self._style._fmt = MyLogFormatter.warn_fmt elif record.levelno == logging.ERROR: self._style._fmt = MyLogFormatter.err_fmt elif record.levelno == logging.CRITICAL: self._style._fmt = MyLogFormatter.critical_fmt else: self._style._fmt = MyLogFormatter.default_fmt # Call the original formatter class to do the grunt work result = logging.Formatter.format(self, record) # Restore the original format configured by the user self._style._fmt = format_orig return result
- logging.Formatter
Class variables
var critical_fmt
var default_fmt
var err_fmt
var warn_fmt
def format(self, record)
Format the specified record as text.
The record's attribute dictionary is used as the operand to a string formatting operation which yields the returned string. Before formatting the dictionary, a couple of preparatory steps are carried out. The message attribute of the record is computed using LogRecord.getMessage(). If the formatting string uses the time (as determined by a call to usesTime(), formatTime() is called to format the event time. If there is exception information, it is formatted using formatException() and appended to the message.
Source code
def format(self, record): # Save the original format configured by the user # when the logger formatter was instantiated format_orig = self._style._fmt # Replace the original format with one customized by logging level if record.levelno == logging.WARNING: self._style._fmt = MyLogFormatter.warn_fmt elif record.levelno == logging.ERROR: self._style._fmt = MyLogFormatter.err_fmt elif record.levelno == logging.CRITICAL: self._style._fmt = MyLogFormatter.critical_fmt else: self._style._fmt = MyLogFormatter.default_fmt # Call the original formatter class to do the grunt work result = logging.Formatter.format(self, record) # Restore the original format configured by the user self._style._fmt = format_orig return result